ohh **** what if this leads up to an open ending where him and chief fight side by side kicking alien ass! not likely though lol. but it'd be sick. like chief and arbiter, just with this dude. still there are new maps coming out and bungie said this was one of a few thigns they are working on!
The mythic map pack is for the normal Halo 3 because of the achievements and since Halo 3: Recon is a new game it will have its own new maps. I just wonder if in multi-player the character will be the ODST or Master Chief or maybe a Covenant. I also wonder if in this game since were the Marines will we be able to drive the pelican and all that.
WHAT PART OF EXPANSION PACK DOES EVERYONE NOT UNDERSTAND? When you put in the Halo 3 Recon disk, there is a 99.9%chance that every map in HAlo 3, including DLC, will be available. If you want to play as the chief, you can, an elite too. An ODST is most likely not gonna' be in Multiplayer unless they change the dimensions.
Maybe for a little while. You start fighting beside them towards the end of Halo 2, so maybe they'll be an enemy for a short while. Although the brutes with the upgraded Halo 3 armor suggest otherwise...
Has anyone thought of it carrying on the storyline that may end in Halo Wars? I know Halo Wars is a completely different play-style but its all within the Halo Universe. Where Halo Wars finishes, Halo 3: Recon starts... It may explain the mass of ODST soldiers dropping from above. Part of the ongoing war?
Halo Wars begins 20 years before the first Halo game. Halo 3: Recon begins after the 3rd mission of Halo 2.
What if this odst guy is that guy with the red band during the Ark level in halo 3, you know, at the beginning were you snipe the baddies and stuff?
So Im guessing that new weapons will not be a part of multiplayer? Will I still have to be a spartain/elite in multiplayer? If so, then I am deeply disapointed. Whats the point of a new campein if none of it is involved with multiplayer?
Yep, I messed up. Thanks for pointing that out. I am interested on how the multiplayer will work for this game. It's a long time to wait though...
Did you two even read the thread? THIS IS AN EXPANSION PACK. THIS IS NOT A WHOLE BRAND NEW GAME. ONLY THE CAMPAIGN WILL BE BRAND SPANKING NEW. <--- Sorry for using all caps but it seems that some people don't understand that it's not called Halo Recon but is instead called Halo 3:Recon. (Notice : and where it is used people) And just so people will see where I already said this.
I thought it was an smg with a muzzle. This looks very cool. I really did hope that Bungie would make a campain focused game (Expansion pack.)
so after studying this alot, im pretty sure this is how it'll work. The game will come as a separate, new disc. The disc will contain the new campaign section, and most likely the new improved forge editor. There will be new maps, but they will be for Halo 3. That section of the disc will be much like the Halo 2 map disc.. So essentially, it'll be a campaign, and new maps along with some updates to forge and stuff.. which would mean the multiplayer is just feeding off of halo 3. I hope im right, because i dont wish to give up Halo 3's multiplayer.
We have a winner people! But to simplify, Multiplayer will be the same with maybe a new game mode and new maps. Campaign will be brand new. Old campaign will not be there. Forge 'might' be better. Everything else will be eitheir the same or improved.
Telrad are you sure there is going to be a new game mode for multiplayer? Also he is holding a SMG with a silencer, like the one in Halo 2.
Wow i had no idea this was going on. This blew me away im glad u posted this, im going to tell everyone. Thanks im glad i know this now!!!
I still believe that Bungie should leave the franchise dead as they have successfully sucked the life out of it but considering Microsoft isn't telling them what to do, I personally cannot wait. The actual trailer was poor but the music score and ending titles was truly a masterpiece. Let's see what they bring. -The Old Captain-