Yeah, that double box floor looks pretty pointless, but hey, that's pretty sweet. How did you do that? Make a Forge 101 on that, and people will treat you like Forge God, rather than just that boring old Forge Jesus. 3.141565492/pi
nice nice... Worth my download... So anyways... You made Haven.. I heard some people said that the map was used with the forge mod i didnt belive them so do you think you could possibly prove them wrong... I love the interlocking on this swelll job .
i like the concept, looks like two cabins fighting, love it, gotta have it, etc. oh, i like how you barely geomerged the boxes into the ground.
I will probably get an infraction for this but seriously, I think every other experienced forger would agree that this map is really horrible at gameplay (as was Haven and so on.) You really need to work on your spawns and especially weapon placement. You have 1 bruteshot very close to 1 rocket launcher, 2 snipers, 2 maulers, a sword, shotgun, not nearly enough BR's (4 only), and lastly they are all on a way to fast spawn. Also the map has very pointless geomerging. You geomerged 28 double boxes (4 were open doubles) with the ground and for what reason? Just for aesthetics! Gameplay is much more important than aesthetics but I really think that you are a savant of aesthetics but a retard of gameplay. Again, im sorry but this map just absolutely puts me to shame when I think of what you are really capable of at forging. You can report the post but either way we both know that im right. :'[ Overall: 1.2/5
I'm not even going to take your point into consideration. Sorry but you're a complete idiot. I don't care what happens to me for defending my maps. I test played everything, I like the way it plays, and people play my maps every day. Some people actually play my maps far more than me, on all the gametypes. Weapon Layouts: Isolation Sniper x1 Rocket x1 Shotgun x1 Brute Shot x4 Mauler x2 Ghost x1 The Pit Sniper x2 Rocket x1 Shotgun x2 Brute Shot x2 Energy Sword x1 Mauler x4 Machine Gun Turret x2 Active Camo x1 Overshield x1 And I could go on. Anilec Sniper x2 (180 Respawn) Rocket x1 (180 Respawn) Mauler x2 (45 Respawn {Like most Bungie maps}) Brute Shot x1 (90 Respawn) Sword x1 (180 Respawn) Active Camo x1 (180 Respawn) Now if anything, mine looks like less than the standard Bungie maps. But mostly more evenly balanced. I base my weapon placement by Bungie maps, and no one has had problems with them. About the boxes. I said it was for "TESTING NEW FORGING TECHNIQUES". I like my maps to have nice aesthetics, make them look interesting and not have 100 cloned maps that keep coming up. But hey if that's what you want in a map, go look at Bungie forums, they got little kids posting crappy maps every 5 minutes. That's obviously what you're looking for so go there. I had some of the higher ups here check my map, check the weapon placement, check spawns. And I tweaked it a lot, so unless you can make something better I suggest you shut the hell up. Everyone else thanks for all the comments, I like to get constructive criticism, yeah I'm not perfect but I'll listen to feedback. And take it into account for my next map. But I'll only listen to feedback that makes SENSE. Any more actual feedback is welcome. See you on the game. Peace.
I still can't get to grips with how people fill foundry without it looking empty. The map is extremely well built and set out. Everything is neat but I don't like the teleporters at the top of one side. I like the way that most of it is raised except for the gap under the bridge and the drop at the other end. Also Iv'e just noticed the other pics and the tunnels look so neat and well made. This is a very good map, I can't find any drawbacks other than the teleporters so 4.5/5
I am one of Picceta's mates and i'm not just saying this because he is a great mate. He has a very big talent. Use it well as you can see, this map plays well from any amount of players i think... it's just incredible 10/8
Really? The whole floor is geomerged super low like that? Thats got to be one of the most impressive things I've ever seen. I'm hoping to see a feature sometime in this maps future. One of the best maps I've ever seen.
Hey Picceta! Nice to see another map again from you. I always liked all your maps. They are all very good and I like the fact that all your maps have a great interlocked floor. You're one of my fave forgers in Halo 3. Great map, good job.
Played it. Map sucks. Spawns are terrible, not enough cover, and the weapons are way Overbalanced, Like OtherDark mentioned. There is no point to merging it, only to give it a " feel " which is bumpyish. And there is no ****in' way you could even do that. 1: I tried for 2 hours, 2 different methods to get it that flat, and interlocked. This is bullshit. Sorry, but this is fake to me.
Not enough cover? There's cover all over the place. Where else would you want it? How's it fake? It's right there in front of you. I have techniques that I spent a great deal of time on learning and improving on. You spending a stupid amount of time doing it the wrong way is your problem. There's nothing wrong with the spawns. I played on every gametype and I had no problems what so ever. I used spawn zones, set the offense and defense. I minimized spawn killing as much as possible. I had higher ups from here check the weapons first, and I already mentioned standard Bungie maps. Sorry, but you're wrong, you're free to dislike the map. But you can't say it's badly made. Because I've seen some of the crap that gets featured here. You're wrong entirely. I looked at your maps, and they're terrible, you're hardly one to judge.
That's cause I don't make maps. I criticize them. Hardcore. And I'd like video proof of you making a map, just like this. I just don't believe you could do this, or do this in two weeks, if that. Plus, in the game I played, people were spawning behind me and killin me from behind.
Exactly LOL zombies point. YOU SUCK AT SPAWNS!!! Assassinamations were flying around like ducks in the winter! Get help from higher ups from now on or people who are actually decent forgers with both gametypes and map. in other words, anyone with a brain.
How many people were you playing with? I put in the post that it's recommended for a small amount of players. Six or under is best. I mean what do you want me to tell you? Are you saying I didn't merge the boxes? Then what? I mean they're right there, I really don't get where you're coming from. My techniques are my own, I don't public share that kind of info. Maybe one day. I've taught a couple of people so far. But if they'll create anything good with that knowledge is up to them. And yeah 2 weeks is a long time if you think about it. I've only just started university and haven't got much work at the moment, so I have like 4 spare days solid. So I would spend about 5 hours at a time, and in that time I could get 2 or 3 boxes how I wanted, spread that out in 2 weeks and there you go.. Haven on the other hand, when I was just early trialing my techniques, took me 2 months, I've improved. The flooring, like I've said many times, was just me testing myself to see what I could do. And I personally like the feel that it brings to the map. @OtherDark: For like THIRD time, I had help from higher ups. My guess is that you just played the map and lost. And didn't like losing, I've met the type, get over it.
I don't think these people are playing on the same map I am, because I found it amazing. All of your maps are absolutely stunning. I've never had a problem on any of them. The only thing I would change on this map is not having the invis so close to the rockets, but other than that this map is like perfect.
wow dude you just dont get it. I played a 2v2 on it and won by 12. at the end of the game i had 4 assasinations. 1 guy on the other team had 5. The map has horrible gameplay and you could have made some very interesting structures instead of all that pointless "feel" geomerging. You could have made ramps, arches, towers and all that good stuff but instead you created a pointless floor on the floor of foundry that was very annoyingly green. You are good at mapmaking dont get me wrong, but you just suck at everthing that makes a map what it is or can be.
I take it that you feel that way about all my maps? Including Haven? I hate too many ramps, I stick to Bungie style maps. I hate maps where I have to keep on jumping from platforms like mario. I prefer maps like Standoff, Valhalla, where you can get yourself in a good position that suits you and have the openness. It bugs me when people always run round corners because there's cover everywhere. Cause everyone just ends up chucking grenades. I thought the tunnels where a nice shape (the entrances). I liked my bases, the stairs, the climbable roof, the fence box bridge. I mean I personally hated your maps, maybe we're just into completely different things. They were well built, I just didn't enjoy playing them at all.