Infill by iSHlVERSi Download Map Here Download Gametype Here Infill is a really simple map designed for 1v1 or 3 person ffa. The map started off as a cleaner version of TC Legend's Br practice map and evolved into a full fledged map. The map concept is simple. An octagonal arena that fills gets bigger as the game progresses. There are no weapons on map. The gametype has you starting with a br and snipe, with 3 seconds respawns for fast gameplay. Keep in mind that this was designed as a map to practice your BR and no scoping skills, the settings and spawns were chosen to make the person who spawns almost always be the underdog. Okay, so this is how the map starts. a simple, small octagon. you can nade jump to the next level if you feel like it, but it probably isn't worth it. The map at :45. now we have boxes to jump on and get out on to the upper ring. (Get on to the outer ring or you will be trapped soon and have to suicide) The map when the bottom portion fills up. The arena is now significantly bigger and more open. There are fusion cores that spawn underneath in case someone gets trapped. AmericanPyscho getting shot, also you can see the fence boxes in the background. 3 player action is intense and fun....get ready to have your kills stolen. NO SCOPE LOLOLOL Special thanks to: Deathtoll77 for giving me suggestions and convincing me to post this AmericanPsycho for helping me test the final version xpwx stealth for helping me find all the spots where you could get out
The concept of this map sounds interesting. But when this "hole" gets filled, it looks really ugly. You should have made those boxes straight. Oh and by the way... The upper box walls could hae been interlocked. First post! Edit: Second post
I'll download it, as I like the idea, but I feel like you could have done more with it; spawn a teleport or something to expand the gameplay farther.
No I dont think its to small for the idea you had in mind. This could be very fun for this size. interlokcing looks nice the layout isnt that original but still looks fun Good JOb
OMG A TELEPORTER ON THIS MAP?! NEVER!! It is a 1v1 map. Someone would just camp behind the teleporter and assassinate the guy each time he walks through. With two teleporters, he would aim at the second one. NO!
here is a tip if you make a v2. You should turn the double boxes upside down so it looks more professional. but i really like the idea on this map. 3/5
lol xpwn stealth. haha w/e i remember testing the exits out of this "un breakable map" lol but i like the idea of this map but i would make it larger for 2v2 or team slayer but thats just me and everyone know i are were crazy
looks pretty good for such a basic map, maybe you should add more stuff ass time goes like barriers for cover gravlifts also its seems pretty easy to spawn kill since its so flat
lol how would i turn the boxes? i turn them one way, then half the game you are looking at the other side. wow i have like 5 people who have rated but only 1 download? dont judge a book by its cover.
Based on the screenshots this map seems greatly inspired by the infamous map, Sniper Pit. The whole idea of this map looks creative, but not original. This map isn't really the best interlocked map niether. Overall, I can proceed to give this map a 6/10. : I
i agree with saget, but i also think you should add more to it, after everthing spawns it appears to me that its basicallt an empty bowl that you spawn kill in. i don't know, my opinion: make a V2 and fix it up a bit Overall Rating: 6/10 "I Like The Idea, Fix It Up In V2"
Well I have to say this is a great way to practice your BR and sniper skills. I have tried it and it really does help you improve!!!
it was indeed inspired by sniper pit, but the 6/10 is a little harsh seeing as you are judging just by the pics. PLAY THE MAP. it is as interlocked as it needs to be to PLAY WELL. to the person who said something about spawn killing: YES!!! the map design is so you can practice no scoping or out bring someone while you are a shot down. and if you get the guy to half shields before you die he will still be half shields when you come back. play the map as it was designed, for practicing.
Cool map. Love the idea.I have yet to play it so Deathtoll77 you and me are going to play this map NAO(whenever I next get on). Anyway on to suggestions for v2. -Turn all the boxes so the are upside down. -Have more then two levels, three or four is good. -After the first level, have cover spawn on the second, third, and fourth level. In a real BR fight cover is usually there and it will help them learn to use cover. Great map I look forward to playing it.
This idea is kind of overused. Doesn't really have a long lasting replay value. It could be used as a default duel arena, but nothing more.
Hey! You posted it! Lol. I had a really fun time testing this with you... and like five other people who joined on a 1v1 map. That was crazy. Glad you fixed all the issues with being trapped underneath. Even on such a tiny map, the spawns were actually really good. I never got spawn killed, and I never spawn killed anyone else. Great job, 4.999999/5 .