Hey as some of my friends on xbl may have noticed I have been playing guitar hero 3 lately. I borowed it from my friend Friday and I have been playing it since. I have played the game before, like demos, so I started the career on hard with my brother. (Coop) After beating about 20 songs I believe we came across Knights of Cydonia and One. Yes they probably are easy for you, but I am borrowing this game meaning that I am playing with regular xbox controllers. Does anyone know any other way I can beat these songs without having to go to the store and buying two guitars? The parts that are hard mostly are the tramola picking parts when you pick very very fast. It is very hard with a controller because you are clicking the bumpers very fast and it gets to get very inconsistent. +Rep for help! Videos of Songs on Youtube One ( hard part starts at 5:06 for me) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2fNVO5t39o We usually lose at the 6:00 minute mark, star power doesnt last forever
I hold it with two fingers and press up and down at fast parts. Trust me, I'm filthy at this game. I have the expert achievement.
Use star power when you're low yellow and have the rhythm man do his best to try to save you two. Why can't you borrow a guitar from your friend? Btw it's tremolo.
I'd either do what the guy above said borrow a guitar controller. Or If not then save star power till the very hard parts and use it right before you lose or before the hard part starts, and use two fingers for the relly fast parts. Also One is a beastly song on hard the average or a bit better probly can't beat One on hard with a guitar. (I know i can't)
"When you play with a controller, each time you press a fret button (L2, L1, R1, R2, and X, in that order), you get an automatic strum. Playing with controller resembles an actual guitar; this means only higher frets count when playing single notes. So, holding down higher frets and pressing lower frets gives you free quick strumming for the higher frets." I found this tip on a youtube video description. It took a while for me to understand it, so lemme break it down for you. So, you have a fast set of yellows coming up. So, you hold down the yellow button (not sure which trigger that is on the xbox controller) and quickly press the red and green buttons. So, you are basically playing GY and RY chords really fast, but since only the button closest to the neck of the guitar counts, it's like playing yellow notes double time. Unfortunately, this won't help with the lower fret buttons (Green and Red) so you will probably just need to save SP for parts with those. Hope this helps.
Ah, interesting. So I think you're saying hold down the desired note and you can tap any note bellow that and it will just be like strumming the desired note. This will obviously take some practice to get right, and can't be done with green. But yeah good tip shatakai.
That's exactly what I'm saying. But, it won't work on Green or Red, because if you are holding down red, there is still only one button to press, and so it would be the equivalent of pressing just the red button by itself
Ok basically if there are bunch of reds coming up really fast you just hold it and press the buttons below it?
No, if there are red or greens coming up quickly you just have to press that button repeatedly. But, if there are yellow blue or orange notes coming up, hold down that color and press the red and green buttons underneath it. It doesn't really matter how it works, it just does.
This is actually getting very confusing, so if yellow notes are coming you hold it and press the green and red buttons?
Yeah dude you say you've played guitar for over 5 years. If you strum two frets on the same string you only hear the highest note. So in guitar hero, with the control, whenever you tap a button it is considered strumming. So if you hold yellow, and tap red, it will strum a red/yellow chord, but if it's only a single yellow note you want to be hit, then a red/yellow chord will still hit it. So what you can do on a long string of yellows, is hold yellow then tap red then green, then red, and so on. So it'll be Y/R to Y/G to Y/R and so on chords, which will just be strumming yellows seeing as the highest note is the only thing that counts. So instead of just tapping yellow repeatedly, you can hold down rb(yellow) and alternate lb and lt. Which is twice as fast. Yes, the above is confusing. So you don't really need to pay attention to this post, unless you think you get what I'm talking about. Btw, I tried Knights of Cydonia on hard with a controller (and I never use it), and I beat it with Shatakai's method. But on One I think you're f'ed unless you get a guitar.
Cool, glad to see it actually worked, however it's not my method. I got it from a youtube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLq5TBt40tM Also, eguitarplayer, If you look at that video, you can see that whenever he is pressing yellows, blues, or oranges, he is also tapping the red and greens underneath it. Check it out. I'm amazed at how good this guy is using a controller. Also, this vid is on expert, but the same principle still applies
Get a Guitar. It's much easier. All the songs are easy on the guitar. I've (finally) beaten every single song on Guitar Hero 3. This includes Through Fire and Flames and the other songs they released in the downloads. Fun game though, all you need to do is practice, practice, practice.
guitar is much easier for fast strumming, although I have heard many times that the TTFAF intro is easier on the controller. Do you just randomly hit notes, or tap, or what. I tap, but sometimes wonder if I actually practiced if it would be easier on the little xbox controller.
Ok I finally beat knights of cydonia on hard with my brother on coop career now we are trying to beat one I have the beginning of the song completely mastered but when I get to the end with the fast part its just impossible with a controller.