Turmoil made by iM so PerFecT Background: I was never going to post this map but I got a small testing party in and everyone said it was a great map so today I decided to post this here. Description: Turmoil is a map made on foundry that uses everything but the back bases of foundry. It has many different structures built throughout the whole map. Gametypes: Confuse TSlayer Confuse TFlag Confuse THill Weapons/amount/respawn: Battle Rifle/7/45 Carbine/5/30 Rocket Launcher/1/180 Sniper Rifle/1/180 Plasma Pistol/1/120 Spiker/2/90 SMG/2/90 Mauler/1/150 Needler/1/120 Frag Grenade/4/30 Plasma Grenade/5/30 Equipment/amount/respawn: Ghost/1/180 Mongoose/1/120 Bubble Sheild/1/90 Regenerator/1/90 Trip Mine/1/120 Overshield/1/180 Ghost and oversheild is symmetrical/Mongoose is asymmetrical. Pictures: Action Shots: Thanks for viewing my newest map: TURMOIL Download Turmoil Download Confuse TSlayer Donwload Confuse THill Download Confuse TFlag
this is freakin amazingly forge layout is win wepons are nice it looks great interlocking is straight geo merging is smooth and such i dono y u werent going to post this this is great nice structures and layout and all... somethings look a little pointless but the map is AMAZING... if u wouldnt have posted this then u wouldnt have gotten a DL from me... 5/5 i will DL when i can not now im outa room... mayb tomorow... i will bookmark,... 5/5 EDIT: take out ghost and mongoose to clustered and small for those...
this map looks like epic win to me. im pretty impressed by the natural flow of your layout, and all the geomerging looks really neatly done. I also love how you've utilized my bayonetwork bridge in it!
Im glad that you posted this. THis map has a great geomerging and interlocking. I really like the weapons that are placed in the teles. Great job on this map.
sexy map map nice interlocks geomerges in the first pic. might want togeomerge that box into the wall also mabey put a mancannon inside that stair case to creake a lift thingy to above the rockets?
The map is really good the layout is perfect and the gameplay for flag is amizing words cant discribe how awsome this map is ^.^
I love playing on this map, it has great weapon placements, amazing interlocking and geomerging, and playing multi flag on this is the best ever. Great make and can't wait to see your next map.
man this looks pretty awesome dude i especially like this picture: The geomerging is amazing and its very unique i give this map a well deserved 5/5 great map keep forging my friend.
Looks really good. Very neatly put together, and everything seems like its meshes with one another. Nice job.
Very nice map. Gameplay is amazing, mostly on CTF and hill. Not much else to say about this. It's just one of my favorite maps. Also, very smooth geo merging.
Wow, this map looks amazing. In the 1st pic I like how you mad the box looked like it was curved. You did an excellent job geo-merging and interlocking. I like how you used bridges for walls. Rocket Spawn= epic win, so does sniper spawn. The flag spawn looks awesome.
Thanks I myself thought that Capture the Flag and King of the Hill was very intense. Thanks for the awesome post. I did my best on the interlocking and geomerging on this map.
wow why wouldnt you post this?? lol why would you think something so amazing isnt deserving of forgehub =) man this map is....(goes on dictionary.com)... a prodigious feat! XD in my eyes it looks like a prodigious combo of The mechanar, and bayonetwork. as well as some of Reflex. but it has those epic designs and it also look like it is a map that doesnt require so much jumping, compared to some.
this map looks really nice you have some very nice geo merging going on here and it looks like you used the items in a very useful way. I think ill givethis map a DL. good work.
Haha thanks, nice dictionary skills there. I was trying to make some new structures but I ended up just taking others and adding on to them. I guess I should be happy I posted it since so many people like it. I am just hoping some could give a great review on it. Thanks, im already starting on a new map that im hoping will be better than this one.
After playing this map for a few days I came back with a better review. Gameplay is amazing on it. Everywhere you go in this map there well be lots of action and its great fun. The only thing is the spawns were a bit screwed up sometimes. Other then that I love the gameplay. Layout is great and it flows with this map. Some parts are great additions to this map. Only thing about this is it seems crowded in some areas like stuff was there that shouldn't be. Anyways, I love this map and think it should be doing a lot better. Maybe a v2 will fix it.
alright i got a forgethru on this map and i don't like only two things. or three, really but the third doesnt really count. 1)sniper and rocket are really close together. you might wanna balance tht with a different weapon in a V2 2) DOOR PLATFORM!!!!! doors and stairs have an invisible section on them(ends of stairs, flat sides of doors) that still counts as a solid. you need to either use only one door, or slightly interlock the two because i cant stay moving the tht platform for like 1 second. if you wanna see what i mean look at Squared Circle by linbidux....i think i got tht right... 3) wtf no screenies on the epic crane thingy???lol the most original structure and no mention to the noobs who base posts on pics alone. it IS a crane....right? or is a walking two-legged soccor ball monster? or is it a time-manipulating vortex which only occurs INSIDE the single open box that make it look like there is a soccer ball but it's really a time-frozen advanced speceis of plant that has been cloaked by future technology to look like a soocer ball 0.0 XD just askin.... p.s. this post was fun to write XD