Hi, I was just wondering if there is a technique to merging a teleporter into the ground so that you can just see the flashing part. This way, you can have lights in the ground I came up with a way myself already, but it is a little tedious. i want to post my method but i want to be sure that other people haven't found better ways already.
Never ever even came close to trying. I fail so much at merging. Maybe put a wall on the ground that is interlocked with the tele? Then grab the tele and it may be just the light?
get someone else in your game, get the person who isn't host to "tele-tap" it by repeatedly pressing A on it. Then once it's under where you want it, save and quit.
Merge the teleporter node all the way underneath the map, then save and quit. When you get back in the game merge yourself under the map with a late spawning box, then grab the teleporter node and push it at far up to the foundry floor as you possibly can. Then save and quit and you should just have the light part showing through the ground.
can you show me a pic of how effective this is? seems to me the death barrier would get you before you could do all this unless you're really fast
if you turn into forge mode as soon as you get under, you can stay under forever. And you need to pull the teleporter up to you to get it to be fully showing while tele-tapping.
you can mod it lol thats what i alway's do its the better way becouse i can mod anything half way into the ground just by changeing the XYZ cords you guys are stuck whith a select few object's that you can do it with i can do mancannon's teleporter's anything you cant Moding win's again
theres 1 sender and 2 a reciever just geo merge it like a box, use a door for recievers, lay it flat on ground, and geo merge it-watch out because the node falls fast!
push it in with a door, hard but possible, then as you still hold it bring it up against the ground. Save and quit. For some reason I've had trouble with this method 4 some reason. Try it though.