Mine would be the Scorpion Main Battle Tank, because you just feel like a god when you use one (until someone comes up behind you, and whacks it twice & it blows up mg:! How about you?
My favorite vehicle is the Elephant because of it's incredible speed and maneuverability. I use it for any stealth mission such as capture the flag because it can make quick and stealthy get aways.
"Tank beats everything" might be a little cliche', but it's basically an explosive sniper rifle on treads. If you're supported by teammates you won't get boarded. For team games the scorpion is a win-weapon.
I love driving the warthog, it is the ultimate team weapon, you have to control the laser/rockets with the people outside the hog, while the driver and the gunner work together in more obvious ways. The gunner gets the glory, but the driver does the work, which is what I'm all about. My love affair with driving warthogs was magnified today.
Mine would be the mongoose because me and my friend always do that trick with the brute shot on Valhalla.
Hornet, it is the anti everything except on avalanche. It is also fast, flies, easy to control, and holds 2 passengers.
i'm with you brother. the mongoose just equals awesomness and when you add a touch of brute shot and mix it all together you get one delicious amount of fun(or epicness). and the mongoose can also supply you with a **** load of epic stunts and/or retarded jumps. all in all, the mongoose beats everything, even scorpions lololol EDIT:and also mongooses are sneaky lol
I love the prowler its just so awesome..... k sorry thats a lie i just thought the prowler needed some attention. But like all the people above me i love the mongoose, it just adds so much comedic effect. Ah so many funny moments, retarded moments, and momemts of catwalking right into the line of sight of a wraith then getting shot off the edge into a scream pile of children. Yes it is indeed my favorite vehicle.
The Wraith.It looks cool and is faster than a scorpion and powerful.I also like the fact that it shoots the plasma ball on an arc.
The Warthog (usually as driver) and the Scorpion for the reasons stated above. I also voted for the Prowler. I can't quite place why, but I thoroughly enjoy being the gunner on a Prowler... it's kind of a novelty, but it's just cool is all. I'm glad they put it on Sand Tarp.
Mongoose because, seriously do you even need a reason to like the goose other than it's totally awesome? I also like Choppers because of they're quick and explosive, not to mention they're both infantry and small armor's worst nightmare, I just love ramming into enemies Warthogs and seeing it blowup! Funny how both vehicles are used a lot in mini game and casual maps...
ok, i use the banshee the best out of all of them, however my favorites are tied between mongoose, elephant, banshee, chopper, and scorpion