Ye,does anyone know how to jailbreak the itouch 2.0. I need a useful by experience video.What i mean by that is 'useful by experience' is like u have used it and u are sure it works. Just got my itouch today. It's really awesome,but the 2.0 is harder to jailbreak.Thats why im asking for a video. ______________________ Now if anyone is planning on getting the ipod touch i really recommend getting it. The basics to the itouch is that it listens to music.Really thats it,but if you get it and was planning to jailbreak it has to be the best thing ever. Ive seen my friend use it,it's awesome. ______________________ Now i want a useful video on the 2.0 not the old 1.0 Got it,k thanks
How is jailbreaking for nubs? I dont know bout u but i would much rather get the games for free than pay $10,000 a year in games and apps. And please dont post in here without being helpful I'm pretty sure you're allowed to.It doesnt effect forgehub and its not spam.
Could you possibly type with correct grammar? Jailbreaking an iPod is a stupid idea. You can get fined, big time, for that. Just pay for what you want. It isn't really that expensive.
google is your friend for this. i googled and found an awesome tutorial on jailbreaking 2.0, i believe i used a program called pwnage tool. You're welcome. Go into the video, click the bottom right ("menu") and copy and paste the url into your browser so you can go to the youtube page and download the stuff you need.
it turns out what i used is for mac only, iClarified - iPod touch - How to Jailbreak Your 2.0 iPod Touch (Mac) that's the link, but you didnt say if you had a mac so idk if it will help.
Before you jailbreak it, you might want to be careful. Mine got all twitchy and screwed up from it. And no matter how many times I re-format it, it keeps this one wallpaper from a theme. Seriously, it really messes with your iPod. Not good stuff...
You can't break an itouch through jailbreaking. It's just software, it can always be undone. There is a way to do it manually if you screw it up bad enough, just look it up. Just make sure you have the .isp file and it should be fine. Jailbreaking an ipod is so worth it, it made spending the money on it worth it. It's like i turned it into a portable gameboy/nes/music player/music videos/everything. Just look it up and you'll find a way to bring it back. Happy jailbreaking.
If you go into iTunes, you can restore it to factory default. If it's really screwy, you could always try this.