Hey FH! I am IRifle ProdigyI, a respected Moderator at LGnation (no link). I like to play Halo a lot, and I play tons of other games, and I am always playing with a friend. I play sports too, like basketball and football. FH looks really cool, and I hope it lasts a long time!
I'm the one who gave it to you.For your post in the Hiding In Halo 3 deabte.Your debate degraded me and made me look terrible.Which was wrong and bias.Learn to please both sides. Welcome to Forgehub.
Wtf no?Read the rules.Opinions go in Off topic or anything else.Debate is supposed to be facts not opinions about members being bad at video games. O and be pleased to be infracted for neg repping for no reason.Also you have no rep so it did nothing to me.
Wow FH is starting to piss me off. You guys are really mean. I just got here and I am sick of this place.
First off its not all of Forgehub, its me.Block me if you must. If you want to leave no ones stopping you.
Your right, I should not blame FH for problems between you and me. Sorry. But I thought the debate thread was for opinions, you could have at least talked to me about it before giving me negative rep.
Well as I have said about 5 times already.If you find it was unnecessary then PM a mod. I should report you neg repping me, but I won't seeing it was your first day.
Sure alright.And don't worry.Rep doesn't mean anythign as long as the people here like you.I'll try to get the red to green someday.
No no its perfectly fine.I guess I was a little wrong for - repping you seeing it was your first day.Just when you have time read the rules so you don't have any more problems in the future. We kinda got way off-topic lol.
Yeah I probably should read the rules. I was just assuming things, which led to misunderstandings and crap. Back on topic. Thanks for the welcomes everyone! Hey I have + rep!