Just click the properties option when you left click the panel, and change the background to a grayish color, then turn down the opacity to your needs. It goes well with the "mist" window border, which is pre-installed. Nemi, that keyboard shortcut thing is a good idea, now my theme is even more minimalist. And I have a menu button on my keyboard. Win + Win. My desktop changes every 5 minutes too. If you use Ubuntu you can get a app called wallpapoz (getdeb for easy install). I also just got a iPod Touch, so I can have some cool wallpapers for that too.
For making the panel more transparent, you can go into the Compiz Fusion general settings and set a filter for window class 'gnome-panel' to make the opacity less. I recommend no more than 75%. Besides, the native transparency options that Ubuntu ships with in Terminal and the Panel are crappy. They don't really make it transparent; they simply put the desktop as the background image. For the menu key, I put mines as Alt+Winkey simply because in case I accidentally hit the Winkey button, it won't pop up. Plus, it allows me to have other commands with a Winkey combination. For an example, Winkey+E could start up the Expo view, or Winkey+F loads up the quicksearch. I used to have a wallpaper switcher, but I couldn't find any that allowed me to have separate wallpapers on each desktop. So I just left it alone with my 24 static wallpapers on each of my desktops that I can easily switch to.
what exactly is the advantage of having so many desktops? One is just fine for me. and my favorite part of macs, the simplicity and beauty! with dock with dock hiding on:
The reason I use multiple desktops is not just for aesthetic reasons. Having multiple desktops makes it easier to organize your windows, and helps unclutter your desktop. It's a pain in the ass to have a task bar full or windows that need to be kept open, such as IM programs or music players or whatnot.
I havnt really gotten the hang of Compiz plugins yet, but I'm sure that your way is better. Also, Wallpapoz allows you to have a different wallpaper playlist for each desktop. My wallpaper is still the same.
I only have 9, as I just deleted about 10 nonexistent or unnecessary ones. Photshop CS3 Adobe Reader (I hate this though) Firefox Frostwire iTunes Onyx Skype Toast Titanium Transmission Yet that's all I have and it takes up 45 GB somehow (5 days of iTunes songs might be part of the problem
Actually, unless you have a mac, I would veer FAR away from itunes. From my experiences with it, it is slow, buggy, and bundled with crapware. Try foobar2000 if you have the patience to customize. Or you could wait until Amarok 2 is ported to Windows.
Amen to that. However, I prefer Banshee over Amarok, personally. Amarok got pretty clunky after a while.
Actually, I don't know what you guys are talking about. Mine works perfectly. The only problem I ever have with it is starting up. It takes 10 seconds. Otherwise the software is just fine.
iTunes is okay, if you're into Apple trying to sell you an iPod every time you use it. Also, the brushed metal them is nice, but it really doesn't match with any theme I have on Windows. I get why it looks nice on a Mac, but...bleh. Besides, when I open up an .mp3 file, I want it to play the song, not load up a store for me to buy 'related' songs. Add that to the fact that I think DRM is the worst bullshit ever invented by humans, and you get the not-so-picturesque view of iTunes.