Halo 3: Recon - New game coming 2009

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by MattDGiant, Oct 9, 2008.

  1. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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  2. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    Fall '09.
    Are you ****ing kidding me.
    FALL 2009
    A whole year.
    It better be good...
  3. Felipe dos

    Felipe dos Ancient
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    Guess that whole 1/6/09 deal was a bunch of blarny. Damn.
    But a lot of what people speculated ended up being true. Can't wait to see more about it.
  4. brett3123

    brett3123 Ancient
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    What happened to halo 3 being the "epic finale" or whatever but the game looks pretty bangin if i do say so myself and i do. they just want everyone to buy this instead of playing COD4 because they dont have that many players
  5. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    Halo 3 WAS the epic finale. Of the Halo trilogy and the story. This is Halo 3 still. Not halo 4, and wont continue the story, just tell another one.

    Btw, the SI reminds me of ARIA from Eagle Eye. An all seeing computer controlling the main character and telling them where to go... Being a hell jumper will be sick though. They're basically Spartans without the armor and augmentation... ... which is why a stealth approach will be so sick.

    I cant ****ing wait!!! dam fall '09...
  6. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    dude, this looks too awesome. I hope the new campain will be great.

    Wouldn't that be awesome if they are coming out will a new matchmaking and a new forge map?
  7. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Playa, we are just too smart :D
    I believe the SI might be telling the Marine how to get to him, so he can rescue it or something.

    Procede with Caution... Keep Right.... Sounds like stuff a Recon soldier would do.
  8. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I think SI will be a really cool feature of H3:R. Really clever how it appears to 'know' about that ODST even though it cancelled the search of the UNSC database, that way theres no official info about him stored for the Covenant to find in the SI's database.
  9. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    in the vid you can seee some drop pods break off from the others, so maybe theres other survivers, although at the bottom it said, 99.9 percent chance of death or something. just look at the middle bottom, it says interesting stuff.
  10. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    It said 99.9% of death because at first it only recognises the accident as a vehicle crashing. If that was a normal situation, a normal person in a car in that accident then the chances are they would die.
    It says it cannot recognise the vehicle's ID and its search of the UNSC's database is cancelled. It decides to stop investigating for the time being and just keep an eye on it, thats why it then fast forwards and we don't see it again until SI detects a change (the OSDT coming out).

    So if there are others (which is possible) then they would probably be in similar situations, also when the pod does open it says the chance of death is less than 1%, they'd probably also all be alive.
  11. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    I hope we dont have the same strength as the piss weak AI like in campiagn because that would take like a week to kill one thing.
  12. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    I don't get why everyone is so excited and saying it looks to be epic.

    All we saw was CGI. Nothing more. We saw no gameplay, one weapon and Brutes. Not much.
  13. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I wasn't expecting to see another game from them so soon. Its based off of the Halo 3 engine which I love, so I think it'll be a fun game overall. My guess is that the campaign will be a bit smarter than Halo 3's "running and gunning" tactics.
  14. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    Is it a new game or a new campain? It looks awsome but Halo is just not the same without masterchief. Is it something to DL for Halo 3 in the marketplace or is an entire new game? It better have a good forge if its a new game and the campain better be better too.

    If its just a campain I won't buy it. Only if its a DLC.
  15. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    What i'm excited for the most is the possibility of playing as an ODST because i love them and think that are the awesomeness. The reason i think it is still called Halo 3 because it is the story of ODST soldiers fighting on Earth while Master Chief is away fight in space or on the halo rings. And the brutes aren't new nor are they camo, it's just when the ODST guy zoomed in on the brutes it was like a night vision kind of thing so it made the brutes look all weird. But yeah this game makes me excited...and i have a feeling the new maps will be seperate from this.
  16. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Looking at the possible cover art, the weapon looks like an SMG with a silencer or something attatched to it. Its definitely not a BR.
  17. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    What part of 'expansion pack' didn't you get?

    An expansion pack is both Single player and Multiplayer.

    @DTL: I noticed that too. I hope they aren't adding a whole new set of redundant weapons...
  18. flyin penguin19

    flyin penguin19 Ancient
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    the trailer looked awsome, i hope its still 1st person though, if it isnt 1st person i wouldn't call it halo.
  19. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Its a new game that expands upon the events that occured in Halo 2 and 3. So you'll have to go to stores to buy it, as it will be too large of a file to download from the marketplace.

    Figured I'd claify further.
    Halo was at one point a 3rd person shooter.... if it is a 3rd person view they'd be going back to their roots.

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