
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Nobody Worthy, Oct 10, 2008.

  1. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    Hmm I am a little disappointed that deathtoll's fail at driving a warthog is not in this thread. Or deathtoll's fail to get kills because jj kept stealing them. :(
    But hey, I am in a picture!!! :0

    Anyway, I have tested this map many times on both the power one and the competitive one. I must say the map itself is very well put together, the structures remind me of ancient Greece somehow. Like the defenders base, and how the roof curves. The weapons are pretty balanced and the mongeese are a nice editions. What really shines in this map is the gameplay. Playing one sided games and team slayer are a must. And during these games you feel like your defending a structure not just a compensation(ooo DeathToll with the big words) of many boxes in foundry. And you cry every time your structure gets destroyed by the enemy bomb in one bomb. Team games are definately and essential on this map, you cant just steal the flag and run back alone, this means the map is balanced.

    Over all the this map deserves a 5/5 because it is good map to play on that is not boring, and playing CTF and bomb is a blast(no pun intended.)
    Obibital likes this.
  2. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    I think you did intend that pun. :p Lawlz, thanks for the reviews/comments guys. :)
    Obibital likes this.
  3. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
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    Hey, where's the picture of me being splattered by Raven hmmm?

    The map is amazing and innovative to say the least. Some things such as the man-cannon/active camo's are amazing touches. The gameplay itself is superb, one of the few times I can actually say that a competitive map was truly fun to play on. The mongoose was also a great touch, it seemed to fit the map perfectly, providing for exciting moments. Not to mention weapon placement was superb. And, when the hell did you add in the extra man-cannon/active camo's? The last time I tested, there was only the rear set. Great aesthetics right there.

    And since silence can, so can I:


    On a side note, would you allow me to review this once I get my crew up and running?
    Obibital likes this.
  4. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    I am sad i were not there when you first posted =(, but i am very happy that you posted it. The first time i saw this map i was amazed on how unique every single one of your structures looked, it took me about an hour to look at every single structure and think "hmmm...yesss...interesting". The weapon layouts are awesome, even with large amounts of power weapons, they all work in harmony and do not cause one team to own another team. This map makes me want to go stuff my face with chocolate cake, yes chocolate cake face stuffing. Great map and keep doing your forging thing!

  5. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    Well when you first showed me this, you said you were going for an abstract art feel with the design. I believe that you fully mett your goal because it definitly looks "abstracty". Indeed the one Flag was a definite match for this map.

    I like the tunnel in the back because the first few games, I didnt even see it. I guess i was too busy zoning out on the mancannons on the curvewall. Needless to say, that tunnel adds a great route for jacking the flag. there seems to be almost perfect cover when taking that last turn out but if you aint got backup, it can get very ugly. Maybe it isnt so bad now without the warthog rape.

    All in all i like this map alot and I am not going to download it...
    because you sent it to me last night and I already did 5/5 from me and maybe we'll play on it tonight.
  6. n1n3CAL

    n1n3CAL Ancient
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    Though some parts of this map seem a little open (the attackers base in particular) I'm sure seeing how your skills show you are a more experienced forger than I that it's just the illusion of the pics and I'm sure spawns work well with cover. This map has it's own artistic vibe I've only found in few other maps. I like the curve designs throughout the map and the strange, yet appealing, aesthetics. I give this one a 5/5.
  7. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    Hey you finally posted it! nice, and thats me on the flaming goose! also in the picture of the mongoose mowdown it says im taking over the hill. this map is amazing with asthetics and overwelmingly destructive with its beautiful weapon layout. (try saying that last sentance 3 times really fast....,no really) all in all this deserves a feature or something of equal gratification. its an amazing map download it when you get the chance everyone, good night.
  8. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    wellllll, i loved seeing this 2 weeks ago, very much like curbstomp, a good remake. could be a bit cleaner in some areas but you stayed very original while still holding the feel. idlike to come up with an extremely long report like TSB did, but ive had a long day and my hands are paralized(im writing with my tounge) and i would like to take a break from the hard manual labour of writing freekishly long reports. once i get a game or two in on it ill get back to ya. meanwhile im gonna try to not say this maps name outloud, because you have to emphasize the f-AAAAAHHHH-cade portion, and its tough for me to do really fast(i like saying forge hub map names really quickly in my free time). this looks real nice Vorpal, i cant wait to test it out :D
  9. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    I forgot to save those games --which in the end pushed the release date a day or so back. D: --Lawlz, and there is no active camo, it's part of the mancannons (also I added those extra ones at a last minute (did very minor changes).. Anyways, thanks for the feedback, and the Facade pic. :D

    Dun wurry Nightfire, its gun b k. We'll play a game of it for SNP. (Which reminds me I have to do a thread about that...) And damn you for saying that about cake! Now I want to do it. :(

    Thanks for the detailed feedback Zombievillan, and yeah, we'll try to get a game going I guess later. :)

    Three reasons why it's open:
    1. This map was non-budget glitched.
    2. Mongoose flow better with the map being open-ish as it it.
    3. And yes, I guess you can also say that it is the illusion of the pics. lawlz...

    For the better part, spawns do work. But they can be a bit iffy every 3% of the time. --And thank you for the rest of your post. :)

    That's fine man. I rather you write me a review after playing a game or two on it anyways. :D :p (Maybe we can do two later?)
  10. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    Yay, Facade. Still haven't played a game on it, but I'll make sure to next time I control a dictatorship over a party.

    Regardless of how it plays though, it sure is pretty to look at. Good job on a great looking, well forged map.
  11. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    That means a lot coming from you weremidget. :)

    Glad you like it. :D
    crazyzebu likes this.
  12. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    FACADE: First Impressions

    I am extremely impressed by this map. You have added many creative touches and
    created something unique and interesting. I love all your aesthetic pieces, you have made some incredible arches
    (the signs were a cool idea!). I have never seen such creative arches before (except ribcage =P) and I love the little
    hills through the arches (they should provide needed cover).

    I also am extremely impressed with your use of man-cannons for aesthetics... Your tower and catwalk are also neat,
    and should add to the gameplay. You chose the perfect weapons for the layout of this map, and your vehicles are well
    chosen too (mongeese ftw).

    Your interlocking and geomerging are SUPERB and I like that you put the grav lift under the map... I love maps with an
    asymmetrical layout, so this is a must DL from me! I can't wait to play some CTF and BOMB, this map looks perfect for
    objective gamez =). Oh, and I know that the spawns r gonna be perfect, you are really good at placing them.

    There is only one glaring issue with this map, the lack of cover. I wish you would have made this on a $ glitched map and
    added more structures. It looks especially open in the central area and near the catwalk... I will have to play first, but it
    definitely is lookin just a bit too open =(.

    Also, I just wanted to thank you for leaving such helpful feedback on other forgers' maps. Your post on my map was extremely
    helpful... I may not have a "wall of china" yet, but I am very impressed by the time you put into all your reviews. Thanks for
    being such a great member of the hub!

    Basically, I believe this is your best map evar! It looks "bigger, better, and more badass"
    than your other maps! I look forward to playing this as soon as I get my box back, I'm counting the days. Incredible work, keep forging!!

    -Crazy Zebu

    yay, 444th post!

    EDIT: no response, shame on you!
    #32 crazyzebu, Oct 11, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2008
  13. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Everyone eles has got there little trademarks in their posts, well I've got one now.

    Ah yes the map Facade. Very fun, I played it with some of my friend a couple of days ago. I had a great time now I'm doing a review.

    Well after playing the map and doing a forge trough, I've seen how original this map really is and I love it. You've got stuff that I haven't seen before but I'm sure I will now. Like for example I really like the fence bridge type thing you made. Its a real eye catcher. For Originality I'll score you a 10.

    Now on too aesthetics, Like I said I really like some of the structures you got on, like the fence wall bridge or the bridge tunnel. There really original witch ties in with aesthetics. The whole map in general is really unique with it's structures and what not. So I'll give you a 9.

    I have to admit that I haven't played the map with the new weapon scheme. So doing a review in this area would be un-just. So I'll not score you in this area, but If i were to for the old layout you'd get a 8.5 (mind you thats the OLD layout. )

    I had a lot of fun playing this map. It was a lot of quick game play that left me on the edge of my seat. Witch the constant cross map sticks and snipes or the BR fight in the middle of the map. It was a lot of fun and left me bagging for more. 9.7

    Well that's it for me today, I'm looking for word to seeing/making videos for your new maps. Keep forging. :)

  14. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    I am downloading this map now to play the map. It looks like fun and with the open and closed layout (in different parts of the map).

    I would also like to say that you went above and beyond with the aesthletics. The soccer ball dezign in the corner looks nice and that fence wall bridge is a nice touch too. I will try to get a game on this later and I hope it plays as good as it looks!

    I'll get back to you when I get a game on it.
  15. Stealthyhawk14

    Stealthyhawk14 Ancient
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    this map looks awesome.
    alot of unique stuff like the stair structure in the first picture and the thing on the left in the 3rd pic.
    great merging and interlocking
  16. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Thanks for the review BL00D. :) --I'll be sure to rely on you in the future. :D

    I hope you enjoy gameplay then, I tried real hard to mix both together and with the help from others I think I pulled it off rather well... but in the end it's you who decides if you like it or not, I just hope you do. :)

    Thank you for liking the looks of the map. I hope you actually play a game though and comment on that as well. :)
  17. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I r not teh pics? Angry, surprised face. >=O

    Anyway, this map is great. The game play on this map is awesome. It is extremely fun. I was glad to ge to test the map. When I saw Vorpal Saint wants to play, I was like ZOMFG!!!1! That's how awesome this map is. This map is also aesthetically pleasing as they say. Eveything aboit this map is near perfect if not perfect. D/l fo everyone. Me, in recent games!
  18. o Forge Freak o

    o Forge Freak o Ancient
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    A definate DL for me, looks amazing. Keep making more! I think you could've taken better screenshots though...
  19. Caseyken

    Caseyken Ancient
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    Sorry, I like the fact that you interlocked everything, but it all looks so random, with no real rhyme or reason to anything. Sorry, but them's the breaks.
  20. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    what are you talking about, just because it is asymmetrical does not mean it is random. Vorpal is very good at making maps with great gameplay, why don't you give it a try before bad-mouthing it...

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