Can we make cookies now? Please Well, tomorrow I could have a look at the sky if you guys hadn't. But yea. if theres any big thing, you know to either leave me a visitor message, PM me, or just wait for me to look back. So yea, night guys.
Ok, I've been keeping up with this forum for a while now but is'nt there already an easter egg on Sandtrap? Isn't it just a big blue egg with writing on it that is floating somewhere outside of Sandtrap? EDIT: I guess its called the Davinci Code easter egg. I dont think you guys are talking about this, though. It could have something to do with the easter egg you guys are trying to find....
Nah, we're talking about something else. But I think that we should really look at the frigate. It said the sky and it's in the sky. Just saying not to look only at the sky. Look at other things in the sky. If that made sense. I don't know.
I know everyone else is concerned about the frigate but has anyone tried to make sense of the Davinci Code easter egg? Also, I've been looking over the 8/15/08 Bungie update. I think some of the quotes have something to do with this Easter egg
Maybe we should look at everything in that picture of that update. We might find something.... something big. Chocolate chip!
I think it IS a precursor structure. as for the sky and six and see seven, I think look through the elephants with their hexagon windows at the towers or the sky.
Well here's the deal, at least from some observations I made while Forging on Sandtrap earlier. This is probably going to be a recap of sorts, as I'm refusing to read through 30 pages of forum material to determine if my findings are redundant. The shorter structure has two tall towers at the far end, each comprised of two opposing structures that are linked by some kind of metal girder. The longer structure has diamond-shaped holes in the ceiling at regular intervals: something I looked for on the shorter one. What I found was a diamond-shaped hole, but it was filled in with a massive bronze-colored rod with strange etchings in it, which extends down into the sand, presumably to the very bottom of the structure, as some kind of data core or something. It is my speculation that all of the holes in the longer structure used to hold similar rods, but that they were also removed at some point long ago. Also in the shorter structure, beneath the one tower there, we see the one part of the floor of the structure that is actually exposed from beneath the sand. There, on that little platform, is a hologram panel of some kind. Illuminated blue in some kind of irregular polygon, with a divided version of the same polygon repeating itself at regular intervals as it sank. I couldn't get a good enough look at it to see if there was anything beyond that, but it was definitely an interesting note. Additionally, the same bronze color as was on the rod is what repeats on the inside walls of the structure in places, and what appears at the core of the exposed part of the structures in the middle alleyway. It's also on the inside of each of the spires along the top of the structures (each of which has a green light on top of it). The pyramids also have this color within them along surfaces, and have lights dotting the inside of the diamond shapes. What're really interesting to note (besides the fact that the overall structure is still probably 70%-90% burried in sand) are the grav lifts in the side structure of the long building. Note that the shape of the opening they shoot you through and the shape of the hole where the bronze rod is are exactly the same!. The bottom of the grav lifts is also something very interesting to see: steel-colored, evenly divided diamond shape. I was also able to land on this surface for a short period of time during my map testing, though it didn't last long. Something else that I'm not sure has been brought up is the fact of the ring of spires surrounding Sandtrap's basin (the big massive ones beyond the border). Is it just me, or do they bear some slight resemblance to the spires surrounding the generator of the portal to the Ark? Pure speculation, and they're not quite the same, but the resemblance is there. Perhaps it's also worth looking into the ruins in the sand surrounding the map, as they seem to provide evidence of a continuation of the structure...
Well this is interesting, apparently if you go into the mine field without being killed then the Davinci Eggs will shoot small sentential beams at you. Check it out here, along with other sand trap Easter eggs.
I've seen them hundreds of times, and I'm not sure they do come from the egg, though certainly near it. The guy in the vid kept saying he had never been hit by one. I'm not sure this is a normal occurrence when you get hit by one, but what the heck, ill post it cause its cool. Link.
Hmmm I think that the guy who was talking about the structures and the shapes and colors of it might be on to something. Didn't he say he found a hexagon somewhere? Look for hexagons. There might be six of them.
there is many easter eggs on sandtrap, most accually look like an acual egg. were not looking for those. if you check during summer time there is a weekly update about sandtrap, if you go back and look at it, it should tell you things....... yes, i agree look for hexagons, it may lead us to something. i also think we should at least try to figure out whats in the dvinci code egg, maybe the solution to whats on it will either lead us to the egg or may tell us to do something and the egg might open up somehow.
Ok I think I found something. On the side of the Aegis Fate, there is a star. Inside is a hexagon with a 7 in it. 1 hexagon found ??? to go.