My latest forge map. The reason I made it was because I was playing Predator and I got bored of the map called The Hidden. So as soon as my XBOX 360 was open I set off to work on it. It took me at least 2 days to make this map. Pictures Human Spawn Point Side Base Human Hiding Spot Tunnels Download Map & Game Here The Secrets - Map Predator - Game Variant
No offence dude but this looks exactly the very first predator that was ever made (I made a V2 on Ghost Town too) I can't see interlocking and geo-merging any where, The map could be fun though. Is the predator 1 shot kill? Also, Is 25% of the party infected? More pictures would also help too. I can also see that your a trainee who posted they're map properly. Well done on that, +rep for you. I'll download and see how it plays. Overall, I give the map 3.25/5 for now. I think you should make a V2.
Looks ok I supose. Could use some more origionality and interlocking and geo-merging. Other than that, Nice, Looks quite fun! but sorry, no DL for me...
I dig the idea but i think there could more to this map. It's got wonderful potential. From what i can see of the "side base" it looks pretty cool. Maybe clean some stuff up and add more asthetics and think you'll be good to go. Hopefully a v2 maybe or some more photos. keep on forgin!
it does need more pics but honestly people, does a map need super advanced interlocking or geo-merging to make it a good map?
u might as well call this a remake because it is slight moved 1 box. 1.5/5 just because u a nooby to FH. Maybe more orignal next time. till next time -beastness
Dude, you've got the good idea, but it does have the same design as the normal Predator map, you need interlocking and geo-merging, you need an example, go and have a look at TP Predator, my own Predator variant, TP stands for The Persister, so take a look and hope ya like it,........ oh and don't forget the gametype, New Epicness if you really wan't to play it or observe the gameplay.
Geo-Merging & Interlocking I don't know how to merge or interlock I've done it before but never really learned how to do them so if someone can teach me or tell me that would be great.
Oi post that comment in the right fourm or just look at forge 101 . and i dont like any of the preditor maps atm but i recon there could be an amazing one i think just keep trying
Nvm I learned how to interlock but still can't merge. I've read a few merging threads but they don't work for me. If you can find a good one and post it here that would be great thanks. - IFatal Kure