Alright. Well In my opionion Palin,or McCain's campaign is better then the opposers is becuase of alot of details. Mom with multiple kids (forgot how many). She has an 18 year old daughter (I think?) whos pregnant,and Palin sated she won't get an abortion for her.Which makes the non-abortiionists on her side. She's a woman.Some women voters were just voting for Hillary Clinton because she is a female,which you will see with Palin most likely. Thats all I got now,I'll have to find more on her.
Palin is massively informed on worldly issues. She reads every newspaper, all of them, any of them, language doesn't matter. Her mind is like a supercomputer that sustains itself by absorbing massive amounts of news and information at all times. And how dare Katie Couric insinuate that Alaska is isolated from the rest of America. Kudos to Sarah for calling her out and becoming visibly angry while doing so. Hostility stemming the knowledge that you are ill-prepared and unqualified for everything in life is your greatest character trait, Sarah Palin.
Not a good one as many parents will say, or act, like the household is not a demoracy. Actually, I think many of them went against her on her abortion issue as most non-abortionists allow abortion in cases of rape. Palin believes in no abortion, no matter what. I hope you're kidding.
Actually that is true...unfortunately. Some female Hillary voters were either not voting on policy or changed their mind due to race. It's a sad world.
I've heard of people like that, some who outright said that Obama was the better choice but not voting for him as he was black. If only Obama was white... He'd have won easily. sorry to burst your bubble, but have you noticed how in every Mccain commercials he always talks about Obama? He is scarred, he never talks about himself he just puts blame on Obama.
How exactly does being a mother qualify her as being fit for the VP job? The woman next door to me has a bunch of kids, too. That doesn't mean she has the credentials to occupy such a position of power. It's (non)answers like this that really frighten me. It's not just you who have such quick, knee-jerk statements like this; it's a large majority of Americans who remain willfully ignorant of actual facts that pertain to the most important political time of our lives and instead just want to vote for the person who's "just like y'all".
All of those were opinions, and none of them even stated how she was qualified.... She governed a population of what...25,000? My small suburban town has more people in it than that. But you'd never consider our Town Mayer ready to lead our nation. The only reason I'd want Palin in office is so Tina Fay can continue to mock her on SNL for the next 4 years.
Playahata was merely trying his hardest to name reasons she should be VP. Doesn't mean he believes in them; but others might.
This is the situation right now in America that is scaring the **** out of me. Absolutely terrifies me. People ignore the truth, facts and reason. They're clinging utter nonsense, and preach it with zealous fervor. People who support a canididate because he/she is black, is a woman, is attractive, has a family... etc. is complete nonsense. And then there are people who vote for someone just because they are a Republican or Democrat. It's like the majority of Americans don't know or don't care about anything that actually matters. The entire system has become a big ****ing joke. My number one nightmare right now is Sarah Palin and all her supporters. Did anyone watch the VP Debate last night? The whole thing? Ridiculous. I'm suprised Biden held back as much as he did. I wouldn't be able to. He handled himself pretty well I suppose, but I was really expecting a slaughter after hearing about how he "can't stop himself from ripping off people's heads with the facts." edit: Squid, Battyman; awesome posts. +rep for you guys.
I have to say that Palin is a good and a bad choice for McCain. First of all, she is a very strong speaker, which makes up for John McCain's lack thereof of speaking. AS you saw during the Republican Party Convention, she was able to rile up the whole crowd. She was also very much on top of her game, and only stumbled a little, as most people do. (Yes even Obama stumbled during his debate). But... She lacks experience. I use this argument lightly against any opponent, because I feel like you can't say someone lacks experience without pointing to one of your own candidates. Barack Obama was only actually doing his job as a Senator for 150 some odd days. Palin was a governor, but it is of a state with one of the lowest populations. Granted, a lot of oil is in Alaska, and is a producer of oil for the US, but that's about it. Some people do vote for Presidents and Vice Presidents, because of their race, sex, age. It's just how America runs. How many elections do you think would have changed if they weren't looking at how the candidate looks, rather than his intelligence? A lot, I would say. Barack will probably get the black vote, and people like Alan Sharpton, will just further encourage you to vote for him for being black. In example, Al Sharpton (who is an extreme racist) would say something like "If you are not voting for Barack Obama, then you are racist against African Americans!" However ridiculous that sounds, it will happen. Same as a woman leader (can't think of any off the top of my head) might say, "Governor Palin is a woman, and I don't think our country has shown support to women, so not voting for her will be sexist!" It's how our country is run, and it is how it will continue to run, nobody can change that. Also to sway slightly off topic, the person that says that John McCain only uses political slander against Barack, is right, but wrong if you think it is just him. Every politician uses this, and is probably the most common tool in politics today. Most American's attention span would not allow them to sit and watch a lenghty speech on their views, when they can turn on the TV and see hate against the other candidate. And with that statement I close.
she can see the future. let me explain: she does live in alaska. alaska is very close to russia, s she can look across the ocean to russia. now, russia is on the other side of the international dateline, so when she is looking at russia, she is actually looking into the future. and she has a lot of executive experience. yay for the repoor!
Nitrous, I would have to say that this doesn't follow the debate rules so I'ma gonna get mai bff tecks to *** here and infractz U!!! But in all seriousness though, I think she is stupidest. Possibly worst vp pick ever. Obama! kthxbye!
I completely disagree. If he was a white man, he wouldn't be doing as good now. Think about it. The first black man running for president. There are as many, if not more racist blacks now ad ays than whites. I know many racist whites, but not as many as racist blacks.
Just checking btw... Chilli is just joking right? Like from Colbert? Seems like Chilli was serious for some reason.