Ice Fortress V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Destirson, Oct 8, 2008.

  1. Destirson

    Destirson Ancient
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    [SIZE=+2][SIZE=+5]New[/SIZE][SIZE=+5] Ice Fortress v2,[/SIZE][/SIZE]

    [SIZE=+1]Complete with it's own sun and weather. Enjoy the view from a five star fortress (built off the edge of the cliff) while fighting off the oncoming zombie horde, or another team for one flag, or one bomb. If you want to make your own gametype; Zombies should be given a lot of damage resistence and high speed, but vulnerable to head shots. This means that at one point you can have 10+ zombies running backwards at you, which is pretty funny, believe you me.

    Update: Now it is impossible to escape from the designated area, unless you are a total bastard, which will resolve many issues that came up in v1. It reaches the invisible ceiling, and is one level away from the cliff's death point, yes it is pretty badass and big. The turrets are very balanced, and require cooperation and skill, its not a simple case of mowing zombies down.

    [SIZE=+1][SIZE=+3]Features:[/SIZE] (soon to be pictured)

    • [SIZE=+2][SIZE=+1]No escape (unless the whole game stands on each other's heads[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=+2][/SIZE][SIZE=+2]
    • Well balanced, there are turrets, but the best one is really exposed, the second has a bad angle
    • Humans run out of amo, so will have to conserve every bullet, unless you fancy your chances with a magnum
    • Zombies have to out smart the humans, not just blindly run in and hope for the best
    • There is no weapon pickup at all, so if you drop your turret, well sucks to be you.
    • There are places for a team to hold out, and places a single person can hold
    • Human respawn points do exist, if you fall down the cliff, but this should really be avoided[/SIZE]

    I had a lot of help with this, and both our initals are hidden somewhere in the map, this map took a day, and was a lot of fun making, so hopefully it will also be enjoyed.

    Please download, rate and enjoy
    Ice Fortress [SIZE=+1]- the map[/SIZE]

    28 Days Later [/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=+1][SIZE=+1][SIZE=+1][SIZE=+3][SIZE=+1]- a multi purpose zombies gametype[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE]

    Yes we have our very own sun!

    We feature 7 levels, yes 7 levels, including a few half levels and escape shafts

    This map features state of the art turrets, with overlapping fields of fire, for all your enemy killing needs


    There are a few weak points to the fortress, such as turret blind spots or sneaky side entrances.


    Eagle eye view, you can literally touch the ceiling from here[/SIZE][/SIZE]
    #1 Destirson, Oct 8, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2008
  2. Cthullu Lovin'

    Cthullu Lovin' Ancient
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    Nice map (I should know, I did most of it). It is very balanced and fun to play with a good amount of people and we have playtested it a fair bit, leading to some changes from what you see in the pictures, such as barriers around the designated areas and a smooth sloped facade. Also not showen in these pictures are the levels at and below ground levels.
  3. Destirson

    Destirson Ancient
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    hey i helped, (i bought the maps) and did the awsome placement of the weapons (there aren't any, except turrets). but i provide the actual thought of the map.

    Remember it started by you saying, so what do you want? :)
  4. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    it looks very nice 4/5 for me i liked how you built over the edge

    for some of those colour changers i just dont like it no offence but to me it just gets me bugged
  5. Destirson

    Destirson Ancient
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    sorry, i think there was an issue with the link, fixed

    will add new pics soon, my xbox doesn't want to work now
    #5 Destirson, Oct 8, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2008
  6. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    I dont remember v1, but by judging v2 it sounds good.

    What I like about this map is that it is on Avalanch. And that It has a huge building in the middle. It sounds like a very fun game for one sided CTF. Because of the machine gun turrents, and the power weapons sounds hard to get past. 5/5
  7. Kitten X

    Kitten X Ancient
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    Not many infection maps are released these days, even though they make the majority of custom games.

    It is not the biggest fortress for a map, but I think that will only add to the thrill and excitement of the map and game variant.

    Due to the fact that I truly love infection fortresses, I'm giving you a 7/10
  8. SilentStrike082

    SilentStrike082 Ancient
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    Dude, best map I have seen on avalanche, really nice job on the design and an overall good map. Good playability too. 9/10
  9. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    This is a very creative fortress and it looks like fun! And thats coming from someone who hates infection. The filter is a nice touch too. It looks like a great infection map and one thats worth a DL! 5/5
    De Wy El Ay En and Obibital like this.
  10. piekiller

    piekiller Ancient
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    ok its been a while since anythings come close to my standards this barely meets it ill download
  11. Cthullu Lovin'

    Cthullu Lovin' Ancient
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    Why does this only 'barely' meet your standards? Please tell us if their is anything we can improve so we can. As always feedback is appreciated.
  12. CaptnAwesomee

    CaptnAwesomee Ancient
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    hmm Looks cool but i'm going to see if this game is fun
  13. DKsavage99

    DKsavage99 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    nice map
    cool description
    nice built over edge
    overall looks nice

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