In an interview during the Tokyo Game Show following the release of the Halo 3 Recon announcement trailer, seen here, Brian Jerrard stated that the Mythic Map Pack will be release next spring, that's spring 2009, a full year after the last map pack. The interview can be read here TGS 2008: Bungie drops Halo 3: Recon details - Xbox 360 News at GameSpot So to those people who were saying that it will be coming out in time with Gears of War 2, sorry, you are incorrect. However, the map pack will have 6 maps, seen in the TU2 achievements, so it's worth the wait.
thats gay they should release it not. why say something about it just to make us wait until spring. if it is finished then release it! god that pisses me off
I think it's fine, sure a bit far away, but it's worth the wait IMO. I'm also sure they aren't 100% finished... in as I'm sure they are working out as many little kinks as possible. Oh, and Minime637, it's seven maps not six.
So i have to wait 6-9 months until i can spend my pre-saved microsoft points? man that sucks, at the moment probably even people like me can run bungie better with important issues atm.
lolwut? I'm pretty sure that Bungie can't release unfinished maps. Especially considering they had to split their multiplayer teams between H3:Recon and the new map pack.
The Mythic Map Pack is to be included with Halo 3: Recon, but that does not mean it will be first released with Halo 3: Recon.
On another site, they said they were told that the Mythic map pack would be released in Spring, so I'm glad to see that they've confirmed its release in winter instead.
Absolutely true. The mytic map pack is said to be released on Xbox LIve Marketplace in early 2009 (it may be in winter accorfing to the bungie website) Halo 3:Recon will be released in fall 2009 but will have the mythic map pack included in the package.
I just read the update on and they said the mythic pack might come out in early 2009 or winter. Like December I think.
bungie said early 2009 winter, so what i'm thinking is January. remeber the secret date in the teaser? 1/9/09? maybe that's the date. and its six maps, not seven
I will wait for the game to come out but Bungie doesn't understand that H3 fans won't be there forever. If they don't give us what we want we'll just play Farcry 2. This is the last time I'm waiting. Bungie needs to wake up and relize that if they don't do anything soon then Farcry 2 is going to put them out of buisness. They better have Halo type aestletics and a Farcry 2 type map editor in there next game. Either that or they better have an AMAZING new map editor coming with H3 recon.
Yes. Don't count on it being in February. I'd say mid-January. My prediction is January 20th. Quote me on that if you want.
@GD27BlueDevil Yes, they do. If you haven't noticed, the second patch for Halo 3 just came out. Not to mention a map pack in Spring and an expansion pack in Fall. Please tell me you really don't think that the whole Halo community wants what you want! The only people I've seen saying that they'll stop playing Halo once Far Cry comes out is here in Forgehub. Please cry us a river. lol. You actually think that? If you hadn't noticed, Bungie is Microsofts poster boy. Microsoft will do almost anything to make sure that Bungie never goes out of business. You really think that? All I've heard about Far Cry is that it has a map editor and has a fire gameplay mechanic which is rather cool but not a selling point to buy that game. Halo is Halo! Taking on Halo and winning is like winning the lottery! Halo is one of THE most known games in todays time only beaten by nintendo games!