Debate Marijuana...v2

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Titmar, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. desert elite

    desert elite Ancient
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    I say darkmaster949 right but i dont know becuase ive never done any drugs and never will.But my friend who smoked it failed all his classes.
  2. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Get the **** out of this thread.

    Read, jesus boy.

    Did Jesus use cannabis? Sex, drugs, violence, and the Bible
  3. redshadow1337

    redshadow1337 Ancient
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    lol tex no need to get mad at me i'm not posting any views i wanna straighten something out. To the people who are saying "gtfo of the thread" and "your wrong" this is a debate it's meant to argue, you post views, people argue pointing out some flaws and then their views. In a debate no ones wrong it's their opininion. Like english class ( Oh **** i forgot i got english homework.). Also just becuase we haven't tryed it doesn't mean we don't have views on it.
    #163 redshadow1337, Oct 10, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2008
  4. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    I'm done arguing with them. There points are so beyond invalid, I am just going to point out one thing.

    The source that gentlemen cited, was rather ironically in our favor Vinny, I mean, it's an "unbiased" viewpoint on the effects of just proves to me the senselessness of this child. As well as desert elite's...

    Let me just show you what I'm talking about.

    The Home Page.
    Expert Info
    Reasons to legalize Marijuana?
    Medical Medicinal Marijuana
    Benefits of Marijuana?

    There's many more facts that the site provides, while few facts for his argument. When he said something about "you do it to be cool" and pointed the finger at me...I laughed.

    A) I don't smoke marijuana anymore...

    o/ anyone?

    B) When I smoked marijuana, I did it out of curiousity. I thought to myself, if there are all these people doing it (Bear in mind, I had already previously drank alcohol), then it can't be that bad...

    You're brainwashed.

    I'm done with this completely senseless debate, especially considering you are completely ignorant to the reality that is the nonsense of the illegality of marijuana.
  5. desert elite

    desert elite Ancient
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    Oh so your just gonna bring Jesus into this debate Jesus never used cannibus.
    But getting off topic
    Corinthians 6:19-20 (NCV) tells us, "You should know that your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit who is in you. You have received the Holy Spirit from God. So you do not belong to yourselves, because you were bought by God for a price. So honor God with your bodies.”

    Sermon: Your Body, His Temple, 1 Cor. 6:19-20
    Jesus teached the word of god.If youve ever gone to gone to church when they give you a cracker and cranberry the cracker represents jesus body the cranberry juice represents his blood.Its all pure no impurities.
    You read the bible for answers.

    not that bull ****
  6. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    These people are cheap bastards who don't deserve to smoke it. Anyone who smokes pot that includes anything else is an idiot and is completely missing the point of what the drug can do for you spiritually. There is a big reason that ancient cultures knew about and used the drug; it's to connect to this world in a very profound way and see your life from another perspective. It's called prying open your third eye.

    This is a bullshit statement, a regurgitation of the "gateway drug" propaganda that the federal government is shoving down your throat. As Tex already pointed out, it's the people selling the drugs that push the more expensive, higher profiting drugs. If marijuana were legalized, people would be able to either cultivate it themselves or purchase it at a legal establishment, thereby eliminating that possible temptation of moving on to other things.

    It's rather obvious that you didn't read any of the other links posted to the side. If you had, you would have made a more intelligent retort.

    I'm sure you meant "No matter". Irony for the win.
    #166 squidhands, Oct 10, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2008
    DocMan likes this.
  7. redshadow1337

    redshadow1337 Ancient
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    Yes i know people will be argueing against that point for a while but would you really say it's a bullshit statement? Everyone has their own will so some really need to get the high they wanted so they move on to harder drugs, i have had friends do this. It is the "high" part i'm an talking about. If people can't get it whats the point of smoking it? And if their so used to the high that they need it thats why they have a possiblity of moving on. But yes there are people who don't smoke it for that reason or they are smart enough not to move on.
    #167 redshadow1337, Oct 10, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2008
  8. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    You guys are still arguing??

    yes i mean NO matter. sorry for that mispelling. as for thinking i did not read the previous posts your wrong. i did read their posts and i do not know how my statement/argument was not an intellegient report. could i get any more clear then this. sum all of my statements up and you'll figure out that drugs are bad for you!!! i'm not gonna explain any of this anymore because i know i'm right and if you people are too stupid to realize this then thats your problems. look i'm not saying to stop smoking weed, but i'm just stating what can happen if you keep it up. i won't hate someone who smokes marijuana but i will hate someone who encourages me to do it and/or tells me that marijuana is actually good for you (to me thats what it sounds like you people are doing)

    many of my friends smoke weed but even more of my friends are smart enough not to, but at least the ones who are smoking weed don't encourage me to do it. thats kind of what you guys are doing and i for one am not gonna start now.
    #168 Dr. Chombie, Oct 10, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2008
  9. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    The purpose of this thread is whether or not marijuana should be legalized, not whether you smoke it or your personal opinion on the matter. I applaud you for never wanting to get involved with drugs, but again that's not the point of this debate. The website you cited had just as much if not more evidence to support marijuana's legalization than not. Yes, drugs can be bad for those that have addictive personalities and abuse them. That is an obvious statement that can be assigned to every legal drug that is in the market as well as the ones that are currently illegal. There are far more dangerous (as in addictive) drugs on the market that are perfectly legal, and when compared to the negative effects of marijuana that are lined out in your cited website, it seems rather hypocritical to keep it criminalized when it's people have to go into a rehabilitation facility to get weened of of things like fentanyl and Vicodin.

    It's plain to see that no one here is encouraging you to try drugs. If you truly got that out of this debate then I highly suggest you take some debate courses in school and learn what a strong argument is supposed to entail. The only thing that has been offered by any of us who are proponents of the idea have been scientific research and field evidence that supports the cause of legalizing marijuana, some of which was repeated in your citation.
    #169 squidhands, Oct 10, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2008
  10. curlybrows

    curlybrows Ancient
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    the simple facts state it is fairly nonaddictive and has little or no long term effects, though if smoked, they do just as much damage as tobacco. the car crash statistics are much higher when under the influence of marijuana but if you smoke it and stay in a place where you only do damage to yourself, be my guest. bring pot brownies to potlucks i say!!!
  11. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Tex or Squidhands, lock this again, because certain members aren't able to debate.

    I mean, just because you state what could happen if you continue that type of behavior, but if I continued my behavior of walking out my front door everyday, there is the possibility I slip and break my neck.

    You're argument still sucks.
  12. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    I'm very close to doing so again...I just thoroughly enjoy a solid debate on marijuana. Though, it seems like a solid debate will not arise...I still have high hopes one person can bring a strong point to my attention...
  13. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    Your views are not valid until you turn off your sig. Same goes for Tex and anyone else in this thread.

    My view:

    Marijuana is not a drug until it is laced with other chemicals. Chemicals defeat the main point of smoking pot. As Squid said, it is linked to people's spirituality. It is also used as a herb to help cope with chronic pains or chemotherapy. But this has already be iterated multiple times in the thread.

    Marijuana also slows brain function after frequent usage. That's why you occasionally come across the burnt-out junkie walking down a busy block. All narcotics do that.
  14. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    All quite true. Cannabis the herb itself is relatively harmless. However, I know a person who had a blunt that was laced with PCP...not a pretty picture.

    About the slowing of brain functions: this is even more apparently if the smoker smokes regularly and started at a young age. The human brain doesn't stop developing until we are in our mid twenties (it's slightly different for each person), and if we screw with our brains before that age with any sort of psychologically effective substance, be it alcohol, Cannabis, Meth, Coke, or what have you, there can be serious affects on our mental development. I pride myself on being an intelligent and well-thinking person, but I have a horrible short term memory due to my excessive and ridiculous drug use in high school. I essentially fried my brain to the point where I sometimes can't remember what I did the day before. Major things are all there, but little details are gone forever unless someone reminds me (and even then I don't remember a lot of the time) or if I wrote the detail down.

    My uncle has smoked marijuana for over thirty years and is still one of the most intelligent and amazing people I have ever met. And I'm not just saying that because he's my uncle. I talked to him about the affects of marijuana, and he told me to stop smoking it until I was at least 21, due to my still-developing brain. Made sense to me.

    Bottom line, there is NO reason for Cannabis to be illegal, as I stated before. It's no worse than tobacco and alcohol, or vicodin and morphine. Many legal drugs and painkillers are much more harmful and addictive than Cannabis.
  15. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Marijuana may become legal in California and me and my friend had a discussion saying that it may be the start of a chain that will end with Weed being totally legal all over America. What is your input on that?
  16. extreme 96

    extreme 96 Ancient
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    i think that weed should be illegal becauase it can cause lung cancer and causes severe damage to the brain. i know people who smoke it and just never remember anything.
  17. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Thanks for providing scientific facts to this argument.

    Your opinions are priceless in this thread.

    You ****ing tool.
  18. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    I think that marijuana should be legalized so that people who smoke can no longer have anything to be angry about. Grow up and do cocaine like an adult.
  19. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    There is another issue with, Marijuana this one comes from my words and a book I read in school so I can't give a link.

    But there are two things that Marijuana will destroy, your Family (If you have one) and your money.

    Marijuana basically has about the same effects as beer has to a family. You come home, your kids see you smoking. You are affecting your children, which in my case are 500 times more important then marijuana and it's short effects.

    Do you really want your kids to see you coming in all delusional and dazed.

    Marijuana is illegal which means that marijuana is found in the black market, which means high costs. Wasting money on marijuana is useless, waste it on your kids college, your home. Not some temporary relaxant
  20. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    1. Attack the problem - not the person.
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    I dont think Nitrous was just making up rules for fun...

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