That is actually a really good Idea. We should try doing something like that later. Sucks I have homework.
I've been reading the past few pages and have to ask, why is this being ignored? This a huge clue to SOMETHING not sure if its anything, but just think about it. Look deeper in the towers to see the seventh something and "brush forth upon the sky" get to the Aegis Fate? Perhaps theres some way into the Aegis Fate "brush forth upon the sky" sure sounds like it. EDIT: could you provide a link to this page?
pretty good idea, but if you look closely the ruins look like its rusted metal, the siver is metal that has not yet rusted yet. perhaps it is an older part of the Ark or another forerunner structure that was never kept up, is now unreversible, and the sentinals/forerunner built a wall with watchtower type things to try and preserve the ruins.
Could it have been a flood outbreak centre if there is such a thing? I mean from what you said those towers could have held super sentinel beams to control the outbreaks.
that would be a good reason why its all ruined, but if it was controlled by flood it would look sorta like that area in isolation or outside of cold storage, good try lolz.
OH THE EPICNESS! I'VE MADE A MASSIVE DISCOVERY! Well, sort of. OK, has anyone taken a really good look at the crashed Albatross? No? Well, your're in luck, because I just did, and I found something epic. On the sides of the Albatross on its rear end above the hangar is some quite pixaleted text. I think the first two lines are Marine's names (possibly the pilots) but the third lines reads this: "HUMANITY- 1 FLOOD- 0" HOW EPIC IS THAT?! This leads me to believe that the flood may have been involved with the humans in the area, and they were defeated. Often on the sides of jet fighters etc., they have a 'scoreboard' of sorts to record the kills that the pilot has made. This is like the same thing. Hang on, I've got another great idea! What if, just maybe, maybe the easter egg was that you could actually pilot the Aegis Fate and move it around, like some kind of super-uber-veichle?! Now that, that would be VERY Epic.
good discovery, i looked all around the albatross with bluejay and we didnt find anything on it, so u gotta show me. add your name to the sign up list on the SI group so most of the group members can see this. i doubt that flying the ageis is the egg though. sounds really kool, but its probably not.
OK, see right on the back of it on that bit at the top that juts out? See the red triangle there? Now see the white text to the right of it? Yep, that's it.
Well, maybe the flood was weakened, and couldn't do this because of the Sentinel activity... I think that this Albatros crashlanded when it delivered something to SandTrap, probably for the marines. And, if I remember correctly, the Aegis Fate WAS in Halo 1 or had marines on Halo 1. Thats what the Flood 0 Marines 1 thing means. But, good find anyways
Hey, Bluejay, not that this is SO relevant, but I'm pretty sure that the only human vessel in Halo 1 was the Pillar of Autumn, and I do not recall the Aegis Fate being in Halo 2 or actually in the campaign of Halo 3, for that matter. I can tell that if there is a giant easter egg on Sandtrap, were're getting a lot closer to finding it. I had a thought that maybe J A Y should send a message to the Bungie staff asking if there is at least something that we haven't found on Sandtrap so that our efforts aren't for nothing. But hey, this conspiricy stuff is fun so I'm happy to continue searching.
OMG new theory! The towers around sandtrap are forerunner towers. We already know this, but why are they there, and in such good condition around a crumbling ruin? Because the ruins are Precursor buildings, which the forerunner sought to study and preserve! =P Explains why people were so ****ing desperate to fight over a ruin. Why not just let the brutes keep it? Its in the middle of the desert after all - no resources, open, hard to defend, no clear reason to fight over a patch of sand. What if the brutes (or maybe the humans even) knew that it was a precursor ruin, and that's why the brutes thought it was so important, and humans just came to drive the brutes out.
well it would make sense that the albatross dropped off supplies when the ODST Troopers i mentioned about earlier were taking over the ruins from the brutes. or maybe brutes got here and the flood killed them and when marines were teamed with the sentinals for that small amount of time they killed the flood, then they betrayed sentinals and the sentinals killd the human and then they left. the ark was never completly destroyed by the blast, maybe the sandtrap ruins was caused by that.
That it a pretty good explanation too. I mean, Forerunners were basically humans, and the sentinels fought along side the forerunners when the forerunners had to fight.
Wow we are getting really close. Great find on the flood thing. I still think that the "look into six....brush up towards the sky" thing still should be looked into. Just because he doesn't have evidence of it, doesn't mean that it won't come in handy. We need to use everything we've got here guys. Look in the sky! And I'm gonna try to get a closer look at those towers....