These guys. If any of you ever played legendary, you would know what im talking about. They are ****ing 1 hit, everywhere on the map, and make the game so much fun while searching for them and when you do "SPLOOSH" your dead!
I know what you mean, that's the part where you're in the dark area in the forest, right? Anyway it's ****ing annoying as hell, they are too good.
Grunts. They are so *%&$-ing annoying. The snipers are easy to take care of, it's the stupid grunts that shoot you with their plasma pistols when your shield is down. They are most annoying when taking out brutes, and you have these annoying little pistols shooting at you. When you finally kill all the brutes, your shield is down, and your looking for the little tyke shooting. You then end up dead. I fricking hate them.
Jackal Snipers aren't terrible, as long as you know where they're located (handy Legendary Guide ) If I remember correctly, they were even harder in Halo 2. I think the most annoying enemy was the original Flood in the last few levels of Halo: CE. They kept flipping over our damn Warthog in the final run. That was annoying. And Mr. Monitor didn't help at all in 343 Guilty Spark.
I hate jonson but he is funny to make him do back flips off the clif. also i hate the flood - the big ones that explode - they are anoying
Remember this isn't in halo discussion so you can post any character from any game. I hate Lance Vance (Gtavc), because I thought he was cool and all until he back stabbed Tommy, but I liked him again in vice city stories.
OMG! juggernuat flood is the worst, even in normal im pretty sure they're one hit KO. i know this thread isnt exactly for halo discussion, but i dont like them.
Imperial snipers from The force unleashed. They show up at the worst possible times. And on one level, you have to fight a shitload of guys and those bastards are where you can't even hit them!
i agree its a pain in the ass u have to find where each one is and move very slowly around turns so there is only one guy whose line of fire ur in then tag him before u take one to the dome... ya def. fail w/ these ones
Hmm tough to say. So many -blam!- holes... So little time... Probably have to be 343 Guilty Spark. Little bastard befriends you, LIES to you, attempts to kill you, when you try to kill him he doesn't die, then comes back when you don't really want him to, helps you, then he kills Sgt. Johnson, which is where I drew the line. He-had-to-die.
General RAMM. Seriously, playing single player on the last level on intense if impossible. I've determined it's impossible because I also hate Dom (AI) because he is also a retard. Pertaining to Halo: Tartarus. He took too long to kill and killed all the awesome elites. Makes me sad...
Jackals on the first level are as annoying as hell. The only way to get past them near the end easily (without campaign scoring) is to have 2 players and have one go on suicide missions over and over.
Double from Megaman X4. If you use anything except the mega blaster he sends endless turret drones after you! Last boss in god of war. ...