Calm down dude... I said "typical". Anyway, this is getting off-topic. Let's cut it out and get back to the point.
See thats exactly why I think your a doche.You make fun of someone else for being '12' and your 12?Wow GTFO. Anyway to mastar that video is funny,but are you implying that men are better then women?
OMG he is 12 and he is making fun of me being 12 and I really am 15. Thats really weird. But I still think we need to start drilling i believe its important because gas prices are getting out of control. did you guys know that in my area in st. louis we have the cheapest gas prices in the country, it might have changed though
The minute I said I was 12 I realized just how badly I contradicted myself by saying it. And the other kid is of average intelligence <(keyword average). Anyway please can we get back to the topic at hand? I think its about time we did. And how come when I slip up your all over my case? Thats a pretty big damned coincidence.......
Friendly Argument.. how will it furthur are need for oil, let us just use it to our advantage untill we can make electric cars cheaper right?
The problem with that is that the American people won't deem something a problem until it effects them personally. The general public of America is dumb. It's a sad and scary truth. Drilling would lower gas prices, but lower gas prices would decrease energy awareness. Eventually these oil resources on our soil will run out and we'll be in the exact same situation as before. It will only delay what is inevitable.
It's not simply an American trait. Humans are programmed to see only what is immediately ahead of them. Foresight is not one of our inherent abilities. Take a situation such as Walmart. Many customers of that store are only capable of seeing that Walmart has low prices. There is no thought given on how these low prices are achieved, and why they are so low. If one actually thought about it, they would easily see how Walmart uses cheap labor in order to produce its products, along with low employee benefits and related disreputable business management. It creates low prices in order to force other businesses out. Once this is all achieved, Walmart's business strategy is simple: hike the prices up, and blame it on global warming and gas prices. The worst part of all of this is that while all of our problems rage on, the politicians keep pointing their fingers at each other. 'War in Iraq!' the Democrats will screech at the Republicans. 'Inflation and high gas prices!' the Republicans screech at the Democrats. My suggestion? Follow the ideal that President George Washington wanted all along. **** the political parties. We need a system where our politicians aren't in two starkly contrasting groups that are completely at war with each other. Otherwise, America will lose its area in the spotlight. It would be plain arrogant to say that America has been the leading country for the last few decades, but it would also be moreorless correct. Britain had an empire, and they lost it. The Ottomans had an empire, and they lost it. The Romans had an empire, and they lost it. And why? Politics. Simply, corrupt politics.
Guy's, are we even talking about the subject anymore? We went off into ages, and now American people. The topic is why we should choose Sarah Palin. Now I'm not being sexist at all, but I believe she will not make a great leader. Unless her plan is to act stupid on purpose, then make an amazing comeback to show she's a great learner for the country, she has no strategy of use. She's failing, and the only good she'd bring to the country, that I see, is boosting the spirits of women.
Nemi and DTL put it best. Most people will say, "Well, there is oil in Alaska, there must be more oil all over the world. We can hold off those advancements that we need for a little longer." Also, why electric cars? There are many other ways of getting energy into a car. Hell, if you get creative, you can make a solar powered car that can also be powered by wind. Use the solar energy to sart the car, use the wind energy to keep it going and let the solar energy build up more energy for the next time it's needed. In this modern day and age, we can be pretty creative with how to get power. It's things like this that make me sad. Do we really need to say that we're not racist, sexist, agist etc. before we criticise people? Do we really? If we see a glaring fault in someone and they are Female, Black or whatever can be considered a class that can get discrimanated, shouldn't I be allowed to say it without being labeled (Insert word ending in ist)?
Air power wouldn't be an effective energy source for cars. Right now we use air to help cool our engines, and even then we use coolant to further help (unless you're driving an old VW Beetle which is air cooled). In order for air power to be useful, you'd have to be driving at very high speeds. Even then it would take more power to make a vehicle reach those speeds than it would create. Solar energy is dependent upon surface area of the car. You'd see its implementation on smaller, lighter cars (more fuel efficient) and the surface area isn't great enough to produce a substantial amount of energy to keep the car moving. At the moment, Electric and Hydrogen cars are the best chance we have at moving ourselves away from oil dependency. Honda expects their Hydrogen powered car to reach the general population in about 20 or so years....just a while a way don't you think? So all we can do now until then is create more hybrid cars like the Prius, and attempt to make our vehicles more efficient.
'Twas an example. Point is, with a little creativity, energy can be easily done. Hell, plans on entire skyscrapers being self suficient by covering them semi transparent solar panels. While it may be skyscrapers, technology does move rather fast when people put money into it.
It would be cheaper in the long run as the only price to a solar powered car is to maintain it as opposed to the maintaining and the cost of oil to keep it moving.
Drilling in Alaska and our other areas that are rich in oil will certainly ease the prices back down, but for how long? A few years at most. Sadly, with people like Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and even people like Al Sharpton and others around, it's a dream like that will never take place. Once we eliminate bias, then we can return to the roots of what the country originally was and should have been. And humans are always biased. As for empires, you forgot Alexander the Great and the Genghis Khan Yeah...America's the only one on the way out. Sooner or later. We have the hand-over-the-heart thing in our salute. The Romans did that. [/irony] As for Sarah Palin...there is no possible way she is even remotely competent for an office like the Vice/Presidency. Read my posts in the other political debate threads.
Bumping this cause Obama is a celebrity without substance, a glamorized idol with no insight. The last thing we need is another Paris Hilton in the White House. Sorry pal, an inexplicably likable person with a pretty face ain't gonna cut it Whoa, never mind about that, make way for Palin. Gotta speak at another rally real quick. No better way to make it up onto that stage than to drive the bus through the smoke-machine fog and park it right up on there. Beep Beep everyone, straight talk express coming through. There we go. Make sure the kids come out smallest to largest. Not caught on camera: Palin climbing to the top of the bus and preforming a flawless guitar solo while executing a wicked scissor kick. Also bump for famous people hating on Palin Bump for this and this and this heh, palin? More like palowned (by me, just now)
if obama was white he wouldn't even be a choice with only 4 years of senate under his belt. and if you think about it when the dems decided who be their candidate they only got to new york where hilary said "MY DELEGATES ARE VOTING FOR OBAMA" they didn't even let those delegates vote now back to palin palin is intelligent and covers mccains flaws in the conservative camp where many conservatives find him to be to liberal. also she was unexpected so all the medias critiques of their predicted candidates were wasted also she has a perfect record and don't tell that the liberal report on the firng is bad because that man would not fire a state trooper who tazered his own step son.
Once again you make no sense. I was understanding you for awhile there, but then you lost me on that last half. Anyway, I don't care about stupid politics crap like "conservative" or "liberal" because it means nothing to me. So I don't care if Palin may be a good choice because she makes McCain look good to liberals. That's going to mean absolutely nothing to me because it doesn't qualify her for the job she's running for. She needs to just drop out of the race, because it's an absolute joke. There's a ridiulous amount of evidence out there that show she is not ready for this, but instead of looking at that, people are talking about how she's a good pick because she makes McCain look good. Pointless! Bridge to nowhere indeed.