I'd say valve/steam. Its basically live but for the computer.They have almost every well known game and some of their own.Half-Life 2,Portal,TF2,Counterstrike.And they have garry's mod which is probably the best modding experience ever.
Navyfield Ace Online Gunbound MapleStory Silkroad Online Exteel Dungeon Runners Gunz: The Duel Combat Arms America's Army Valve/Steam games aren't free
From my limited experience with computer games, you get what you pay for. If you really want to enjoy a game, you're going to have to pay. Hey, but if you can, prove me wrong! I'd love to find a game that isn't detrimental to my health (an addictive MMO) that is fun, free, and noob-friendly!
well forge freak last chaos is free until u get to like level 70 which is hard. Playerhata does steam mess with your computer
Runescape is like Wow. Only they made it bad now. So there wouldn't be a point in wasting all that time. The only computer game I like is Civilization 3, which isn't very much like Wow, but still. And it's only 20$ or so in Target.
I forgot to mention, although it should be kinda obvious, that all of these games are completely free and most of them are MMO's. That's just a small sample of games out there that are totally free, but I'm not going to name them all.
Neverwinter Nights. Probably one of the best computer games ever. with expansions 200+ hours of story.
this isnt like WoW but i liked to play KingdomOfLoathing.com at school. its like a turnbased 2d wacky thingamajig. try this too http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_free_Massively_Multiplayer_Online_Games
erm...there are hundreds of good pc games, but like with most stuff- the better the quality, the higher the price. i think you can get RTC wolfenstein free actually. then again if youre looking for a mmorpg...i would have no clue
Uniball Maple Story I never play these, or even know how good they are. I'm just told they're good. Oh, there is supposed to be a free online first person shooter, but I forgot the name.
Kumawar. Only problem with this game is that it's not a game really. It's a mission downloader. Once you download the mission you an play it, and it's actually pretty fun. Like COD4, but cheap. But wow, does it take a chunk out of your internet usage.