I thought it would be nice to see what computer everyone uses, so if they ever have a problem I, or someone else, can have further detail as to why your having problems with something. Alright, I have four. I don't have the keyboard in that pic, but I do have the monitor and computer in there. That comp is pretty much the mothership. It contains all the information we have on all computers. The laptop. It's the only mac in the house, and I'm thinking of getting just macs. Finally, we have the; It does work, it keeps time, date, and has an alarm clock. If you buy the DS browser extension, you can even search the web. We also have a PSP and another computer, but we hardly ever use either one. So I didn't post it here.
I have 5 computers. Three desktops (two of them I'm planning to convert into servers) and two laptops. The laptops are the most up-to-date ones; the desktops will barely run Halo CE. xP For other devices, I have a Wii that can get on the Internet and a modded Xbox 1 that has XBMC installed on it.
Are you trying to out due me? Fine then. I also have a Wii, and a really old crappy computer that I never speak of until now. I lost my Xbox, so I can't use it. Oh yea, and another laptop. The screen broke on that one, so we used an old monitor to replace it. It's an IBM. That makes eight! Beat that!
No, I'm not trying to 'outdo' you. I'm just listing down those, as you seemed all too willing to include a DS in there. I figure, hey, a Wii can go on teh interwebs! Also, I have a PSP. And if I get enough moneys, I might be able to buy my friend's old Macbook from him so I can install Ubuntu on it. =D
I have: 1 ancient computer still uses sd ram. 1 computer which is like 4 years out of date. My laptop which is 6 months old.
i have pen and paper and books because im a thug and i dunt got money to b buying white people things
I have a linux! FTWWWWW!!!!!!!...no not really i has a pc desktop thats like a year old...pretty fast reliable, i have an older pc thats like 3 yrs old...kinda sucks...a laptop thats kickass and an xbox 360 and a ps2 and a ds...yea...
I have all macs! ewww! Three. An Apple TV, an iBook G4, and a new Macbook Air. I also have an iPod Touch which can do stuffs.
MacBook air? EEEEW!!! You could have gotten a way better computer at a lower price. Normal MacBook ftw. Anyway, I have an iMac G5.
Currently I have a piece of garbage that can't run any good games. 2 gigs or RAM, 180 GB Hard Drive, and a graphics card not worth the money. Good news is I'll be getting this nice computer. It's not too much of a beast, but it gets the job done. I also have a Wii.
Hey, it works. I use a Samsung monitor that we had from a previous computer. It's not the best computer, but I love it, and it works and does everything I need it to do. I'm more than satisfied. =]
Your face is so outdated it's... ah just forget it. Anyhow, yes it's outdated, but it goes the necessary speeds, and provides the necessary programs for it to work well. That's all I need, not some fancy smancy expensive crap that I'm only going to use 1/10 of the power it holds.
I have: Me and my brother's 2 yer old laptop that is still good and has XP My shiny new laptop (less than a month old and in my opinion pretty good (4 gigs ram, NVidia8400GS dedicated, 1.8GHz CPU, 260 gig HD + more epic stuffs) and the only computer in my family running vista) My archaic dinosaur of a desktop that i havent used in like 3 years. Sorta mine sorta my brother's desktop that i rarely, but sometimes, use. My DS My xbox360 My PS2 PS1 (why the **** do i still have this thing?) and some archaic game boys. Oh, and they are ALL PCS AND I AM PROUD!