~~ Created By - De Wy El Ay En & Obibital ~~ Jumping On The Rocks ... Is a mini-game that Unce Borat and I created on Valhalla. Jumping On the Rocks is a minigame based king of the hill game, the goal is to make it from point A to point B without falling into the water. This might sound easy, but I assure you it's not.Basically after awhile, items will spawn, dissapear, sink and or get hit by falling vehicles, therefore delaying you to make it to the other side. Killing Is USELESS, it will result in the loss of a point (which is VERY hard to obtain back, and Killing people also makes them angry, which could also lead to being booted from the party. Also the only way to kill people is by assasination, or if you shoot them and they fall in the water. DON'T FALL IN THE WATER! Falling is the water means You Re-Start Jumping From The Beginning. This meaning, Pay Attention, Falling in the water will result in- INSTANT DEATH! Getting to the other side and landing sucessfully on the platform will make you GAIN a point and the round will end. There are 10 rounds, that means 10 opportunities for you to either FAIL or SUCCEED. The Choice Is YOURS When You Download The Rocks (Map) Jumping (Gamestyle) Now For Some Screenshots and Action Shots! ^ Spawn Location ^ ^ Main Overview ^ ^ Notice How Vehicles Fall On The Rocks To Stop You From making It Across ^ ^ The Beam Of Light Is Where You Need To Make It To, Its Called The 'Heavenly Light' ...lol (that's Uncle Borat, about to have an epic fail, lol)^ ^ And this is the sad ending when you basically were almost there, BUT.. You FAIL lol Thanks For The View! Comment Rate & Download If You'd Like :] you have to watch this, XD Originally Posted by corduroyCHUCK When i saw this the first thing i thought of was Sinkers and Floaters on MxC. MXC Sinkers and Floaters: America VS The World anyway, at first it didnt look too special from the screenshots but then i realized that this was something great. Just the concept of hopping across the water on random floating objects and trying to avoid falling in is so cool. It's not like it's a minigame to emulate jumping on floating objects in water but it actually is exactly what it is. I didn't think id be this amazed by an older map today, but you've done it. The falling vehicles make it even better and i'm imagining everybody laughing out loud during the game. I want to play this, if not play it, at least see some videos of it. It looks hilarious.
is the beam of light a mod because mods are not alloawd on the other hand it looks pretty good 3/5 for me
Yes! I can't beieve its FINALLY UP! I had so much fun playing this, I just hate he honor rule of not killing people, Yeah, they loose a point but some people dont care and they just ruin the game, maybe something that we can fix in v2..? haha, anyways i really enjoyed helping with this map(despite how simple it is) and i really like playing on it. I'd say we did a great job 4/5!
lol dude the beam of light is the hill, hence king of hill variant mentioned above in the post. wow lol anyway. looks great, i haven't seen a jumping game on high ground so congrats on that. ill check it out when i free up my HD
Lol, no, it's not. It's just the hill. Dont worry. Pretty simpllistic map but it looks like it could be a bit of fun. I'll DL and try it out. Hm.. I'l give it a 3.5/5. Good job, though!
It's not High Ground, It's Valhalla...... Very original like previously posted kind of short/ small though...
wow it looks pretty cool i like the way the vehicles fall on the objects rite when ur least expecting it anyway ill dl when i free some space on the o'll hdd but from the pics it looks preety good ill give 2 ratings ORIGINALITY: 5/5 MAP: 5/5
Wow this is the best minigame idea and map I've seen in sooooooooooo long! I am amazed. Is the map modded or is it outside the map?
yeah, It looks cool but wait until you and your buddies are hoppin' and then a hornet falls of you and everyone has an epic phail! :] lol glad you like the map!
falling vehicles.....you could just take them and drop yourself off at the destination point.... also, put a picture of how far away the rocks are from the land on vallhalla- it looks like you could just walk out onto land and be cheap... and if the fusion coils go off-wouldnt that just knock off everyone?
Actually, Vehicles are not drivable, so theyre just kinda a distraction point and a feild killer, lol and if you walk out you cant walk back in because its outside of the map, the only way to get back in is a node that goes back to spawn and damage resistance is OFF
Lol awesome. This is a really cool minigame, and unless people act like idiots and just assassinate each other a lot, I bet it plays well too. The beam of light is so sexy lol.
lol thanks, me and Orbitalshot apreiciate it, we really like the map too, but we hate spawn killers..
Wow, this is a brilliant idea. I didn't know there was a spot outside Valhalla like this, let alone think of using that to make a mini game. Really creative yet simple. I wished I'd known that THIS was what you meant when you asked me to come jump on rocks. I would have come in an instant. You get an internet cookie.
yo, how did you manage to make the person die? ill try reading the OP this time XD Congrats, very nice mini-game1!!