The Singularity Created by: x DREAM 76 x Gametype Supported: Battle Tracks Recommended Players: 8-16 Here is my new track on Foundry. The map took me about 20 hours from start to finish and all the testing and stuff. I wanted to make a track that would have some sweet banked rolling hills. I decided to put the jump in near the end actually. I feel it worked out pretty well. The track is fun with a large party. It has a lot of sweet parts that can be exciting and fast paced with some friends. The Singularity
Holy crap man! I am the guy that can totally appreciate the hard work you must have put into this track. The banks are so smooth and they turn very gradually and realistically. The third to last picture impressed me the most, I think that is definitely the best possible overview picture because it really gives you a good first impression. I think you should have named this map the drifter, since the banks are the perfect drifting spots. I have to give you a 5/5 on this map since it is made so nicely and used up all the materials to make it super unique. Edit: OMGZ It's Featured!
man dream i played ts with you yesterday and it was very fun i love where you hid the invisible i was the only one that found it this is a very good map and i can see it took a long time great job keep up the good work
Wow. This map looks really amazing. I WAS getting absolutely sick of racing maps, and then I saw this. I hope this map becomes a huge standard for future foundry racing maps. It looks like the best one ever. I could only imagine how long this took. Bravo sir, Bravo.
20 sir, are a legend. I'm not that fond of racetracks because normally, they have tight corners and are very cramped. This track however, blew me away. The time and effort you put into the track really shows as every single bank and corner is smooth and gradual (as Golly said). The track is definately wide enough for a proper race and for there to actually be over-takings which is definately another high point. I couldn't even imagine making something like this and for the awesomeness of this track I am going to make a space for it on my HD (that's amazing for a race-track!), a 5/5 and + rep. Keep it up, well done.
wholie cheezus! this is one of those legendary racemaps that forgehub rarely sees on foundry, i'e literally only seen one other racemap that was equally matched with this one (that was built on foundry). everything is so cleanly interlocked, and i really do like how there is an essential gametype to add the finishline, thats tight. actually get points for your lap. smooth work 9/10
Wow! one of the best racing maps I have seen. In my opinion this should be featured. The walls, brigdes, and boxes are perfectly lined up. Great job!
Wow dream I loved playing dis map it was alot of fun with a big party too bad my connection was terrible
this is a must for dl i always frowned upon racing maps i always thought they were gay until i saw simply amazing the curves and banks are perfect 5/5
WOW this is very well made... nice job interlocking and getting it so smooth i love how it rolls and tilts and turn so smooth and well... this looks nice givve it some originality tho... but it still looks really good... i wanna play noxz
Nice job on the map. I do have to give you props on the interlocking that you did and how neat and perfected the map looks. I like how the track is big enough for cars to pass (which this is usually hard to do, because of budget issues and space on a map). However I do have something to say about the map Which is: I don't like how you put the finish line, I do understand that it is cheat proof (which is great and all) but you could fall off the track a lot. (Example: Another racer could push you off the track, or you could just not even make the jump and then you would probably get the feeling that you could never catch up again). And that example applies to all racetracks such as yours. But don't let my comment ruin the map or anybodies idea of the map on if they should download. I will say this despite the finish line I think it is an excellent map with the interlocking and I bet the racing is just has good. So congrats on this post and the map looks like you worked really hard on it.
Nice map Dream, I'm now thinking that I should have joined your game earlier when you sent me that invite, I was working on a map (Considering I always am) XD I now feel stupid for not joining your game, 5/5 and a download. The 3rd last picture with the huge banked turn is very impressive. Nice map!! -Hitman =D
o wow. this is simply amazing. the only racetrack I have ever mad was with my friend and not near as good as this. I am going to DL and play custom games on this
Wow, thanks for all the sweet comments and feedback guys.. I am prob going to make another track on Foundry soon. I have a really great idea for a concept track.
Wow, this map has perfect interlocking, this should be used for Halotrack's Tournaments. This is probably the best Foundry map I've ever seen. Make more!
Dude Dream. Once again you've "WOWed" me. The jump is absolutely phonomenal. You really showed your true potential with this one. I don't think people will be talking smack to you for a long time. Props bro. Work: 10 / 10 Design: 9.8 / 10 Creativity: 10 / 10 Overall:10
cool. this is realy nicely made - realy good use of space - great skill involved and good interlocking - great map - looks like great fun - good luck with future maps - 9/10
Nice review! I am glad you like the track. I want to start a new track soon. I am just too lazy, lol.. Once I get started though the rest is easy. Starting is the hard part.
This map looks fantastic! The banks look really smooth, and from the pics it looks like one of the best racing maps I've ever seen. Great job, 4.9/5.0