I want to make a really cool Forge map but I can never get an idea of what to do. SO I was wondering how you guys come up with these good ideas, how do you get inspired?
Well I know a few of the featured maps started out with no idea. THey created one structure and from there, built around it.
Actually make a design instead of throwing around boxes. Draw inspiration from other games or real life.
Have a look around the maps forums and you will get inspiration . Thats what i do tho i never finish my maps ...
well, just look around the casual section. it's not copying if you change it. like if you make a zombie map, you're not copying other zombie maps.
For me, a good starting point for some inspiration is playing maps on old games (Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Turok, Halo 2 etc) and seeing what makes them special or 'tick'. In a same sense, if you've played maps before which werent good, ask yourself why they werent good so you know not to make the same mistakes. Scribble down some ideas for maps like overviews and sections. Combine them together and add special touches. Hope that helps.
i like to just draw. i'll get a piece of paper, and just start drawing a layout of a map. once i get a rough copy,i'll start over and make tweaks that i think will make it better. if you play on maps that are good, you start to know what makes a good map. i have a bunch of drawings that would probably be good maps, i just dont have the patience to make all of them. i usually just enjoy making the small, enclosed maps that i think of. i actually just recently finished one and posted it.
Ya just get inspiration from looking at pictures of the world, then create a structure , then you will end up building around it.
I didn't say that you should just try to get some inspiration from the maps. like if you look at one map this for example And you find something you like , Let's say the house in one of the pictures and you try to make it fit into your map maybe make it bigger/smaller or something like that. Also this is not an attempt to advertise the map i linked so don't flame me for that.
well i like making some awesome big center structure, and then i build the bases, then the cover, then the aesthetics, then the weapon placements and finally the equipment and spawning placements. thats how i make all my maps. Also, (this is just my opinion) people seem to like one power weapon and a couple BR's. again this is just my way so if it doesnt work out then dont use it.