I'm going to give this dude the benefit of the doubt because some people actually tell the truth instead of trying to lie when it doesn't benefit them at all. Anyways, good work dude, keep it up. Good job really.
I believe you, though the flawlessness of it admittedly throws me. =P Props for the paint commitment.
Uhm... no a) The quality in this vid would not be good enough to be copied b) I have a picture on my wall with this helmet on it. There I got my idea from. The snow one comes straight ot of my mind The trees/landscape picture was half re-done from a photo. Why did you comment here anyways again? I think I prove that I did those.
Its that simple those pics are amazing expecially from microsoft pain, that dude is jealous that he cant make something that amazing Good Job
Wow looks almost the same... Hmmm... I have always been good at copying something. Did you see the Inuyasha pic on LR i drew? I copied it from a real pic... Looks almost the same, too. You want to know my trick how to make it look like the original? Not that hard, easy trick. Take a spacer! (English word for lineal?) I can show you the spacer pic, wait...
How many times have I seen this done before? Someone will take pictures found on the internet, apply one or two simple filters to them through Photoshop or a like program, and claim them as original works. If you would be so kind, please post the originals, what program you used, the filters and settings you used, and stop trying to lie. Seriously, it's just making you look worse. (alternately, prove the more perceptive among us wrong and post a complete video of you making your next great work)
I do not have photoshop, not gimp, not anything else, only MS Paint. I did not use filters, and this is my base for the halo pic: I think this is enough proof now.
To be honest, I beleive the guy. Here are some reasons: 1. If he could do that video in 20 minutes...think about a few weeks. 2. The images he has made aren't of the best quality - a facet of MS Paint 3. The ice mountain picture has been his avatar for ages - why would he put it there if it didn't mean something to him. (Not the best quality too sorry) 4.Why would he create a thread on it. Well done for creating such good pics. And well done to putting up with the doubters. I beleive in you...lolz.
Oh doubtful ones, you have made an incorrect mistake. It's a good thing you messed up on your project Spartan. Right now, the helmet stripe is off. It has a too big of a slant to have it be copied. And the lower is off also.
I would have to agree, I would also put the pictures for comparison but I do not know how. Also if you look in the lower left hand corner you will see a circle, These two circles are very different. In the drawing, the point is at 12:00(in terms of a clock) And in the original its at about 2:00. How dare anybody call you phony without examining your drawing and the original.
Ok people. Stop doubting. I go to a website where drawings are made every day that are better than this(no offense). And if someone could do this on Photoshop: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8K_NQe57C-k What's there to doubt?
I do not have other programs, and I am kind of too lazy to download something else, and I do not want to spend hundreds of Euros in Adobe Photoshop.
You do realize those images aren't scaled properly to each other do you not? Could you have done this from a reference with out drawing over it? Maybe. Could you have done this from a reference of a video or picture. Sure. From a poster? Highly unlikely, the way the points meet at certain locations is undeniable. If you actually drew this in paint which I doubt I am sorry for doubting you but at this specific point in time I do not believe you. And for further artwork you should think about saving the creation from the beginning as png since jpg makes unnecessary changes to the picture in order to compress it slightly while png leaves it exactly as you drew it.