Introduction Who The Hell Am I?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheKeebobBobagawa, Oct 10, 2008.

  1. TheKeebobBobagawa

    Senior Member

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    Hello, my name is Keebob Bobagawa and I never really got to it, so here's my belated introduction. I get this a lot, and I know you're wondering what the **** Keebob Bobagawa means. Well, being the asian dude I am, my real name is Keenan Nakagawa (stalk me, but I live in Hawaii) was in a rush to get on XBox Live, so I didnt know what to make my gamertag, so I Google'd some tips to find one, and they were all like, replace the last three letters of your first name with bob, so Keenan=Keebob, then replace the first three letters of your last name with bob, so Nakagawa=Bobagawa. So there it is Keebob Bobagawa.

    I've been pretty active in the forums. I type in pink because I'm awesome. And there was this guy that I thought was a real meany, his name is Linubidix, a real humble person you can go to seek advice from. I use to be a dumbass, randomly posting **** and unthought out stuff. He would tell me that it was dumb, and being naive, I'd take it to hard. But now I realized how nice he actually was, so thanks.

    So back to me. I'm an avid forger, making maps like Crash Site and Diamond Row, some maps from long ago. Recently I have been working on maps, but with things like Machinamaking, MLG and HLG, I've really been busy lately. I've also been working on some music reviews, here's my first one you can find

    So hope to see you around the forums, so bye.

    Hazza likes this.
  2. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    Welcome new memeber lolz...
    Yeah, I've seen you in the forums about everywhere lately so I don't have much of a welcome to say.

    You already know this site like the back of your hand. XD
    And pink writng, you rule.
    TheKeebobBobagawa likes this.
  3. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    ZOMG lies!!! No new member!!! OLD Member wtf?

    btw, who is teh secksy guy who said teh first quote in your sig??? XD

    anyway... yea... Happy supa late welcome?
    TheKeebobBobagawa likes this.
  4. TheKeebobBobagawa

    Senior Member

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    yeah, very late, im sorry!

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