Universal CnC Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by E93, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. SE7ENS1NS4M

    SE7ENS1NS4M Ancient
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    Well first off she's damn hot and i like that.
    But on to a more technical point of view.
    Compliments: The colours all go together well, i like how you've even incorporate the pink/teal 2C on her shirt and put a bit of it in the background. Another part that i like a lot is how you've done your actual signature.
    Criticizime(I don't know if thats how you spell it lol): The only thing i can really complain on is how the pic is a little grainy, and i would consider making the border a little smaller.
    Generally very good signature...3.5/5
    My new sig, went with a more colourful, vibrant theme that I usually do:
    CnC k.thx.bai.
    Smeagle likes this.
  2. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Author: The person above me.

    Well first off the sig looks really great. I like how you spread the colors, and how you positioned the character.

    I don't like how the light is on that character however, and the background looks more important than the character. The is a little plain, and the while in some of the places looks a little off. (Just my opinion though) The background is the biggest problem. While I said the background looks busier than the character, it's because the background looks like a big clash of colors. (Maybe that's what you were going for, but again; this is my opinion. Don't take it too seriously.)

    Overall I would give it a solid 3/5.

    Senior Member

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    I like all the colors, the lighting might be a little too intense. Like Frag Man said, your focal seems to be the background, not the render. Other than what I mentioned it's really good.

    2.5/5 (Yeah I'm a hard ass)

    Made this for the render contest, CnC pl0x?
    Smeagle likes this.
  4. The Effected

    The Effected Ancient
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    The lines are kinda strange, and I don't like the G being green but other than that looks pretty good.(sorry don't have time for more)

    CnC this please.
    Smeagle likes this.
  5. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Author: reaper of bunny
    Response: First of all, I must say that the image is very well balanced. While the character is off-center, enough focus is distinguished between the lighter tones on the left and the darker tones on the right to make it work. I also like the rather bland color pallet you decided to work with, as it's easier on the eyes. The "widescreen" black bars on the top and bottom also do a lot to make the image feel a good deal wider than it actually is, and generally, my eyes know right where they're supposed to go.

    My only real complaints about this one are a lack of contrast in the brighter parts (which hides a lot of the detail in the character, though I do like the general gradient from light on the left to dark on the right), and how hard it is to find/read the word, "Apples." Great graphic, though.
    Rating: 4/5

    CnC this for me, would you all? I'm trying to decide what (if anything) comes next...
    Smeagle and (deleted member) like this.
  6. Knight Kninja

    Knight Kninja Ancient
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    wow i really like the style jepc.. and im sorry i dont know how to write so much, but i really like the random number sequence you used for it. it looks really cool. My only complaint is that the font is a little plain and it stands out alot. try putting some effects on it or setting it to overlay and duplicating it once or twice
    Jpec07 likes this.
  7. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    That's pretty picture right there. I really have no complaints, except the 1 pixel green border. It's fine near the bottom, but at the top it throws the picture off. The transparent border however has to bring it back more, rather than boosting the pictures looks. The text is great, though it would be better if you had the three periods at the end of the sentence, rather than the beginning, and capitalize the "w" in the sentence.

    Overall I'd rate it a 3.75/5. The reason my rating is so harsh is because I expect so much more from you. You really know how to correct others sig, but you lack in your own.
    Jpec07 likes this.
  8. SE7ENS1NS4M

    SE7ENS1NS4M Ancient
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    First off I just want to say isn't the height max 200?
    This looks a lot taller :S
    But anyways on the the CnC::
    Compliments: I like the general feeling of the sig...how it's surrean and beautiful in nature, but at the same time, very earrily(?) technologic.
    It makes me think of how the world was created, 7 days and such, and the timelines(i interpreted your numbers as that) for the specif times/date each was made.
    But then i see the underlying text and all, and it makes me rethink it, thinking about the matrix(false reality[computerize]).
    Criticizime: The upper part of the signature lacks defiance and a purpose, other than the godly look it gives.
    I would suggest adding something in the backround, whether it be a c4d or image to catch the eyes attention( looking at it now it actually reminds me of the trailer for H3 when the kids are looking up through the grass towards the sky saying "do you think theres anyone out there" for some reason). With the H3 similary in mind, one thing i think you could put in the upper corner is and Aegis Fagite or whatever its called.
    In my opinion a very good signature, even though it doesn't have your name in it(you could put it in one of your numbe box things, i think that'd be cool). Even though the top looks just a little bit too...plain, it gives me a warm feeling inside :p.
    4/5 good job!
    Jpec07 likes this.
  9. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    It's actually funny that you should mention the Aegis Fate. I spent a good two hours looking for a decent render of that ship that I could use in the image (because you're right, something does deserve to be up there somehow). I then extended my search to include renders of the Forward Unto Dawn and the Pillar of Autumn, but still was unable to find anything worth using. I also thought to try using a render of the Forerunner Keyship plummeting through the atmosphere as John-117 breaks away. Still, no such renders could be found. After three hours or so of searching, I found nothing that would work that well. :/

    But I do appreciate all of your criticisms (as my +rep has spoken), and am slightly amused that my ploy at making you think the numbers were random actually worked. >D

    They're actually the hex codes for the points at the end of the lines. ^_^

    EDIT: Revised to include an image I myself captured of Aegis Fate. CnC, if you would. ^_^

    #329 Jpec07, Oct 3, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2008
  10. KB

    KB Ancient
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    CnC pl0x


    Jpec, I liked the one without the Aegis but they both look great
  11. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Sure, why not.

    I like this one much better.

    The Aegis added makes it look more detailed, and it goes along with the transparent text.

    My complaints, however, are how you did the Aegis, and how well it blends with the picture. The Aegis looks great and all, but the environment isn't right for "aww" in the picture. The way you blended it in is great, except not at it's best. The ship looks like it's a ghost, and if you look at the clouds you'll see that it is. The cloud in front of it should completely be solid so as to not see through it. Otherwise this gives the cloud a flat looking feeling.

    Otherwise this picture is great. 4/5.
  12. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    Knight, I like the fact its simple, but the effect with the red lines didn't turn out perfect.
    I know what you was going for but the grey-is bits don't look to good.

    Sharpen them? I dunno lol.
    Anyway don't take it too seriously from me - I'm no expert XD
  13. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    Author: Th Kn1ght
    Response: Well, it's pink, that much is sure. It's a very monocrome pallet of colors, residing in the same hue of reds throughout the entire background. It's also a very simple graphic, and so my eyes know exactly where they're supposed to end up (the red guy on the right). Just the same, I have a few criticisms.

    For one, there is great inconsistency within the background. One side is filled with fractals and splatters, while the other is relatively empty. While I understand that this is to preserve the legibility of the text on the left, there are other, better ways of accomplishing legibility. There's also the fact that you didn't use a border, so on the white background of ForgeHub's older skin that I'm using, the end of the image takes some effort to distinguish. In general, the fonts look messy and hastily thrown together, and the background's feeling doesn't match the feeling of the character-render (let alone that the hue of red you used for your background doesn't match the hue of red on the character). All things considered, there are a number of places whereupon this graphic can stand to be improved. That isn't to say it's horrible, it's simply not amazing. Good effort, though. ^_^
    Rating: 2/5

    Regarding my graphic, I made two new version: the first makes the front cloud look more clearly defined in front of the Aegis Fate, though upon examination I found it to look rather cheesy, I wanted a second opinion or two. The second actually removes the Aegis altogether and leaves just the tree, the sky, the better border, and the ghosted text. CnC, if you would:

  14. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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  15. ZCT

    ZCT Ancient
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    LOL zombie, it's just K... Nothing really pops... It seems to lack good flow.. And the stuff on the right looks bland.. meh.
  16. E93

    E93 Guest

    Way too dark in my opinion.
    You can't see the sig that well, and well, the darkness kinda ruins it for me.
    And it took me hours to figure out there was text on it...

    Idk, why so dark?

    I don't get the stuff on the right, looks weird.
  17. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
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    First off, it is way too dark. Add a new layer filled with white, and set it to overlat at like 50%. As for the effects, the green dots have to go. They look low definition for some reason. Add some green-ish clipping masks instead. The text is pretty fail too. Place it on the side of his neck on the left. It will fill up the empty space nicely, meanwhile, not taking focus away from the smudge.
  18. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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  19. The Effected

    The Effected Ancient
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    I like the right side, the effects looks pretty nice and go well. Your font blends nicely with it to. Only thing I really don't like are the strange waves on the right side, other than that is good.

    Zombie, don't forget to give some CnC too.

    Here's mine.-
  20. E93

    E93 Guest

    Miles better.

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