Alright so I have been hearing a lot about Castle Crashers so I went and downloaded the trial. It was pretty fun and I want to know a few things about it before I buy it. First of all, does it get really repetitive? I like how you gradually unlock new combos and all so that would keep me playing but are the levels repetitive? How and when does it get boring? Please just post your favorite things about this game and whether I should buy it or not. Thank you!
I think this game is worth it if you have someone to play with or atleast talk with it about. It's fun the first time you go through to play with the main characters, and then I like to make it where we both play as unlockable characters. Getting new weapons, pets, and building your skills differently makes it fun, but it is basically the same thing over and over again with several noteable differences between the levels. Also, Isane mode would make it fun for anyone wanting to take the game to the next level I bet. I haven't tried it because I here it is just ridiculously hard and long.
It's a co-op game. If you know anyone on XBL who owns it, or you have friends in the area and extra controllers, get it. If you're Ted Kaczynski, Castle Crashers is not for you. (Bomberman would be more your kind of game in that case.)
i dont have it yet. ive heard that it has fun co-op with friends, i think my friend told me that it was a little repetitive. i will tell u that when i get enough MP ima definitly get it.
I my opinion it is totally fun. The only reason I didnt buy it though is because there are new games coming out soon so I didnt want to buy that then have new games come out. Just my opinion however.
Castle Crashers Worth It? Alright so I have been hearing a lot about Castle Crashers so I went and downloaded the trial. It was pretty fun and I want to know a few things about it before I buy it. First of all, does it get really repetitive? I like how you gradually unlock new combos and all so that would keep me playing but are the levels repetitive? How and when does it get boring? Please just post your favorite things about this game and whether I should buy it or not. Thank you! I fixed it, you spelled Crashers wrong in the title, makes the thread look sloppy.
definitly, if youre waiting for a new game thats coming and u want it more or dont have enough money, id really get the new games instead of castle crashers. you should too! im espeacially waiting for Fable 2 and GH:4 World Tour, maybe GoW:2. oh and if the new mythic maps come out b4 you buy castle crasher, you should get them first(that was a no brainer!)
Alright I bought it and I love it. It is amazing. I play with my lil bro and friends on XBL. I am already on the last level where you have to kill like a million bosses and it is hard as junk. If anyone has any tips on how to beat it or would like to help me beat it please let me know! So far my characters rank as Red Knight: 28 Orange Knight:14 Periwinkle Knight: 3 all the others are default. Please let me know how to beat the last level though! I would really appreciate it if you even helped! Alright well thanks for the advice in telling me to buy it. It is extremely addicting and really enjoyable.
It's not the joker Its TRICKY THE CLOWN (It's a newgrounds thing) I found that the best way to beat the final boss(es) was either to bring a friend or sibling along for the sole reason of reviving you when you die while giving you reassuring coo's You could also just stock up on potions and use the necromancer's (Flying guy) sword which gives 7+ defense and bring along either the pig or spiny animal orb.
it was entertaining for a while but then it just got really boring. i wouldnt buy it. just play the demo like two or three times