but aronore, (I really dont care how to spell it) bungie infact DID design even out-of map areas designed just for looks,they may not have intended for it to be used in hiding, but still they designed it, and what imeant with the monopoly thing is, were simply using what we have, like a get-out-of-jail-free-card, instaed it is a win, infact, i never even mentioned monopoly money, im simply stating that were using what bungie gave us in a creative manner, and anyway, just because some people arent in HLG doesnt mean they hate it, infact today i did some HLG on narrows, and afterwords the oppostion simply asked where we had hid, we even offered to show them, and they agreed. (BTW it was team doubles)
Look, when I come to play Halo 3 (the little bit I do now), I want to PLAY Halo 3, not have some guys hiding where I can't get at them because I haven't practiced how to get there. I mean does rank and EXP really matter to people so much they have to hide for it. Show some guts and fight.... so I can shoot you and have your guts fall out... and it will be cool...
Well then no offense but too bad for you.Just because you are someone comes online doesn't mean we should just change our whole ego and play differently.
well, it isnt cheating, but its not nice, but its very very fun to do. i usually get my friends to help
Wow man seriously, contribute to this.USe good grammar and stuff.Look at eveyrthing we posted so far,and you don't even post a sentence.Thats spam and you're getting reported.
They made it. Yes. A large amount of people then are becoming extrremly fed up with HLG. If it becomes a large enough problem in bungies eye, they will introduce something to solve that problem, if either more death barriers, more guardian kill barriers, or revamp the maps completly or add Waypoints. And, in my opinion: if you and other HLG'ers stop playing because you can't hide, XBL will go on normally as if you were never there, and no one will care but otehr HLG'ers. So I'm not worried, and I'll still fight my opinions. They will listen to the largest voice.
aranore. trust me, hLG will always find new ways to hide, and anyway, you have said your self that most people dont like HLG, but i HLG 9/10 times every day and with my friends i had before i did HLG, no people, i repeat, no people have complained to me about it. also, ant-HLg may be larger than Pro-HLG, would bungie really program waypoints/extra barriers and stuff, knowing that hLG will always find a new place? anyway, do you know how much prgramming it would take? and would bungie really go through all that work just to eliminate a small group of creative people? BTW aranore, i want a truce, this is a debate, we disprove other arguments, not flame (im not saying you were)
the amount for barriers is less than you think. and yes i do, if it became a big enough problem. this debate will never end. i agree to that. A truce to agree to disagree is proper. I'll still hate HLG and say so when asked.
aranore, i must tell you, bungie Can NOT eliminate HLGers, they will always find new ways to hide, bungie can ban them, but they will just crouch walk to lesser paths and not be found, bungie can do anything, but HLG will prevail
I myself consider things like that small crevice off of Narrows, and underneath of Narrows to be cheating. But small things like hiding inside of the map I don't think is cheating, in fact I think it's a very useful strategy. For example, I have 3 film clips on my fileshare right now that have me hiding in MM. (Master Ninja, Hidden Ninja, and Ninja's Revenge. Check them out, they're hilarious and very awesome. ) Here's what happened. I'm playing Team Objective by myself, and my team is a bunch of sore losers who quit after the blue team scored once. So I'm by myself against 4 jerks who think that they're so good at Halo because they can spawn camp and kill 1 guy. So I start hiding, and taking them out one by one. It was one of the more epic games of Halo I've ever played - because I was outmatched, but I still managed to survive and kill them more than I died. That, to me, is not cheating. It's what I had to do to survive and not be humiliated. Probably pissed those guys off though having to look for me, but I don't care. They were jerks.
Definitely is cheating. I agree, they aren't even playing the game, they are just using their team to get them, the cheater, experience.
Wow want to put some emphasis on that? That is borderline spam... Hows it cheating when bungie provides the map? Its the same concept as shooting, or beating down. Your using the maps geometry to your advantage.
How the heck is hiding considered cheating?!?! Sure, it's cheap, its not good sportsmanship, but there is no way that it should be even remotely viewed as cheating. Here is one definition from a dictionary: A computer application, password, or disallowed technique used to advance to a higher skill level in a computer video game. Hiding doesn't apply to any of those. EDIT: Crap sorry guys for forgetting to turn of my Signature
i think if its in the game everyone can do it so if you try hard enough you could hide too so hide away little kiddos and win win win lol its kinda funny when you watch the videos after and they are like wtf where the ell are they
I've underlined the section that I think you should read again. Bungie feels that hiding is a technique that should not be used. It's against how they feel the game should be played. Regardless of how you guys want to play it, they feel on the public games you should not do that. If you want to go in foundry or customs and make and play hide and go seek and hide maps, go right ahead. But, in the public games, changes will be made again to the maps with the next update and map pack (like epilogue, boundless, pit stop) so hiding is impossible. You guys should give it up. They feel it is disallowed. by the definition you provided, it's cheating. and if you want to throw in the argument, "they can't tell me how to play my game", then again, go play on your own. You are no better than bickering children at school who make up rules to soccer. It's not soccer anymore if you make safe zones where you can pick up the ball; it is a different game altogether.
Wow, I just got owned. *blushes* Oh, and just so you know, I'm not a hider, I was just saying BTW people, you're supposed to remove your sig when posting in the debate section.
No, I don't think it's cheating, but it certainly is unsporting and noobish if you get in the lead and then go to lead-camp. I mean, how can you say that you're good at halo if you fear losing your lead so much that you rather hide and wait for five minutes than go out there and gain your lead even more? Then again, I think it's kinda cool to seek places to hide, for example if you want to have as safe place as possible to snipe. Then you're not basicly hiding, but camping, cause they know where you are. I've got a video about that if anyone is interested.. I apologise the crappy quality, it was back then when I didn't know how to edit gamevee videos on your computer... Now I would make the video very differently...
It isnt cheating at all, bungie doesnt have any kind of ban on it as far as i know. Even though many people find it cheap and a waste of time for the people that do it, some still do just because they lack the talent to actually play the game fair.
so hiding is impossible. On epilogue, boundless and pit stop, there are HUNDREDS of places to hide, TRUST ME bungie can NOT eliminate hiding, even with waypoints, i know a bunch of spots that are almost impossible to get an angle on, and i repeat, BUNGIE CAN NOT STOP HLG
Lawl That sounds like a dare? Or a Promise? If only they could see this forum lol.. if they introduce more barriers and death barriers, it can be stopped. and that can be simply changed.