Debate Hiding in halo 3

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by viprikr, Sep 19, 2008.


Is It ok to hide In halo3 slayer game?

Poll closed Oct 4, 2008.
  1. No because there not playing the game >:(

  2. yes cause its fun >_<

  1. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    i agree, but think about this: is there really enough people who play HLG in matchmaking for them to be so drastic as to put waypoints/infract people for hiding? i think theres maybe 200 out of like 1000000 people who play halo, and most of them ONLY PLAY IN DOUBLES.
    anyway, even with that waypoint thing, people would find even better hiding places like this that is ther official HLG site (?) i beleive but look at the "book of the ninja" and watch a few videos as you can see, some would be impossible to get them even with waypoints
  2. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    I disagree. Way points would show direction. If anything you could TRY fragging them, or anything else. you will at least have a guide for direction. If it is found to be impossible to follow, then you take a recording of it, send it to bungie. Then they will get infracted ^_^. cause it was shown to be impossible to follow, therefore guaranteeing their win, therefore, cheating. and you yourself just said you would be safe 100% denying anyone to take back the lead.

    and if anything, the guy in the video is making himself look like an ass. >_> He's proving no one could stop or kill him in some of those vids. that's not honorable. that's not respectful. That's being a bastard.

    Edit: After going to your provided link, I then tried out the spots on that site. 2 gave me trouble and i needed to try them several times. several being 4. besides that I got them all. so..... again... not alot of skill required. low and cheap.

    Edit 2: In the "Handbook of jumping" it clearly states with the equipment pooping/jumping that there are spots where you will not die if you are found as it is impossible to kill you up there:

    "* The Power drain is the only “real” equipment jump possible in MM. Note: this can only be done as an Elite... and being connection host won't hurt either (If you like Elite I suggest you practice this powerdrain jump. There are spots you can get to that even if you are found it's 100% impossible to kill you!)"

    Edit 3: and the final note of the handbook states:
    - This post contains multiple different kinds of glitches. Hidden League Gamer does NOT encourage glitching"

    They know bungie does not like this, or they wouldn't give that warning to people while using these jumps. Evidence points to the fact that hiding, and glitch jumping, is wrong and against what the developers intended. I think if this problem continues, then they will revamp the physics codes to stop this, or introduce a lot more death barriers.
    #182 Aranore, Oct 2, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2008
  3. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    goodness, dont -rep me cuase your RETARDED if you look at any dictionary, you will se that cheating in a video-games is USIN AN ACTION REPLAY OR SOMTHING, and im pretty sure, correct me if im wrong, its not
  4. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    cheating definition |

    If you look at the very first point:
    "To deceive by trickery; swindle: cheated customers by overcharging them for purchases."
    do believe hiding someplace impossible to reach to guarantee your win is swindling myself of victory.
    and, for kicks and giggles, here are the rest of the first section:

    1. To deprive by trickery; defraud: cheated them of their land.
    2. To mislead; fool: illusions that cheat the eye.
    3. To elude; escape: cheat death."
    and. to close any more discussions on this, the rest of the cases:
    "v. intr.

    1. To act dishonestly; practice fraud.
    2. To violate rules deliberately, as in a game: was accused of cheating at cards.
    3. Informal To be sexually unfaithful: cheat on a spouse.
    4. Baseball To position oneself closer to a certain area than is normal or expected: The shortstop cheated toward second base.

    1. An act of cheating; a fraud or swindle.
    2. One who cheats; a swindler.
    3. A computer application, password, or disallowed technique used to advance to a higher skill level in a computer video game.
    4. Law Fraudulent acquisition of another's property.
    5. Botany An annual European species of brome grass (Bromus secalinus) widely naturalized in temperate regions."
    yes, point 4 in the terms of a noun is ONE possibility that can be cheating. And, if you pay close enough attention, it says OR. not and. you could, by definition, be cheating if you use a replay OR by using a disallowed technique. Bungie has said that by using the glitchs in the system, they do not want this to happen, and feel that it is dissalowed. you, my friend, by definition, are cheating.
    #184 Aranore, Oct 2, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2008
  5. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    I'm totally diggin' the research you did on HLG's own website. To be so hated, I'm glad to see some form of respect for the game itself by them.

    Check out THIS VIDEO. It's some "HLG" guys doing nothing spectacular at all. My fascination is the score at the beginning of the video. The score shown is 0-0 with barely less than 1:30 left in the game.

    Now, I want you to incorporate the evidence shown in the following picture with the score and time remaining in the posted video. Then, tell me how much FUN these guys had for 10:30.

  6. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    I've experienced that.. 10 minutes and a half of hunting for nothing... It sucks.
  7. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    no, its just awesome, its funny to match the other team search in vain, go in a high area on narrows and watch the other team look at the spots almost everyone knows... and maybe BR them once or twice. and like i said I DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE OTHER TEAM HAVING FUN, I WANT TO WIN, NOT GIVE THEM POINTS CAUSE I LOST.
  8. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    Your laughing at their horrible fortune.

    Your laughing cause you know there is nothing they can do to stop you from winning. That's wrong. and your still cheating by definition.
    #188 Aranore, Oct 3, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2008
  9. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    Actually, the definition of cheating is to violate rules or regulations(yes, I looked it up). Hiding does not fit that definition. I do not remember Bungie or Microsoft saying that we could not hide in the game.
    drak and Darkdragon like this.
  10. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    That's one definition, yes. Also, you've not looked very hard if you've not been able to tell that Bungie frowns upon hiding matches out. They play the game for fun. If you watched anything of them playing (IE: 2V2 Recon Challenge), you'd see how much fun they have, even when losing. It's about enjoying the game. That's the way the creators intended for it to be played.

    I'd like to reiterate that my posted video and explanation above humiliate hiding, lulz.
  11. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    I posted the definitions. Here. Read them again yourself. Read them ALL:
    Cheating definition |
    You guys keep taking one possible definition for cheating, and even then, only half of it. Bungie has stated that, they, the creators of Halo, feel hiding is unfair and cheap, and therefore a tactic that is not allowed. Therefore you are cheating.

    This is a simple logical process of how to get from one point to the other that you choose to ignore over and over again.
    Why I don't know..

    Edit: Know what? I'm done here.

    I hate arguing with children who haven't even hit adolescence yet. They can't comprehend when they have lost their argument, nor can they accept that they are wrong. If you guys keep going at it like this, then God help all. And I'm talking about your basic talking skills.

    Leaving statements: I feel that I have proven time and time again that hiding requires NO skill. as I did all the "massively impressive great lulz" spots shown by Darkdragon, and that by looking at the definition for cheation, plus bungies statement that they don't like hiding, makes it a tactic that is not allowed.

    Have fun getting naded and humped.
  12. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Who said Bungie is always right? They're human too they,they do and will make mistakes. All I'm seeing right now is "Well Bungie said so, so its automatically true." Yes they do make the rules, but they're not always fair.

    They make think whats best for us, but its too condescending. Let us decide for ourself, if we want hiding to be right. I feel this debate is outrageous. If Bungie says "Hiding is infact cheating" then they are the biggest hypocrite ever.

    They made the maps, with all the features,weapons,equipment, and hiding spots. Is it our fault for actually finding them?And using them? I don't think so. I find hiding a great tactic. And tell me when you never hid when the game was 24 to 24,and your in the lead. Haven't you ever played a game where the time limit runs out?

    Thats basically the same thing as you guys said before 12 minutes. Well what if two teams go at it for 12 minutes and still haven't reached the required limit to end the game.

    Hiding is a tactic. Just like anything else in this game, or any others. Its using the maps geometry to your advantage, just like camping, or picking up over shields. I don't see how no one cans realize this. All of you need to open your eyes and get off Bungie's balls.

    Maybe even try hiding once? You'll see how fun it is to do and your blood rushes so fast when an enemy passes by. Halo 3 was intended for fun, and we're just trying to keep it that way. People whine and yell calling us "Pussies" where the same term goes to a shotgun user,or a rocket user.

    The other team made the mistake in the game of letting the other team win, no matter what happened in the game. I just want all of you to realize something. If hiding is cheating, what is the point of using cover, active camo, grenade jumping, brute shot jumping, and camping.
    Darkdragon likes this.
  13. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    They do the best they can to make their game enjoyable for everyone. But there are some people who take advantage of some problems in the system. That is something that is unavoidable, sadly.

    This is pretty much the same argument as those who would super jump in Halo 2. As you can see you can no longer super jump in Halo 3. When the game isn't played as intended, the make the necessary changes so that it is played as intended.

    There is nothing wrong with hiding in Halo 3....but when you're hiding outside the intended area of play, that's when problems are caused.

    Now of course, if this does become a problem (Hasn't happened yet), expect bungie to add additional death barriers to the maps to prevent some of the glitches HLG has found.
  14. PhoenixAssassin

    PhoenixAssassin Ancient
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    I hate hider's they peck head
  15. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    yes, believe it or not, bungie actually made the maps for there game! (amazing aronore isnt it?) thus they included the spots, they may not have thought of people hiding there, but, people still do. but anyway, bungie made the turretcase on construct (and i dont think there removing it... its really not hard to find XD), they made the side-ledges on construct, they made the trees on guardian, they made the ledge on blackout, they MADE all of the HLg spots, 9so, aronore it cant be cheating, its like using a game-peace in a game of monopoly) so hiding IS legit, its simply using what you have.
  16. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    But see thats the problem right there.We've been playing the game the 'wrong' way for so long,that when it comes time to change we see it unfair.

    How is the game supposed to be played?With Xbox Live you can't do everything thats intended.
  17. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    depends under and out of the map yes cheating.

    hiding inside a map ex. behind box on contruct, no not cheating
  18. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    ...I couldn't ignore that.

    nothing is wrong with cover. its in the middle of the map. and most likely you will get flanked and your cover will only work so long.

    grenade jumping generally? stupid idea. lowers your shields and makes you vulnerable. jumping to hide? you know my opinion on that. same with brute.

    camping,(edit)in my opinion(/edit), is stupid. Camping is the reason boundless, epilogue, why they came to existence. cause people complained about all the camping.

    and active camo is a huge advantage. that's why it only lasts for a short period of time.

    and for the rest of your comment, the small group of people who want hiding to be ok is against the large group who don't. Bungie is going with the majority. if you ahve a problem with it then go and ask them to make a group like MLG but for HLG.

    also, what if they introduced more guardian death barriers? like on construct? stay on longer than 10 seconds and you die? or more death barriers? then what will you do? and no i will never hide. I will use cover, but never hide.
    They made the maps, but they didn't MAKE the out of map hiding spots, with the intention of people exploiting them and using them as perfect win spots. they took the time to include detail i every aspect possible so you wouldn't complain. if you couldn't stand on it. If you would go through the parts of the map outside of the playing area you would whine and complain and say, well that's no realistic, so its a loose situation for them.

    they technically made the spots, yes, but not with the intention of people running and hiding to them. And if you use the tactic of use what you have, whats wrong with the us using nukes to stop the Irag war? Pull everyone out and nuke em. cause A) thats stupid B) it would kill everyone.

    but hey, they are simply using what they have, right?

    I know that example is a little extreme but its the same principle.
    and learn how to spell a name. if not just use copy and past >_>
    #198 Aranore, Oct 4, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2008
  19. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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  20. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    again, you ignored my point. Yes, hiding is not being seen, and with active camo you are not seen, which is a huge advantage, and why they do not last forever.

    If you go and hide, you are using this advantage with it never running out.

    And for brute shooting. Since you just said you would only use it to go hide, then there is no purpose in normal non hiding people, so your comment as to why the point to do it? None. No need to.
    Ok. Then go try eating cow testicles. After you have a recording of this then ill try HLG. I have no reason to try something just because you said so.

    You've been using the same arguments over and over as well, so your posts are just as much spam as mine would be. This is a debate. I'm simply repeating my points because you refuse to prove them wrong with good enough information or proof against it. all you keep saying is your opinions but no facts or proof. I'm not on bungies balls. In a debate attack the concepts not the people or I will report that.
    #200 Aranore, Oct 4, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2008

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