Consolation V1 By xpwx stealth Ok Consolation is a foundry map i have been making over the last 5-6 days. i started making this map when i was in the middle of testing xiathis which you wouldnt know what it was unless you play tested it. Now for most people this map may look like all i did was copy construct but i assure you i did not i just took a few ideas such as the sniper perch and mancannon lift so please dont be like "hey you copied construct you are teh suck" Weapons: 4x BR 2x AR 2x Needler 2x Mauler 1x Sniper 2x SMG 2x Magnum 2x Plasma pistol 2x Plasme rifle 1x power drain 1x Bubble shield 10x frag grenades 4x plasma grenades Gametypes: Team CTF Team KOTH Team oddball Team slayer Team Assault Now for the pictures Defending base Attacking base Smg tunnel Overview of sniper perch Stairway to sniper perch Mancannon tunnel Power drain and mauler spawn+ lift Top lift Top walkway left Right Sniper perch and bubble shield spawn Download fixd Enjoy ^_^
While i applaud you for trying to impliment parts of a map that inspires you, i feel you copied it a little too closely for my tastes. several areas are much alike, and even weapon/equipment setups are exactly the same. The areas where you did create your own designs flow very nicely by the looks of it. I dont know if i would've put two maulers next to each other like that. quite often maulers can be ridiculously dangerous when dual-wielded. my recommendations are that you base your ideas on basic key things about maps you like and not build the map centered around pre-existing things in bungies maps.
although you think i took to many ideas all i did was use the sniper perch and mancannon idea and yes weapon placement was based off of construct but if you play it it feels nothing like it and you will be surprised how awesome the gameplay is
You've done a really good job, a really good job remaking construct! I understand you using an existing map to base your new map on, but here, you've failed to strike a balance between new and old. If there was no such thing as Construct, then I would be amazed by this map. The interlocking looks perfect. However, it looks too similar. 3.5/5
I really like the man cannon hall way. I always like your maps. You are very good at interlocking and geomerging. I will download. 5/5
what can i say but that because i love construct this map is pretty cool, however like Silence mentioned, you should have took the time to add some more of your own ideas to the map. like maybe start with the basic idea or theme of construct and build upon that. and the weapon placements are ok but i would've changed it up a little so it wasn't almost exactly like construct. my recomendation is more BRs(5 or 6), less frags(4-6 cause you start with them), and maybe 2 magnums(cause 1 is such a lonely number lol) other than that i'm impressed with this map.
I dont mind the construct resemblence, and the map looks good. However it looks a little incomplete and empty, needs more.
the map looks amazing and it really does look like construct like you said. The sniper area, the lift and the weapon/equipment placement are almostly the same, I does really look like Construct, but I doubt that the gameplay is the same, great job with making a foundry version.
Nice map layout, but it looks like some of the boxes should be flipped to give it a smoother look and feel.
I do not know why people keep saying that since its a mix between construct and isolation that its a bad map. This map really brings out the best in bugie's maps and combines them in to a masterpiece that looks and plays well. Next time download a map, play on it, then tell him what you think. BTW: The tunnel kicks ass!!!!!!! 5/5
good I can totally tell the resemblence of construct in this map. With all the different levels to go on this map looks evenly balenced and very fun. Im gonna check it out. 4/5
sorry sorry for double posting but its either my account is messed up or your link is. when i try to download it says this, The Forum, Topic, or Post you requested could not be found. We were unable to access the forum, topic, or post you requested. Most likely, this item was recently deleted, although it could still be cached, so the link you just hit hasn't been updated. Please select one of the following destinations to return to, or simply hit your browser's back button:
Great map Stealth. I actually didn't notice that it was like constructs until you said so. I still think it does not look like construct. Anyway great map, looks like it will flow very well. FIX THE LINK, oh and I think this map is unbreakable.
How can you say the weapon placement isn't just like Construct's, if there's a main lift going up to a sniper perch, with a sniper and a bubble shield below it, a power drainer in front of bottom man cannon... :/
dl? when i tried to download, it led me to, but it said "Bless this mess", and said that the forum couldn't be found, or something like that.