Lawl we haven't played that in so long.Especially with uhh what was his name, started with an S.You were owning him so bad and he was getting pissed and I was just hysterically laughing/crying. Good times.
You are correcttttt!!!Dimg Ding Ding! Alright the million dollar question is:How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? Remember you still have a life-line.
It's actually around the exact date I expected it to be out. I was off by twelve days... Anyway, that's actually the perfect time to release it. Gears and CoD 5 come out and people will have heard the NXE and wish they had it to play on their sweet games and Bam! NXE is out, people start bitching about the avatars and everyone is happy!
What the **** is so wrong with the old dashboard that constituted them making a completely new one. Seriously.
A woodchuck is actually a ground hog, and not a beaver like many believe. So the answer is quite simple: None. Ground hogs burrow and certainly do not chuck wood. Where can I pick up my million dollars?
Yeh, I thought it would b a bit earlier but I don't mind the wait. Gears 2 will definately keep me busy for the extra 12 days. I seriously can't wait for this. Copying Halo 3 to the HDD so I don't have to listen to that stupid disk drive the whole interface just looks a lot cleaner.
**** you for reminding me to get a brand new hardrive and memory card before the update. But seriously, is anybody other then me upgrading toa bigger hardrive for the update? With all the great new games coming out that I will undoubtfully play so much as for the need to DL games to my HDD, how could you not?