Warthog Derby Version 1.1 Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Gametype/Derby Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details ________________________________________________________________ Warthog Derby is a map I made after coming up with a strange, but fascinatingly addicting idea. People will look at the map and think: "Wow. This must have spent like five minutes to make. What could you do to possibly make this exciting." I believe that with the magic of the flexibilty of gametypes, the map becomes unbelievably addicting. Of course, if you want a competition you came to the wrong place. Warthog Derby is for screwing with friends with mindless distruction through: 1. Rocket launchers (Spawn With) 2. Gravity hammers (Spawn With) 3. Frag, plasma, and Brute grenades. (Spawn with/Grenade regeneration) 4. Warthogs, x4 5. Mongoose, x1 6. Flamethrower, x1 7. Grav Lift, x4 8. Deployable Cover, x1 _______________________________________________________________ Deployable Cover/Flamethrower/Mongoose(On top of bridge) Spawn points. _______________________________________________________________ One side of the map. Not seen in pic= Mancannons aiming upwards in the corners/Grav lifts and mancannons on the platform/ Warthogs aiming out unext to platform. _______________________________________________________________ Action shots= _______________________________________________________________ Open to constructive criticism, but I might argue. Thanx ^_^ Oh, adn the only ways to kill are to assassinate, splatter, or slam somone who is in a vehicle against something so hard they explode. WARNING= YOU CAN STILL KILL YOURSELF WITH YOUR OWN ROCKETS, FIRE, AND STICKIES
this map looks ok... 4/5 maybe you can make obstacles around the map for some extreme excitement(FUSION COILS!!!!!). i've made a map like this b4 but mine has mancannons, energy walls, and deadly teleporters.
This could be fun for a while but could get boring after a while due to the fact that the map is a little plain. You could have geomerged the walls into the wall. The warthogs can still get back there. Overall 3/5
even though i read the post i still dont see what's so special about this map. cant you just play forge wars instead of making a map and posting it on forge hub? i'm talking of this one of course. people might as well just go to forge, spawn a warthog and rocket launchers and hammers and play. i'm not trying to be mean or anything don't worry
I know ur being sarcastic... there really isnt anything on this map worth downloading it for. anyone can go onto foundry canvas and do this in less than 5 mins. sooo.... sorry, but 2/5. really. i have to be honest. mabye add more obstacles and stuff. interlock, mabye geomerge, stuff like that. do that, and i'll give you a 3/5. if you dont know how to do that stuff, go to Forging 101. it's on the left sidebar on the home page. work on that stuff, and keep cranking out maps. my first few maps werent very good either. so take everything people say into consideration and improve on your forging skills.
i agree with darkmaster. this has been done somany times. car battle type maps that is. ive even made some myself. i dont get whats so "epic" about it. not to be mean but its over done. the maps fine but its the game. 3/5 for map 0/5 creativity sry :~( but keep posting maps. i thought one of my maps that i posted was awseome but i only got crappy comments on it. dont stop forging.
Ahem* If i need to repeat myself I will, but the reason it plays well is because of the gametype. Idc about what it looks like and it turns out fine if you give it a shot.
you are correct sir. dear author of warthog derby, no intentions of being harsh but this truly didn't need to be posted. Even if you truly did try it is a bit of a drag to open up a map with the thought of winsauce and see this :/ not saying to stop but next time put some time and effort in and mabie we will see the epic shine though ^_^
Ahem* First off in the final version, the one my link is to, the walls are replaced by mancannons facing up. Second off the mgaci is the gametype, not the actual map. If the map looks bad it's because I either don't think it matters or don't thinkl people will be as judgemental as you are being.
nothing about the map, even if there are mancannons, catches anybody's eye this isn't original, it's like the 2390480 remakes of creeping death variants for sandtrap. and this is dull. sorry dude but regardless of whether or not you think anyone cares, i'll speak up and share that it just isn't special
you should expect the unexpected. people are gonna be really judgemental on this site a lot. you just got to learn to be able to take it. there's no need to get so defensive.
I really don't what to say.... Maybe. . . Well done. It would be fun maybe for the duration of 5 mins then i would be Straight back into MM. Your probably going to get totally ripped for this post but don't make it you last! Why not ... Maybe ... Get some inspiration from the FH Featured maps. All were saying is post a map with A BIT MORE DEPTH this is what we appreciate in Map Posts Well Done Have Fun
Looks wayyyy too plain and really underforged. It's just a couple walls a box and a bridge. I could see how random things like this could be fun but like egutar said it would get boring after 10 minutes. Perhaps looking at the forging 101 section would help you alot.
First off= The gametype makes you do zero damage. Thats all. It works well. If I knew what creeping death was I would probably disagree. Sorry I don't, but i still disagree. I will repeat myself, the pics show the version BEFORE the version the link leads to. If you don't believe me, don't download it. Of course, I will encourage downloading regardless. Second off= I'm not trying to be defensive, I'm just trying to make a point and get people to download it. I'm sorry if it came off the wrong way. Third= I don't want to looka t forigng 101. I wil repeat myself AGAIN. THE GAMETYPE MAKES THE MAP GOOD. Sorry if it looks like I'm pushing it.
I'm not a big fan of these types of maps, but this is actually okay. However they can loose its fun after awhile. Like if they walk very slow, that would get soooo annoying. I do like a ton of those weapons in the open box.
I quit caring. Seriously do some work on this though, the forging 101 will help you whether you like it or not. have a blast with your uber gametype