Tawaka Village V2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Giantpanda, Oct 7, 2008.

  1. Giantpanda

    Giantpanda Ancient
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    Tawaka Village

    Created by GenuineMuffins (Giantpanda on Forgehub)



    Giantpanda returns for his third and final map: 'Tawaka Village Version 2'. Version 2 has received some incredibly major changes from the previous version, which i still regard as lacking in many aspects. Here is a list of a few of the changes:
    - Entire map (except for the chieftains hut exterior, which is very close to Version 1) has been redesigned. Some background research (google) was done on what exactly African Villages and shacks look like and the buildings are based off these pictures.
    - Gametype has been improved to make it more fair for the alpha zombie.
    - Weapons/equipment have been placed in every house for the humans to use.
    - More advanced forging techniques have been used to improve the aesthetic features of the map and create a better overall experience.
    All of these redesigns have taken me around 8 hours, plus the making time of the original which would proabably have been about 6-9 hours.

    If you have any suggestions for a version 3, don't bother asking me to do it, feel free to do it yourself and post it as your own map, because honestly if you can make something better than the original creator you should be entitled to the rewards.

    Suggested Players:
    4 - 8

    Recommended Gametype:
    Bacteria [154] V2 (Download at bottom)

    Human's Goal

    The human's goal is to get inside the Chieftains Hut and locate the bomb, which is on the second floor (custom powerup). You can do this is one of two ways:
    1) You can stand on top of a friends head and jump directly into the second floor and reach the bomb.
    2) You can bash your way through the pallets and break into the first floor, then climb up the stairs at the back of the hut.

    However for the humans to win it is not comletely necessary to collect the bomb. It would be incredibly difficult to kill the zombie by yourself, but if the humans group together into one spot and secure the area you should be able to defend yourselves well enough to either kill the zombie or survive for the 5 minute round.

    The custom powerup grants the user with 125% speed, a damage increase and a few other improvements. Sitting on either side of the powerup are a Battle Rifle and Shotgun. BEFORE everyone complains about how overpowering this is, that is the whole point and it still does not make you invincible.

    Zombie's Goal

    As usual, the zombie's goal is to kill all the humans. The zombie starts off in the Voi Factory, which has been completely abandoned and there is debris scattered throughout the facility. After 30 seconds the front entrance doors are opened and the zombie is released into the streets. The zombie can either try to defend the hut or go after the humans, it is recommended that you pick off a few of the humans first with your 150 metre advanced motion tracking radar though. :)

    Weapons/Equipment on Map

    Note: These may not be 100% accurate

    Why Should You Download It?

    That is the major question here, and i have a few answers. Tawaka Village is certainly an interesting map to look at, the interiors of houses have all been designed to be realistic and the same with the exteriors, feel free to copy them because i'll be far too busy playing Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise.
    I have always tried to be creative when it comes to making maps, i figured; "Why create something when somebody has already done it before?" So i sat there and brainstormed, thinking of good ideas and contemplating as to how it would play out and who would enjoy it. An example of one of the new features in Tawaka Village is that a few of the residents could afford locks on their doors, and no i do not mean wire spools whihc can be pushed over the entrance, i mean a deployable cover which fits neatly over the small entrances into the houses. I will not list every single new feature, i find it much more interesting to play a map and get that 'Awesome' factor, to discover something by yourself always feels better anyway and there may or may not be a few surprises in store if you decide to actually download this map.

    If you have actually read all the way down to here, congratulations, you are a very patient person. No i do not have cookies.


    I sincerely apologise for no photos. I have spent at least 4 hours trying to fix the problem and trying to use different uploaders but to no avail. I would appreciate it if you judged my map by the description and did not lock this thread because of the problem.

    If anyone knows what the problem is behind the message "Upload failed for Picname.jpg with error: A network error caused your upload to fail. Please try your upload again." on Photobucket feel free to post.

    Just for the record i used a fair bit of interlocking and geomerging and i am a perfectionist so rest assured it does look good.

    Again i am sorry, the problem may be because i recently moved house but nevertheless, you will have to deal with it for now.


    Download Tawaka Village Version 2 here

    Download Bacteria [154] Version 2 here

    See my other map: Cliffside Crib

    Goodbye forging, no more frustrating shenanigance from you.
    #1 Giantpanda, Oct 7, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2008
  2. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Does this help you? It probably wont, but perhaps you went about getting the picture the wrong way.
    My other suggestion is that the picture you are trying to upload might be on another computer if you have two networked, and you might need to get it onto the one you are using, then upload it to photobucket.

    If none of that applys to you, try here. The photobucket help section should help you.
    IVIercinator likes this.
  3. RadioActiveBeaver

    Senior Member

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    I'll download once I see pics. It looks nice from the discription, once there's pics i'll download...
    Nice discription though =D
  4. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Possibly an internet problem, or an application error or something is preventing you from uploading pics. Fortunately, many people on Forgehub are good people, and might upload them for you. Anyways, on to the map. Being the n00b I am, it's sorta hard too judge how the map will play. Also, I'm lazy, so checking v1 is a no-no. Anyways, 4/5, because gameplay sounds fun, and interesting, and I like the backstory. Nice. I also liked your other map, so I hope this is up to the high standard that map was. Also, not everyone is going to forgive you for no-pics. So, be prepared for Spamfest
  5. Giantpanda

    Giantpanda Ancient
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    I know it's an internet problem. A reason i know this is because the pics i took in Halo 3 still haven't appeared on Bungie.net, even though the internet is working on both the computer and Xbox.
    As for checking out Tawaka Village v1; please don't. It's a disgrace to the name GenuineMuffins.
  6. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    If the pics don't work, try uploading them a spare slot on your Fileshare. That automatically updates it straight away, so you can walk back and forth from the 360 to the comp, saving, and switching files.
  7. Giantpanda

    Giantpanda Ancient
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    I did that, but:
    1) I don't have bungie pro, so i only have 1 spare slot on my file share, although i could delete other things, i would only ever get 4 max, and i have like 20 pics.
    2) It still doesn;t fix the uploading problem, i already tried.
  8. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Hmm... well you got me. Just go here and whinge at people until they help you. =P
  9. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    I'm going to download and check out the map, the discription so far sounds great I like the 3 weeks before event part, It's very creative, I would recommend you to save the text in Word or something else until the picture problem is fixed, after that you can post a new thread if this one is locked or edit this one, good luck.
  10. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    you could try www.tinypic.com and just upload a picture quick and easy, copy and the code and paste it here, works for me. i feel like photobucket takes way too long.
    Also, i used to have a problem with getting the pictures from halo to bungie. You have to make sure that when you are on Halo 3 and take the pictures, that you are also connected to Xbox Live. If you take the pictures off live, it wont work. I dont know if that helps, its kind of common sense, but it may.
  11. inferno3131

    inferno3131 Ancient
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    Use Photobucket it will upload your images if you have them saved to your computer.
  12. brett3123

    brett3123 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sounds interesting. You need pictures to show how it looks. Ill download when i get some free space
  13. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'd DL if:

    1) There were pics (No pics, no DL)

    2) The link to the map DL worked

    Sorry mate. This sounded good as well.
  14. Giantpanda

    Giantpanda Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The link works, i just tried using Internet Explorer and Firefox and i works for both. I guess we both have internet problems eh?
  15. RatadattBobby

    RatadattBobby Ancient

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    User Has Been Banned!
    #15 RatadattBobby, Nov 15, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2008

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