Map Link : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details This is a template map that I'm releasing for anyone to be used. If you have any complaints or suggestions, please tell me. *USAGE RULES: Can be owned or edited by anyone for nonprofit usage. No credit is necessary. *This Map was used to make: Ground Level Map Link : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
Wow, as soon as i saw this i just got a great idea for a map. its a good shape for a template too. Thanks =)
you know what i like it i do and i dont mean Just to forge on like the others i like it because all along just how it is it looks a bit like the rest of foundry. with the roof if. (ps: i would also like to note that the map would be fun if you had a man cannon on each side flinging you at your nemy team)
nothing on this map is interlocked... im looking at the roof- the fence walls are just leaning over the roof. and the boxes dont have interlocking- also, this map uses a lot of material to cover the small strip of land that you used, there is almost nothing left to use on this template except for fence boxes and a small number of regular boxes
Wow looks pretty cool Ill see what I can work up on it and Im sure other forgers may find this useful.
The fences aren't necessary, it was a last minute touch, to give it a look. If you wan't, I could try to interlock it, but how do you think I should go about doing that? If it doesn't work for you, thats okay, but some of the others like it.
What? Impossible. I would never steal a map. This was created originally by me, on the 6th of October.
Hey i dont get wht some one would use this TBHIf you see the big dome on on foundry people use that because its big and looks nice i would never use it because i build all the map my self because if someone uses the map that u have built u will get credit for it no matter what i like to have all the credit