
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Picceta, Oct 2, 2008.

  1. Picceta

    Picceta Ancient
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    Map Story:
    The Covenant deployed thousands of their soldiers down to Sigma Octanus IV, and in turn, the Marines were sent in.


    {Recommended Players 2-6}
    Map Description:
    A symmetrical map with a variety of different structures, climbable roof tops, tunnels, bases, and the main field. All gametypes work.

    The Aim:
    To create a map that played like The Pit/Snowbound/Isolation. Where it's completely balanced, fun to play on any gametype, and it's constant action (without spawn kills..)

    Battle Rifle x10
    Assault Rifle x3
    Sniper Rifle x2 (180 Respawn, 1 Spare Clip)
    SMG x2
    Spiker x2
    Plasma Pistol x2
    Needler x2
    Brute Shot x1
    Covenant Carbine x8
    Mauler x2
    Rocket Launcher x1 (180 Respawn)
    Magnum x2
    Energy Sword x1 (180 Respawn)
    Spike Grenade x14
    Gravlift x2
    Regenerator x1
    Power Drainer x1
    Active Camo x1 (180 Respawn)







    Extra Screenshots:
    Inside A-Base
    Ground View
    Exits The Tunnel
    The Original Design


    How long did this take you to make?
    About 2 weeks roughly.

    I don't like the weapon layout, change it?
    No sorry, no version 2. I tested it several times, had some people from FH check it out and approve it also.

    Ok, I saw Haven and the geo-merging was impressive. But this.. you MUST explain. NOW!!
    Haha nope. As the arbiter would say if he was forging, there are things about forging that even the Hierarchs do not understand.

    Are you going to release an MLG version of this map?
    Probably not, I considered it, but I'm not an MLG fan myself. And the MLG community are to picky.

    Do you actually design your maps first? Or do you just start building from whatever ideas pop into your head?
    I design every map first, every map you see from me had a original sketch design. Anilec Design. As you can see, a fair amount changed, some I changed because I was running outta stuff, and other things I just changed because it seemed to play better that way.

    Is this map escapable?
    No. It's not. And I offer the challenge for anyone to escape. Yeah I've made that challenge before, but oh this time it's different!

    Do you plan on making more maps?
    Of course.

    Can you help me with my map? Please? It's gonna be amazing!
    No I can't. Sorry but a LOT of people are asking me, I've agreed to help a few people and you may start seeing a few maps using my trial techniques. It's not easy stuff and I can't just make a tutorial or invite you to a game and show you. Although I'll see if I can do something that might help a lot more people. But the people that I HAVE taught, have been sworn to secrecy, don't try and interrogate them.


    ~Comment back, I hope you like it.~

    My Other Maps:
    Haven V2 - 300 + DOWNLOADS
    Ambushed - 600 + DOWNLOADS
    Reach 101 - 15000+ DOWNLOADS
    Sereny - 3500+ DOWNLOADS
    Downfall - 1000+ DOWNLOADS
    Derivation - 900+ DOWNLOADS

    #1 Picceta, Oct 2, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2008
    TNF, Mastar, Nemihara and 2 others like this.
  2. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    The geomerging in this map looks very well made. The floor of boxes is very well forged. How the heck did you get that great of geomerging and interlocking in 2 weeks. The bases look really well done and the weapons list actually looks quite good.

    I am really impressed with your geomerging and interlocking sir. If you want to forge or play customs sometime just PM me.

    So great map and I hope to see more of yours.
    K3V1N likes this.
  3. De Wy El Ay En

    De Wy El Ay En Ancient
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    wow thats a really big competitive map, came out bad AWESOME though, hehe. anyways everything seems to be very smoothly interlocked, i like he plotlinebehind the map too. and i also like howits wide open and takes up most of the space in foundry, making sniping a big advantage, nice work. keep forging 7/10
    Picceta likes this.
  4. Midnite Haze

    Midnite Haze Ancient
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    This map looks so awesome! the geomerged floor, the bunkers are perfectly shaped, and it looks (havent played yet, BUT...) like its pretty un-escapable i love the where the sword is placed, perfect design and geomerging! 6/5
    K3V1N likes this.
  5. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    yikes!!!!! i still have haven and already youve popped out another map! this one looks like it focuses much more on gameplay than asthetics tho, which is somethings that i love in all maps =) 9/10
  6. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Cool name.

    Pretty good interlocking an geo-merging. The bases look awesome. The pathway looks really cool. I like the weapon set and it seems you chose the right settings. This map seems like it has a lot of gameplay potential.
    K3V1N likes this.
  7. Bass Forger

    Bass Forger Ancient
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    Uncle borat man i've always been a fan but how can you rate this 7/10 or 3.5/5 that's not fair! Well anyway at first i thought this map was elevated and then i saw that it was geomerged and my eyes popped out. This deserves to be seen by the staff and so does a lot of your other maps too. However it does look like there could be a bit spawn killing/overpowered snipers and there could be a little bit more cover added but i'll take your word for it. Qued, and + rep! Think of my rating about twice as much as uncle borat's ( 7/5 :p)

    Keep Forging! Please!

    P.S. Borat if this gets featured you might want to edit the 7/10 :p
  8. Theartofhalo2

    Theartofhalo2 Ancient
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    Well i love most of the other maps you have made so i have no reason to doubt in this one. It looks well made with interlocking and geomerging. I absolutely love the layout you have going there with two bases and a good field in the center for Close quarters as well as the elevated bases for long range fighting. The map looks awesome and the gameplay is no doubt solid

    Looking at the pictures i could definitely feel that this map reminded me of Halo Combat Evolved, the bases reminded me of Hang Em High and the field itself feels like a blood gultch or beaver creak fight out in in the middle of the map.

    Map is definitely a 5 and a download. I would Certainly tip my hat to you (if i wore one)
    K3V1N likes this.
  9. Shadow Tyrant

    Shadow Tyrant Ancient
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    Looks great, I can't wait to play on it. I loved your last map. The geomerging and interlocking on this map looks amazing.
  10. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    Amazing work, that geomerging must have been a pain in the ass... I don't really see the point of the box floor though, besides showing off =P I am not only impressed by your flawless geomerging but I also am very impressed by your interlocking! Your layout looks simple but fun, and your weapons are perfectly chosen and placed. I can't wait to play, awesome job!
  11. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    omg i have yto download as some of the others said this geomophing you have here is perfect! and i never say that i say wow this is well mad or something like that but this truely is the bast map i ever seen and i know this will get featured!

    check out my map i tried to do what you did here but i suck! so it looks lol
  12. AlphaGamma

    AlphaGamma Ancient
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    DL. Man, I've never seen you around here, but then again, I don't notice things. You seem like a talented forger. I will check out the rest of your maps when I have more time, but until then I'll DL this one.

  13. Vyctoriouz

    Vyctoriouz Ancient
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    VERY nice job on the box floor in the middle. I will download, and get back to you with a comment on the game play soon. Going by the pics: 4.5/5

    JASONYO Ancient
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    wait. i dont understand the purpose of creating a box floor that looks like it is only a wall width above the foundry floor. all that boxes do are make a bumpy surface from box to box
  15. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    Wow. You've done it again, Picceta. Your maps are always amazing; no wonder you're also getting some Bungie Favorites love in MBT (me too! w00t! XD). Anyway, your geomerging looks amazing, your layout looks simple yet complex at the same time (a map must be simple in general, but complex to the accustomed player). I have this one queued and if I can I'll be back with a review! Great job, and I wouldn't be surprised if you showed up in the Hub Pub in the near future. ;)
  16. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    piccetta, why must you be so effing amazing? nice map, only thing i would comment on is the lack of complex structures and walkways, or is this supposed to be an arena map?
  17. Gradex

    Gradex Ancient
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    Hmm, the floor is a little messy, but i guess you cant help that. Its a good map, i think you did good on it! The Diagram you posted is win. Sup3r Bas1c Win.

    I really liked Haven and i hope i like this one too!

    4.5/5 (Mainly the floor)
  18. FullMetalJacket

    FullMetalJacket Ancient
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    This map is the best map I've seen on ForgeHub in ages. The geo-merging and the interlocking look epic. A game of slayer or CTF would be brilliant with the brilliant built bases high up for some long range action then a lower platform for a close quarters. The weapon layout is good aswell. 5/5
    Do I smell a feature?...
  19. Picceta

    Picceta Ancient
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    Thanks everyone :]

    Answers to questions:
    The flooring for different reasons.

    • To give the map a different appearance from most maps posted.
    • To test some of my newer forger techniques.
    • It's totally bitchin!
    Why did it only take 2 weeks?
    If you focus on it and really get down to work in that time then you can get a lot done, no secrets there, just worked hard.

    Lack of structures?
    Well if you download you'll notice there are some smaller structures that I decided not to include in the screenshots. The roof changes gameplay a lot. I think there's enough.

    Feel free to ask any other questions ^.^

    And I'd love any feedback after you've played the map :D

  20. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    HOLY ****
    this must have been a pain in the ass to merge
    some of it looks kinda messey, not your best map interms of looks
    sereny was much better
    JessicaJones likes this.

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