Alright this is my map. It is a challenging puzzle map. If you like puzzle maps then try this and if you beat/break it send me a film. anyway here it is. I See! This should be obvious. I try to focus on moving up in the world. Everything is here. Yes! I got promoted. Remember to clean your room before you leave. Always go with the pane. Where does that go. Back on top. Block the way to gain entry. I have gained entry. Take the fall to get a future rise. The eagle sees you. If you forgot what happened back tracking is always a good idea. But dont forget to back track forward after. The way is cleared only to be blocked again. Now take out the trash. Now for your time out. FLY! FLY! FLY! You can go higher than you think. Now climb the stairway to victory! click this for the map. : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details click this for the game. : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
very nice map puzzle maps are allways fun seems well made, not to terribly messey or not to complicated, mabey make the walkthrough a spoiler or sumthin, or only have 1 pic good interlocks?
hmmm. interesting. It looks a little easy. Some rooms that are very small are a lot easier to get out because it narrows where they would go. The interlocking looks good for a puzzel map. I'm not that big into puzzel maps, but this i will down load. 4/5
lolz. this looks pretty sick from the pics.cant wait to play. "But dont forget to back track forward after." LOLOLOL!!!! 5/5 from the looks of it. ill tell u what i think when i play it tomorrow. i less than three puzzle mapz!
Kind of looks sloppy, tighten things up a pit in V.2, wheres the 1st place in foundery? =P never seen it before
Well thanks for the comments. I'm not sure what you (bobsagetismyhro) are talking about with the narrow thing. BTW bluemasterchief the first place is in the building in a spot your not suppossed to be able to get to.
From my point of view I have not witnessed any interlocking. For that fact of the matter I can only proceed to give you a 2/5. The only reason you didn't receive a one out of five is the fact that you don't see many obstacle course maps, and I personally enjoy "puzzle maps" a lot. Try interlocking more ofter, you'll agree that you and your maps will receive more publicity.
In my opinion interlocking isnt the most important part of a map if the map is good than it doesnt need interlocking and just so you know i did interlock quite a bit and in the screenshot "go with the pane" I interlocked with the wall on the right.
Yay I love puzzle maps! Seems like there should be more, but not many people make them. Most puzzles that I've tried I can complete fairly easily, however your pics make this one look somewhat difficult. I can't wait to play it. If you wish, you can try the puzzle I made for size (look on my profile). Anyways, I agree with your view on interlocking. It is very pleasing to the eye, but I think that gameplay should be the main factor when people rate maps, especially puzzles. And sometimes, interlocking removes some sense of creativity for me, when I'm creating puzzles. Regardless, I'll be back later after I've played the map.
It's a really good puzzle map so far. It has already gotten me stuck 2 times and now I need some help. I am at this room and I can't figure it out for the life of me. Help in a pm? lol
This puzzle was a lot of fun. I personally don't see whats wrong with not interlocking IN A PUZZLE MAP... It was challenging and i liked how everything was original. I also liked how it made you use your head and not your agility ( I'm looking at you hell on earth, and re on carnation. great idea's but the agility parts pissed me off....) Now while i could not beat it i got 3/4 finished... Overall its one of the best if not the best puzzle map out there. 5/5 ( and i rarely give it out even to featured maps....) Here you go dude! Spoiler On the right there is a mongoose(you can see it through the wall) You have to use the window panel to get to it. by walking on it, it should make you hit the wall in such a way you can get on the mongose.
BTW send me a film if you beat it. now i will give one hint because i have been asked what to do on the same part a couple of times. now in the room that two teleporters to the same spot there is another one behind the two walls behind the teloporters. you have to get into that one to move on.
Me and my friend Touq only download puzzle maps ever since Re on Carnation came out and we are quite good at puzzles. Yours though, accually stumped us at the last part with the teleporter and grav-lift, but after trial and error we eventually beat it in around 6. Good Job and I hope you make some more, maybe a little longer this time. =]
Thanks for the coments. and about my last post it ment to say( If you beat it or break it send me a film i want to see if you did it the way i intended.)
GMF Painkiller, I'll see if me and Touq have time to play it again. If we do then we'll send you a clip. Another hard part was the second barrell jump.