So, I thought I'd add to the debate section with a topic that's often debated everywhere else on the forums except the debates section. Please make sure you have your sources. Opinions aren't wanted, present your facts without bias, please. Are the forgehub staff corrupt? Are the Loyals contributing to the corruption? Do the staff conspire within the confines of the hub pub and staff forum? Are they unfairly infracting simply to attack people they do not like or are they just doing their job. Is there elitism? Debate...
Well since we can't see into the Hub Pub, this is more like a rumor mill, right? I don't think the staff is corrupt. Actually, I really hope not. But for real, everyone in the staff is pretty awesome.
Well there's certain sketchy areas. Like there's the thing about the staff maps always getting featured maps. I find that this is mostly true. It's hard to find a staff map that's not featured, and it's hard to find a featured map that's not a staff map. But really there's logical reasoning behind this. I mean it's a forging site, so the staff are usually pretty good forgers, and thus they would be making feature-worthy map. And logically they can only feature the maps that they know about, and with all the crap maps in the map forums, it's hard to find a diamond in the rough. So it is mostly true, but it is still fair if you put a little logical reasoning to it. And for the "trigger happy" mods. I find that it would be sometimes fun to use your powers to lock a thread or infract a noob. But accusing them of going out of their way to do such things.... I don't think that that's true. And if there's any question of whether or not the infraction is fair, most mods will reverse it if you actually go to them and explain it. I really don't know any other way they can be "corrupt." They are/can be pretty exclusive by who they actually like/will play with, but really that has nothing to do with their mod powers since lots of members are that way.
Super-mega corrupt. All they do is care about themselves. They feature their own maps and never feature others. They don't even take the time to write up articles for the frontpage or make contests for the users. Heck!, they even sometimes give "infractions" to people, which is just another word for TERRORISM. ****in' assholeS! *Note: It's ok if you think we are corrupt. Nothing will happen to you.
The fact that the majority of the time they only feature their own maps. I get infractions forthe stupidest reasons. For example my last reason was for calling someone a ****. I've had a complaint in the repabuse thing for like 2 days hat hasn't been poperly responded to. There are a couple of okay mods/loyals/respecteds, but for the most part yes they are corrupt.
Murdock seems to have pwned the thread. His post is exactly how it is, he couldn't have said it any better. The staff section is constantly trying to improve and make the forum better for the community. The journalist section is full of potentially feature-able maps being suggested, scrutinised and playtested, a little bias on maps made by our best and most renowned forgers is inevitable. The only "corruption" that concerned really me is the leniency on some of the more popular members, people like vinny and reynbow. It often seems that a yellow card will suffice for them while for others it would undoubtedly receive a full infraction. I've seen the staff section yet I am not bound by loyalties to fellow staff - if theres an opinion to be trusted I would its mine lulz. =) Are you serious? Calling someone a **** isn't worthy of an infraction? You really need a permaban I am sick of seeing you on this forum.
Thank you Oh yes and thank you for that. To yomtvraps: Calling someone a **** is incredibly offensive. And I'm sure the reason you got the infraction is not the fact that the word is offensive so much as the possibility that you deeply offended many people. To be honest I really think you have no idea of how a forum even works. Much less how life even works. Maybe you should pay attention and try to learn something about the forums before you run around saying that they're corrupt. And seriously the rep system itself is FUBAR so complaints aren't really paid attention to. That's not corrupt. As a matter of fact I think it shows that they're intelligent enough to not pay attention to something so stupid
That's what I'm saying though bruv. I get the stupidist infractions. I mean I got a four pointer for "impersonating" Nemihara on another site. Theres definitely some corruption here. Like there's cool ones, don't get me wrong. Libinux, matty, Ivory Snake, and Corduroy Chuck are all cool. But the mods as a whole need to start working on ceratin problems. People like you always say like stfu gtfo and stuff like that to me. Why? What did I to you?
Don't complain about another site here. It's really annoying. Does not compute. Be more specific with your requests please. I have a number of reasons: You asked for mod. People find that annoying. You complain a lot. People find that annoying. You're always talking about how terrible the current mods are. People on FH usually don't have a problem with the mods, so if you're saying their terrible, they take offense to that You contribute nothing. All you've done since you got here is complain. You don't take the time to actually consider something validity or how something works before you complain about it. There's a few reasons. Happy?
Well they should hae wrote that in my infraction. And the kid who infracted me said, "You deserved it bish" in his reasoning behind infracting me. I don't understand how life works? You're really not supposed to attack peoples personal lives here. However yes I'm well aware of how life works. Thats how I live in one of the best places in the country, in a big house, have good friends, have a job, and am in college. I would say someone who spends half their life on any forum doesn't understand how life works. And the rep system is bare messed up, however does that mean Ishould get negative rep for no reason?
To be honest, i don't really see why members may consider any member above the regular status as 'corrupt'. I can tell you, from personal experience, that the Staff Forum is not full of pointless banter about silly things; nor full of threads conspiring against certain members or groups of members. Yes, we do discuss which maps are being featured and which could potentially be featured in private, but that doesn't mean we're not looking at maps from members who are not of a coloured-name status. To be brutally honest, if we rarely feature a map from a regular member it'll be because of the absolutely ass-tastic quality of the maps we have to pick from. You can't shine a turd. As for the Infraction giving for 'tiny little things', maybe some of us are harsher than others. And the reason for that will be because we're sick of seeing such stupid, insolent and unbelievably immature behaviour from members who should really know better. yomtvraps is a perfect example. How long have you been here now? Since April? You think you would have learned the rules by now. You bring it on yourself. I, personally, can be quite a harsh Moderator, but i have never given an infraction that wasn't deserved. Yes i get hatemail about it, but 99% of the time, the member sending me hatemail quickly realises the error of their ways and apologises. I don't know ... i guess it all boils down the fact that you can't please everyone. Someone is always going to complain, even in Utopia.
Asking for mod isn't annoying especially considering the thead was a joke. read the disclaimer. Can you provide instances where I "complain?" When was thelast time I complained about the mods being bad? I thought you were supposed to provide evidence so far I've seen none. I contribute nothing? How do you think the FH Tee threads got started. I also have a couple of maps. What do I complain about? This is a debate not me complaining! get it.
Well you could've asked him, or you could of clicked your post looked at it and used you're inductive reasoning to figure out why you deserved it. Let me show you how it would've worked: On to the rest of your message: I wasn't really attacking your personal life. I was using MY inductive reasoning to induce that you don't understand how life works. Let me show you MY thought process: And yes I know you can't "give offense" however another person can "take offense." However when you say something offensive, you should kind of figure. CONTINUING ON: No, that's not what it means, some more faulty reasoning, eh? What it means is you shouldn't complain, and probably shouldn't care.
I'd like to point out that this thread is for Debating the 'corruption' of the people who help to keep ForgeHub running on a day-to-day basis; NOT a thread to discuss yomtvraps and his intricacies. Take it to PMs or Off-Topic or some other thread.
Writing induce a lot and providing you're basic logic isn't very impressive. And still you've failed to produce any evidence. And textured is right. You're not supposed to attack other members here it's meant to debate the corruption of the mods. And **** isn't offensive, it's a word. You must be like ten years old if you don't hear it every day. No one else seems to think **** is that offensive. Dq said it wasn't and I believe Libinux said the same thing here. Like I said not all mods are corruptbut there are some very fishy things with a few of them though. So I would induce with my inductive reasonig that yes part of the fh staff isn't necesarily corrupt, just don't always work in favor of some of the members.
Well to be back on topic, this thread was pretty much dead the second it was posted. no offense to Linu, it was a good topic. But any member of FH who can see past themselves and look at the bettering of the forums won't complain about an infraction. And any member of FH who can understand human limits and logical reasoning can understand that the features are about as fair as they'll ever be. So logically this topic can't really be discussed since the logical people of sound mind who can understand the mods aren't corrupt are fighting uphill... no they're fighting straight up a wall to explain that to the people who aren't logical enough to figure that out. And there is basically no amount of fighting (up the hill) under which some people will accept that.
Four of the fifteen most recent featured maps are made by the staff. For those who don't know that means roughly 26% of the maps featured are made by the staff (including premiums and loyals). This means only 26% of our maps comes from a staff originally founded by the ability to forge well. I see no corruption here. The only problem I really see is that that number isn't higher.
Corrupt is the word used if you can't think of an explanation of other people having better skills at doing something than you. The staff are just more skillful. Most members couldn't dream of making a map as well as most of the staff.