
Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Iv0rY Snak3, Oct 6, 2008.

  1. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    Xyience - Download
    Forged by xZonKeD and Iv0rY Snak3
    Designed by iTs NeXn

    Background Story: Xyience is a sketchup project NeXn made a while back which he let out to the community just like Hangout. This sketchup projects name was Flux. This sketchup
    was not even attmepted until not to long ago... A guy over on the MLG forge forums bumped the thread after it had fell back a few pages. His name was -DaZe- and i would like to start this thread by thanking -DaZe- for bringing this map to our attention. This is when ZonKeD, NeXn, and I all sat in forge for an estimate of at least five hours for one night laying out the conecpt, figuring out weapons, and of course designing a series of heights in which would fit in the fourth floor without touching the soft ceiling. After
    trying to geo glitch a box for a week and a half which by the way never happened we decided to forget about it and move on with the map. In about 2-3 weeks we had the map finished for testing. After testing a beta map for about 2 days we worked for a version that would be unbreakable and play better. The changes made from the beta are in the post following this thread.

    Description: Xyience is an Assymetrical map. It has a total of four floors which when
    jumping on the fourth floor you do not hit your head on the soft ceiling. This was
    done by geo-glitching the entire first floor of double boxes down. Now about the map itself.
    It is not your average size foundry map. It is about two and half grid boxes from the middle
    divider between the original foundry bases. So now you're probably saying this wouldn't work with large parties but guess what you're wrong. Xyience's four floors make the map higherand more complex than any other foundry map out to date. With excellent lines of site and various routes to outsmart your opponents anything is possible. The map has a sender node which take you from bottom teleporter room to the fourth floor where there is a receiver node, no randomly placed jump ups like a lot of maps out there, and many different elevations.

    • 4 Battle Rifles
    • 2 Carbines
    • 4 Frag Grenades
    • 4 Plasma Grenades
    • 1 Rocket Launcher
    • 1 Custom Powerup
    • 1 Plasma Pistol
    • 1 Sniper Rifle

    • MLG Team Slayer
    • MLG Oddball
    • MLG Capture The Flag Ons
    • MLG King of The Hill

    Release Version to Version II:

    • Third entrance to rockets has been added connecting rockets to courtyard.
    • Bridge area in front of blue flag has been reworked.
    • Box was geo-glitched into back wall on street to add cover.
    • Z- Stairs were fixed so you are now able to go up and go straight up and left.
    • Spawns have been tweaked and adjusted throughout testing and still will be until we are satisfied.




    Screenshots(Call outs will be photoshop'd in tmw):











    Additional Information: I don't expect all of you to like the map even though i hope you do.
    If you do enjoy the map i am very pleased. I would appreciate any kind of feedback from the community because i want this map to be able to reach it's highest standards. By the way please don't ask me what Xyience means cause it's kind of just a made up word, Lol.
    #1 Iv0rY Snak3, Oct 6, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2008
    LIGHTSOUT225 and TheDarkKnight05 like this.
  2. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    wow man this looks sweet.

    The geomerging and interlocking look really well done and the layout of the map and execution of the layout and gameplay looks great.

    I really like the multiple floors feeling and the tunnels look well forged.

    So great map and will download.

    Good job!
  3. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Yes, this seems like an airy map and makes foundry look very big.
    This map does have originality and great design/layout.

    Good Job on this map
  4. drak

    drak Ancient
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    quite a new style to go with for MLG, huh?

    I'm not really getting it from the pictures, im wondering what is around the corner at all times...do you mind making it like as if you were walking (as in one picture here, then the next a couple feet/meters forward, etc etc)

    That would allow me to rate it much better, and ill get you a full review on saturday or so...

    im not trying to say anything, just read the post, that pretty much explains what i wrote.....
    #4 drak, Oct 6, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2008
  5. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    leik OMG, Ivory Snack three posted an epic mapzors!!!111one!!!
    How did you get those boxes in the ground!!!!!

    But honestly, I loved this map. One thing I don't like is the name, it makes no sense and to me, I don't think it suits it. Personally I prefered MOOOOOOOO 031.

    This is up there as one of my favourite MLG maps, even though I am awful at MLG I really enjoyed playing on this map. I think you should link the sketchup design, so that others may get a good feel for the layout.

    I hate talking like this but Xyience is now my favourite asymmetric MLG map. Gameplay wise it doesnt disappoint, it matches the beautiful aesthetics. Weapons worked rather well, you guys managed to achieve having both Rockets and Sniper on an MLG map and I really applaud you for that. Each power weapon has it's strong suits and its weak points.

    It makes Foundry seems so big and so vast. Yet it's just the same size as most other maps, in fact it's a little smaller. It offered a great mix of mid to long range action. Plenty of spots to get a good shot and plenty of spots to retreit.

    Thanks for showning me this for the past few days, that 5 hour talk and forge session the other day was great fun.

    Even though I fail at them, I loved all the tactical jumps. You also managed to incorporate the crane into gameplay, another awesome trait. Those stairs in the corner walk very well and smoothly.

    Sorry for my post being rather kiss-assey but I <3 this map. FFA was fun, yesterday it seemed all of my kills(however small amount there was) were coming from Roche.

    Overall I really loved this map, it offers an amazingly unique MLG experience differing from nearly all other maps. The weapons are very well placed and balanced. And there is an amazing use of resources, each item was placed for a reason and served its own purpose.

    Well done Ivory, Zonked & Nexn on an amazing map. I know it's just been published but: Xyience for Feature 08!
  6. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    that looks really well made nice and strainght nice interlocking... game play looks great... maybe geo merge deeper so the map isnt so high and give like over hangs or bridges that would add to ur gameplay and the initial feel when u spawn... but its already really nice... sounds pretty even w/ mlg rocket launcher and custom power up but i think opening it up would help for the MLGness lol... nice job tho... 4.9 repeating/5 LAWL
  7. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    Yeah, ZonKeD came up with the name, I just rolled with it cause I didn't have any alternatives.

    Will do.

    Why thank you good sir, a lot of the weapons and spawns were the other two (ZonKeD and NeXn)

    Yeah, it's actually a lot smaller than most MLG maps in the amount of floor space it uses, but the vertical aspect makes it much bigger.

    Shhhhhh the crane and door jumps are still relatively secret... lul

    Sorry for my post being rather kiss-assey but I <3 this map. FFA was fun, yesterday it seemed all of my kills(however small amount there was) were coming from Roche.

    Let's hope so...

    If we Geo-merged any deeper you would be able to crouch jump up onto the boxes from the default floor which we did not want, and adding overhanging bridges would give the team who controls the top too much power.
    xSharpshooter94 likes this.
  8. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    I thought this was a very cool map
    The jumps were pretty tight.

    One thing that was missing was aesthetics, but with the awesome geomerging and game play i think they are unneeded in this situation.
    And if i'm lucky, i may be in the video :p
    xSharpshooter94 likes this.
  9. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    Aesthetics were impossible to implement whilst keeping it within the constraints of the foundry budget.
  10. II AceMasta II

    II AceMasta II Ancient
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    hey man I just got done playing both a CTF game and a king of the hill and let me say.. It plays awesome! The layout is simple yet very very effective. It seems so simple but it plays fantastic! Great map 5/5.

    PS. I typed this whole post on my iPod :D
  11. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    I haven't had thr chance of playing on this yet. Whenever Ivory told me the times of testing I would always sleep in or just miss it completely. Hopefully I could get a game on it later tonight with you.

    The map itself looks amazing, I was pretty much there the whole time you were constructing it. I think the most I have played on it was a seven person FFA. Some spawn issues, but I am sure you have fixed them.

    I haven't played it yet so I can't say if this is a issue, but from experience I can give a estimate. The Sniper and OS are fairly close together, and there respawns from I last checked were both 2 minutes. Won't it be a little bit over powering if you could hold the sniper side the whole game, every two minutes you could pick up the sniper and OS. Yet again that is probably why there is a rocket, so you can break the set up. The plasma pistol could be useful in that situation as well.
    #11 J A Y, Oct 7, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2008
    xSharpshooter94 likes this.
  12. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Cool MLG Map Ivory. Its nice to finally see you make a map already. It looks very unique. Unlike other MLG maps, which have 2 bases and stuff, this team-based game looks good for FFA. Gameplay also looks very fun but I dont like the use of teleporters that much and I think that it is just not MLG. Great Job!
  13. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    Looks good, I can already spot a few decent jumps. =P
    I suck at MLG, but damn, seeing forge creations like this make me wish I didn't. 5/5 for looks. Ill play and re-rate later.
  14. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I'm still liking Flux as the name. I agree with Linu, the name just ain't doin' it for me. But that's it, I freaking love this map. I didn't think there would be another asymmetric MLG map that I would love more than Baron's Reverence, but this has jumped in the lead by a long way (sorry, Baron). All the games that I've played have been great, and there wasn't anything to give me pause or make a suggestion. Excellent job, guys. I wonder how long this will take to be featured...

    My god, you just don't learn, do you? STOP judging a map by the goddamned pictures! How hard is it really to download a map and do a 10min forgethrough before you comment on it? Answer: not that ****ing hard.

    But, since I'm such a nice guy, I'll provide you with a sketchup of the map from the MLGpro site that Bnasty colored in with the callouts:


    xSharpshooter94 and Blaze like this.
  15. drak

    drak Ancient
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    listen dude, I purposely said I would download it nevertheless, but there are some things you CAN see that should be improved from pictures, like I saw in the comments, someone said that aesthetics should have been improved more. With or without downloading, that could have been said from the pictures....anyways, thanks for consulting each other before doing what you did. Ivory, I will still download, and give a full review. Thanks, and I'm out, just got back from school 5 minutes ago.....
  16. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Sounds like someone wants to submit this to the Forge playlist, eh?
  17. Kon Artist

    Kon Artist Ancient
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    Spell check is off, just so you know. Read at your own risk.:)

    So, now that I've played it-- my thoughts. Lets just get this out of the way, Zonk and Snake did a great job forging the map. So that leaves us with map design, Spawns, Weapon placement, and objectives to review.

    Design-- Movement/ Flow, LOS/ cover, High/ low ground etc.

    Movement/ Flow-- The map has a clockwise flow to it, and movement from high ground to low ground. The map flows in a large loop from bottom tele to the back part of "open street". Now, this is where the problem is with the design. The only time that you can cut a smaller loop is with an OS nade jump or a drop down to OS from the above flat. This makes the right side of the map only played through a clockwise movment. I rarely see players loop counter clockwise, up the "Z" stairs that are open. This might be used if there was cover on the stair as I showed you yesterday. People drop down there 10x more than they climb up. That might be a clue that there needs to be a change made there.

    LOS-- I think this problem is complicated due to that fact that the map is broken up into to halves. There is a right side and left side. The long LOS from across the map on flat Geo. = not very fun. I know that you have love for the "open street" but I don't think its very good for gameplay and probably the weakest part of the map. The strongest part being the Sendor Node side with the dubble stairs and the half ramps with the plasma pistol. I would recommend a brake in open street and pushing the map back.

    High and low ground- I would recommend a little more cover on the low areas. This would also help with spawns. (E.i. bottom "Z" stairs.)

    Spawns-- Over all not bad for the first version. But there were quit a few times when people would spawns right behind you/ next to you etc. I assume that the basement where rockets spawns is your "safe spawn points". As such, it should have more spawn points. I would recommend increasing the spawns to about 40. Also the basement should have 3 ins and outs. I would put a 3 entrance from OS room where the "Z" stairs are. This would bring flow to that part of the map, clockwise and counter clockwise. The rocket area and area above it are dead areas of the map IMO. As I don't know anyone that goes to the second hill area... unless you are playing hill and well... there is a hill there. P.s. please make a full ramp out of rocks.

    Weapons-- Great

    Objectives.-- Great. Some might think that CTF would be very unblanced... but it played great and was a lot of fun. The hill locations are on point and are placed well. Ball-- start is good. Not the best map for ball

    Final thoughts-- fix the top tele. You should be able to block it, not sit behind it. Hope some of this helps, as you have good map that could become great.
  18. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    well, MLG playlist really...

    Thanks everyone for the good feedback, and having a map that squid considers to be better than reverence is a huge thing since I loved that map so much...

    EDIT: Many thanks for the full review Kon, we're already working on adding a 3rd entrance into the rocket pit via a drop down hole, and I'll talk about making it a full ramp out of rocket side. The LOS and cover problems you should bring up with NeXn if you haven't already, since he was the mastermind behind the design.
    J A Y likes this.
  19. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    This map is incredibly well made and thought out. It has an amazing layout and some mind-blowing merging. The pictures just don't do this map justice... maybe take some more pictures from different angles. I can't wait to play this though, definitely worth a download. Great job!

    PS: you should use the squidhands' sketchup of the map in your post to give people a better idea of the layout.
  20. Kon Artist

    Kon Artist Ancient
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    yah, nexn told me about the drop down to rockets. But, I do not see that fixing the dead zone. He didn't seem to open to the idea that I shared to "improve" the map. As for added cover-- that was for me. B/c your BR was so nasty;)

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