Edit: smarten post this yourself lol these people hate me Posting map for a friend !!!!!Not Moded!!!!!! sorry Smarten had to post it on my moding Account you didnt finish Regestering Really good map support's all game type's (oddball is the best) Dont know what else to say Download here Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
wasnt this already posted??? Mods, please lock this, i really believe I saw this 1-2 weeks ago!!! Anyways, how about a picture INSIDE of the thing....??? Also, it requires a good description, not just it works well with oddball....
whoa, i don't even know what to think about this (probably because the lack of screens and discription) So, ya, please add more of a discription and possibly more screens.
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This map looks really cool i dont understand how this is modded please explain but even still this looks awesome i will dl im still not sure what it is though but i do see alot of good interlocking keep forging EDIT: sorry i thought you meant it was modded when you said "Mods,please lock this"
Looks really cool, but is it playable? Is there anything inside the tower? I want to know more about this map but your post is HORRIBLE >=( Hate to be repetitive but... ADD MORE SCREENS AND A LONGER DESCRIPTION!!!
go flame someone else i dont care what you think and you dont get to see the inside till you download it none of you do lol poor smarten everyone hates me here becouse of my moded map's and im posting his pride and joy
hey asshole, i reported you to the mods....actually, no, i PM'd them....actually no, I'm chatting with them.... too bad...
what a hippocrate "hey asshole" crazyzebu it clearly ses "my friend smarten's map" he posted it a while back but took it off becouse the spawn's got all messed up and what do the red bar's mean <----------
they mean i neg repped you for calling me an asshole (edited out BTW!), and for denying that you are re-posting the map....at least call it a version two... and why did your friend post it, and then you clearly state that you are RE-POSTING it for him because he still hadn't registered....nice job dude
Ok, I get it... your friend made the map. I hope you got permission to post it. To quote sdraukalich everyone thinks you're an asshole, that's what the red bars mean. Maybe sdraukalich is being kinda bitchy but if you respond to him like that your gonna end up BANNED.
so what you can call someone a asshole if there being a asshole but not a B**ch if there being a b**ch????? and im a asshole for posting moded content lol i can live whith that and yes smarten told me to post it look at it from my view i post a legitimate map and the first word's are MOD what would jesus do?
Please don't call names, it is rediculously immature and obnoxious. It shows your lack of intelligence, sad face =(. You're only making yourself look bad... Please stay off forgehub in the future.
"sdraukalich is being kinda bitchy" Look at yourself hipicrite only dif from me and you is i dont ***** to the mod when i get my feelings hurt
posting mods gets you banned around these parts....please stop insulting, and go away you have a terrible Original Post too if i must say...
lol this is my Thread stop flameing you are just as bad as me mabe i will neg rep you for calling me a asshole im sure you will care a lot more then i do if you dont have anything helpfull to say i dont give a **** stop spamming and the map is not a mod i didnt even make it i was just asked to post it
thats quite a nice modded map you posted on your profile.....you're pretty good, but terrible at hiding it from a good community...go away mods, please ban oh yeah, and check your profile...
"terrible at hiding it from a good community" in the post it had a list of everything moded i was never trying to hide it you go away bug someone else im tired of this it's not doing anyone any good and whats whith the hate mail and i bet you downloaded the map to