
Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Iv0rY Snak3, Oct 6, 2008.

  1. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    My BR? nasty? you out BR'd me at least 5 times, the worst being when you were on the open street with half shields and you still killed me...

    as for the cover up the stairs, that could come in handy, but i'd only add it to the bottom set of stairs, because from there you have options as to where to go.
  2. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    OMG! ivory you have to join Team HUB, its my ForgeHub Gamebattles team :D
    Anyways onto the map:
    I played the map with you on oddball and slayer. It was
    very fun and i liked the way you geomerged all the boxes
    into the floor. The aesthetics are beautiful. Weapon
    placement was very accurate but one thing I would change
    is the rocket launcher for a mauler because the map already
    has the sniper and OS custom powerup.
    xSharpshooter94 likes this.
  3. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    All of my gushing over this from my earlier post aside, I went and looked at the films from this when I was able to play with you. More than half of my deaths (of which there were many) were in this part of the map. I don't think it would alter the design too much to throw in a column or two in this really, really long street.

    As for K0n's other comment about the upper tele, how much trouble would it be to merge a gravlift behind that receiver node to prevent the camping?
  4. DeKnoZx

    DeKnoZx Ancient
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    Spawns have been being re-worked and the spawn that is on street in the corner which is one of the most common spawns will be taken out. Aside form that this will be looked into but expect any updates to be in an v2 of the map which is in the process of being worked on...
  5. biscuit127

    biscuit127 Ancient
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    Finally an MLG map that doesn't look exactly like foundry...

    I like the four floors idea; the fact that flag spawn isn't on the ground floor adds some complexity to gameplay. Only thing is the map seems to be a little open in some areas. Other than that, the interlocking and scenery is amazing, this had to take some time.
  6. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    There are still a few things that I haven't played yet, ie, King and Ball and CTF. Yesterday I had a 3v3 on Xyience, some of the spawns do need tweaking. Most of the time you would either spawn behind a enemy or vise versa.

    I quoted my previous post above mainly because I wanted to go back to a few things I said. One of those things is the sniper and OS being close to each other and share the same respawn time. While I was playing the two didn't clash and they played very well. I also said that holding the the sniper platform would of been hard to break. When I was playing I tried to do this but I always found myself moving in either a clockwise or anti-clockwise rotation. So the game play is much different then most Asymm MLG maps, which is a great thing. The teleporter, catwalk and OS jump were what broke the circular rotation, providing that the spawns were working as they should. In later versions I would like to see the spawns working a little better, maybe even another entrance to the rocket pit.

    I hope to play some more games on it so I can write a bit more.
  7. DeKnoZx

    DeKnoZx Ancient
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    Spawns have been being moved around, swapped out, and swapped in to fix spawning issues. The third way into rockets is in the progress of being worked out to keep the maps physical shape but still enable the ability to get into rockets from another route. Look for updates in v2 which should be released sometime before next week.
  8. DekuLink333

    DekuLink333 Ancient
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    Very nice map. I love FFA on this map. It has great gameplay and perfect interlocking. No much else to say about it. 10/10.
  9. flare fang

    flare fang Ancient
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    nice map lay out.but last i had check there isnt any sender nodes,resever nodes,two way nodes in MLG maps
  10. Jebus1001

    Jebus1001 Ancient
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    I don't know if we're allowed to do it now or if it's just a small error, but your download link currently links to a/your fileshare. I thought that was against the rules but I haven't checked in a while. You may want to fix that up.

    Anyway the map looks pretty sweet from the pics, I queued and I'll try and remember to come back with a review after playing

    EDIT: K um this map looks way more enclosed from the pictures then it is when you play it. Sniper is way over powered in my opinion, there are lots of lines of sight and little in the way of cover. I'd say pick either to keep rockets or sniper but not both because a team with both will dominate completely, not even a fresh OS can stop them.

    I guess I would say this map is very nicely designed for run and gun teams that rely on pure slaying skills to win
    #30 Jebus1001, Oct 9, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2008
  11. blakeyPoo

    blakeyPoo Ancient
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    The maps looks great but the difference from the post on MLG and here, is this: http://img359.imageshack.us/img359/9874/unonr4.jpg I thought it would be handy to post it. :) Anyway I love this map and it plays great but on the first hill aka Sniper I wish the floor below the catwalk was somewhat geomerged so I could jump up from there instead of walking around.
  12. Hypnot7c

    Hypnot7c Ancient
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    I really enjoyed this map, but I was not feeling the Sniper column and the column by rockets so I replaced both with an A and B sign, respectively.

    It worked out remarkably well with the Sniper, and the other sign was more neutral than anything in my mind.

    But overall, great map. It's one of the better FFA maps I've played in a long time.
  13. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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  14. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    Thanks very much, also, we are proud to announce (notrly) have updated to V2.

    Release Version to Version II:

    • Third entrance to rockets has been added connecting rockets to courtyard.
    • Bridge area in front of blue flag has been reworked.
    • Box was geo-glitched into back wall on street to add cover.
    • Z- Stairs were fixed so you are now able to go up and go straight up and left.
    • Spawns have been tweaked and adjusted throughout testing and still will be until we are satisfied.



  15. soccerholic1816

    soccerholic1816 Ancient
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    Nothing against it, they just haven't been implemented yet.

    If anybody needs somebody to play some games on this, send me a FR @ ThisIsBedlam. I don't have any/enough friends that play MLG, so I can't play the map :/.
  16. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    This is the best map I've played in a long time. Great job Ivory, nexn, and zonked.

    Feature plz.
  17. DeKnoZx

    DeKnoZx Ancient
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    YO ivory update main page, NeXn posted a redone sketchup with callouts on MLGpro. I updated that thread so here:

  18. The Benergizer

    The Benergizer Ancient
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    Well, I downloaded it and looked over it briefly by myself.

    My first impression was something like, "Oh, wow, that's unique; well done!" Overall, I don't think there's hardly any room for criticism. I really thought the towers built of vertical bridges were unique and well-implemented. I loved the simplicity of the map; not in a bad way, but it was just very straightforward and easy to comprehend quickly. I loved the great implementation of the teleporters. Rarely do you see those used well in any map, especially in an MLG variant.

    If I had one bad thing to say it would be about the lack of cover on half the map. To me, it looked like some Halo: CE maps; very boxy, flat, straight, dull platforms linked by angular ramps and bridges. While I fully understand the limitations of Forging on Foundry, I still say one weakness of the map is how open that entire upper platform around Sniper pillar is. It's just simply devoid of any cover whatsoever. I'm guessing it was simply due to budget constraints. While it's always great to make a power weapon's spawn point vulnerable and exposed, there's just simply no cover whatsoever out there. The rest of the map was fine in that regard.

    Overall, it is a wonderful map. The forging is excellent, and the design unique without being gaudy or complicated. I'm about to get some people together to playtest it. Maybe I'll get some more feedback then.
    Pigglez likes this.
  19. o LiGHTNiNG o

    o LiGHTNiNG o Ancient
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    I remember playtesting this one during TGIF and waiting anxiously for it to be released. This map is great. It looks great. It plays great. It really breaks the MLG standard of two bases, perimeter walkway, bridge in the middle. Originality exudes from this map. I might be using that word wrong.

    5 / 5
  20. the whyher

    the whyher Ancient
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    I love this map, the changes are spot on, the new rocket entrance is perfect!!!!!!!! its really what it needed... The spawns fixed too, great job you two on the contruction as well!!!

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