Zombie Island 3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by OMFGDRPHL, Oct 5, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Terrible

    2 vote(s)
  2. Poor

    3 vote(s)
  3. Average

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  4. Good

    4 vote(s)
  5. Great

    4 vote(s)

    OMFGDRPHL Ancient
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    Some of you might remember the original zombie island. It looked good in the topic, but in reality without a 10 minute explanation people were lost and died quickly. I threw together some more stuff to make zombie island 1.5 . This is how I got a lot of ideas. I put a turret on one of the stone arches. The first round the last man standing ran up there frantically shot zombies before they got to the beach. It worked well, until the zombies got to overwhelming and got to the beach, flanked him, and won the match. I realized how great that spot was, and how great the idea of a holdout shelter with so many strengths and weaknesses. However, those weaknesses could be fixed by teamwork. I used these ideas with version 2. I also incorporated the whole scavenge for weapons gameplay, although it didn't work well. People just wanted to stay at the beach and camp with the rockets. So I put the weapons in very obvious places, or places everyone walks by. This led to version 2.5. So in this version I needed to fix people jumping through the teleporter door, and people not figuring out how to use it. You can see the solution in the screenshots. I also added a lot of holdout shelters. Each with its own type of gameplay. Each one has a weakness. I'll state it with the pictures of them. The beach was supposed to be the holdout shelter, but I figured it was too open, and more of just a battlefield. So within the beach, there's a couple of holdout shelters, and on the other side, there's quite a few as well. Version 3 has every issue I've seen except for one. But I won't tell you what it is. ;)
    On to the map!
    The game starts with 3 zombies. Their goal is simple. Kill all the humans. The humans have to survive for 10 minutes. Humans have 1 minute until the zombies are set loose. Humans have to move a crate out of a teleporter, close a door, find weapons, find themselves a shelter, and survive for 10 minutes. Zombies have a more fast paced job. They have to quickly open the door, break open or into the holdout shelters, and eat the humans.
    Zombie spawn
    Inside the zombie spawn
    Human Spawn 1
    Human Spawn 2
    Human Spawn 3
    Holdout Shelter 1
    Holdout Shelter 2/Weapons Crate
    Outside Holdout Shelter 3
    Inside Holdout Shelter 3
    Inside Holdout Shelter 3
    Outside Holdout Shelter 4
    Outside Holdout Shelter 4
    Holdout Shelter 5
    Holdout Shelter 6
    Teleporter Door Mechanism
    Locations of some of the hidden weapons.

    Download Map: Zombie Island 3
    Download Gametype: Zombie Storm
    Download Gametype Variant: Zombie Reign

    Gametype Description:
    Zombie Storm: My standard infection gametype. Zombies run pretty fast but have standard gravity. Zombies are pretty strong as well. Humans have all standard settings. They carry a magnum and plasma pistol. Alpha zombies carry an energy sword. Zombies carry an energy sword and gravity hammer.
    Zombie Reign: Same thing as Zombie Storm but alpha zombies get good camo and zombies get poor camo. Makes for more frantic games. In close quarter situations humans almost always die.
    Custom Settings:
    Easier Game: Give humans instant kill, or shotguns.
    Harder Game: Make zombies faster, *be able to jump higher, or give them instant kill.
    *Doing this will let the zombies out early.
  2. brett3123

    brett3123 Ancient
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    That is pretty awesome. i like how you didn't use foundry this one looks better then the first zombie island. keep it up
  3. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    Looks like a pretty well-made map to me. And I give you limitless bonus points for designing on an original map, we all know DAMN well how hard that is to do effectively. You even managed to put up with the stupid LR containers long enough to do thins with them!

    So seriously, looks like a really good design. I'm really sick of people designing thoughtless, junk maps and just passing them off saying" Oh, it's Infection." This looks to be a very well-built and thought out map. Although the idea, admittedly, isn't the most original thing in the universe (Here's a bunch of bunkers. Here are zombies. Hide and don't die), it's executed vastly better than most. The implementation of a specific weakness within each holdout adds a lot to the map.

    That being said, for several of the holdouts, it doesn't look as if the weakness is enough. It looks to me like 2 or 3 people could hold one of these against an endless tide of zombies forever (well, until they run out of bullets. And some are guarded by turrets so that isn't even a problem). I think it would be cool if there were some hidden "easter eggs" on this map, like secret back doors into some of the more formidable holdouts, or traps the zombies could trigger. While I know this would be exceedingly hard to implemtn on an older map, it would be effin AMAZING if you did.

    All in all good map. 4/5 from me.
    OMFGDRPHL likes this.

    OMFGDRPHL Ancient
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    Good to know. I know that there's turrets in a couple of them, but believe me, once the zombies get out of your line of fire you either panic and run off, panic and remove the turret, or try to shoot them with another gun and leave another side open for attacks. I also made sure each shelter had at least one weakness. Shelter 1 can be destroyed with the strike of a gravity hammer. Holdout 2 will usually be shot down by your team because they need the weapons, or it'll be knocked over by a gravity hammer swing. The third can be opened from any side, and believe me when I say it happens. A lot. Well you get the idea. I am hoping to improve using the stuff you said, to release version 4. Thanks for the long review.
  5. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    Oh, so those little concrete barricades CAN be opened. That's basically exactly what I was talking about. Ok that actually pretty much fixes all my complaints right there. I though that you might have reinforced those barricades with either teleporter nodes or weapon holders, and they couldn't be opened. That's essentially exactly what I mean by "secret back door". So in that case, forget about my comment on that.

    In that case, this map is ever better than I thought. If the zombies start pouring on from all sides, the humans are gonna go down fairly quickly, regardless of how many there are. I like that in an infection game; I'm really, REALLY sick of maps where the game description is basically "Humans stand in an invulnerable hole and mow the lawn for 10 minutes". Those get old. I find it a LOT mroe enjoyable when the teams are either even or the zombies are given an advantage. Faster paced, fear-filled gameplay is highly preferable to a shooting gallery. That just really isn't much fun if your a zombie.
    Or, contrary to what they argue, if you're a humn either.

    So, I'm changing my score. This is easily a 4.5/5 map, minimum. I'm completely dumbfounded with all that you've been able to cram into Last Resort, probably one of the most annoying maps to forge in the history of ever. My props to you have increased 10fold.

    I can't wait for your next map. Keep up the amazing work =)

    OMFGDRPHL Ancient
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    Lol thanks. I don't have any immovable objects left except power ups though, otherwise I would reinforce the barriers on one side. You have persuaded me into making a version 4. :) The part of this I like the most is hearing someone say "oh crap they're coming" and just hoping that they're in a shelter far away from yours :D
    Squiiddish likes this.
  7. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    Haha but isnt that the baser joy in ANY infection map? You're just chillin in your bunker joking around with your team, and suddenly you just hear "HOLY **** OH MY GOD RUN THEYRE HE----"...

    Priceless XD
  8. spectraltravis

    spectraltravis Ancient
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    i like maps like this where you have to go find a defense position baricade it and gather weopons plus its on an original map not foundry or something 5/5
  9. Roflolcopter

    Roflolcopter Ancient
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    it's not on Foundry, and in this case, it's bad. This deserves a remake. There are just too many things un-original about it.

    OMFGDRPHL Ancient
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    I'm sorry you feel that way. Could you suggest some more stuff to add on to the map?
  11. spectraltravis

    spectraltravis Ancient
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    well thats your opinion and the one above is mine

    OMFGDRPHL Ancient
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    I appreciate you liking this map, but please don't double post. You don't want an infraction now.
  13. ShadowGiraffe

    ShadowGiraffe Ancient
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    Very good map. Me and my friends have had countless laughs over the "What are you doing?" "Looking for that hidden wea--- OH SHI--- "ShadowGiraffe has been infected." That really did happen more than I expected. priceless. At the base under the windwill is where that happens the most because they jump out of nowhere. Awesome map. 4/5. Can you possibly post the settings for the gametypes because the link is messing up.
  14. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Yay, it's not on Foundry! Bonus points for originality. Unfortunately, I never played the original Zombie Island. I'll download and give it a try.
  15. IzanoSlayer

    IzanoSlayer Ancient
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    love it. Sometimes it's good good to play classic infection
  16. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    First off I would like to compliment you on not only sticking with this map, but improving it with every update, so kudos.

    Now onto the map. The map is good, hence my vote for it. I'll tell you the reasons why I like it, and reasons I don't like it. Though be aware these are all of pictures for I have not been able to play it yet. If I feel the need to, I will test it and report back later with my results.

    Things I like
    • I like how you gave the humans a minute to rummage around the map. So they can gather weapons, supplies, hiding spots, etc. It gives a good feel to game play, and not like players are being rushed to get somewhere, and quick.
    • Then again I like how you contradict what I said first. How players can close the door for the zombies not to come in. That will show a variety in players attitude, and will demand on teamwork. No wonder you have 3 zombies now.
    • I also like how you started the humans basically with half-ass embankment. It will make players venture out for more supplies.
    • Another thing I appreciate is how you hid some power weapons. It will also make players risk their survival, but if they do they'll be kindly rewarded.
    Things I dislike
    • I don't feel like you gave players enough sense of 'what to do'. I can see players just hiding in one spot, and not moving the whole game, when you have excellent stations for them
    • I feel the item placement was half-ass. I know the starting points are supposed to be that, but you gave too much a sense of that. Though its a pre-DLC map so kudos for making it.
    • Well this is more of a question than a dislike, but how you get in shelter 4? It looks barricaded off from both sides, unless theres a teleporter that leads inside it that you didn't explain about.
    If I do get around to playing on the map, I will give some suggestions to make the map even better. But great job, and can't wait to see some more of you work!
  17. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    This is to this day the best last resort infection map ive seen. But then again the only ones ive seen were really stupid jk. But seriously this appears very well thought out and looks like you spent a lot of time on it. I dled the first gametype but keep up the good work

    OMFGDRPHL Ancient
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    Yaay! Topic's been bumped! :D

    Well, thanks for the review, I appreciate it, though I probably won't be updating it since I've mostly gave up on halo. :\

    So about that shelter, there's a brute shot or two on one side of the shelter, so far people have figured that out, so I'm not worried about that.

    And I do admit that rarely is there a party where everyone does everything correctly; most of the time while playing these maps people will camp wherever they see a turret, which is why I made the turret areas holdout shelter sorta deals.

    As for a human coming and destroying a grav lift, there's two of them, and one of them is unhittable unless you jump down, though anyone who were dumb enough to do this is dead. XD

    In case the gametype doesn't work, use standard infection, make it start with only 3 zombies, give humans BRs at start, and I recommend turning off nades.
  19. Inactive user 452356

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    It's non-Foundry, but I fell in love with this map instantly. Great job.
  20. Katana Master

    Katana Master Ancient
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    That happens too often nowadays. Priceless

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