Well dont get me started cuz this isnt the debate section so just do what everyone else does and go "LOLOLOLOOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL"
I would actually vote for McCain. Sorry, but I don't really feel like dragging the other 97% of America's ass around with my money. A suggestion though would be to make the animation a bit smoother. Try adding in frames between frames of the tank; inbetween the position of where it is or was in the other 2. Also, Obama needs some animation too. Maybe make the oracle look up and down. If i were you though, i wouldn't have posted this. People on forgehub like Obama.
and the thought of people who im not friends with that dont know personally should affect what i think is funny and post
FILTHY REPUBLICANS! Sage, your stupidity saddens me. If you want to be a republican piece of **** than be it by yourself but don't post political views on the internet especially when shittily made *cough* because they will only cause conflict, dumbass. Plus, you are 14 according to your profile, so do seriously think you know what this country needs or anything at all about politics you freshman douchebag? Your views are unsupported and pointless and your gif sucks ass. Good Day.
Hey guys. Look at the bottom right of the page under "Forum Jump". What does it say? Debates? No. So stop it. As for the sig, it's really choppy and kind of offensive.
The main reason i did this was just to get people angry cuz im a douche like that Entertaining for me so i win
Hari, you agreeing with him completely contradicts your previous post. What Norlinsky meant by his comment is that this isn't a disscussion about the message the GIF represents, or even anything that has to do with politics. It's about the GIF, it's quality, and how the OP can improve. Now onto your post Hari... Seriously...? Please follow your own advice. I can't say he knows anything about politics, however it's rather ridiculous to judge his knowlege of a subject based on age. Anyway, it doesn't sound like you know much more then he does regarding political matters. Please refer once again to rules number four, and eight. By the way I'm also a freshman. I fail to see the support you have for your views. Views are never pointless. Then tell him how to improve his skills. Have a wonderful night, and expect an infraction. No matter how right your views on a subject my be, or how much you think they are right you still don't have the right to insult other members. Ontopic: It's implyed that the Monitor is moving the tank, however I would add a slight motion to the montitor as Zander said. Edit: Damn blood, you locked it while I was typing this up. *Mad and angry faic* I disagree with your choice though Blood... To an extent. It's probably for the best, however this is a thread about the GIF, not it's message. If our members can't handle that without us locking it then we're in trouble.