Randomness. Make a spoof. lol I want to have something to show my girlfriend what forgehub and the community is like and just how damn awesome you guys really are. she asks me what you guys are all about and what makes you guys friends and what not so this is the funnest way i could think of.. so i came up with this idea.. i wanted to let you guys have a picture of us to edit as you please, make it pretty, make it cool, make something that ill love hell make something out of it in paint and put freaking mustaches on it with a funny saying. idc. haha. just nothing very inappropriate please. i want you guys to have some fun with this and get her to realize how cool everyone is on here. here is the picture of Kellie and I have fun and thanx. (btw anybody that im impressed with will receive +rep for helping me out) thanx . :-D
im sry.. :-\ didnt mean too. make fun of me and her in the picture then. :-D be like. OM NOM NOM NOM and make me gain like 40 lbs thank you :-D make me a picture please!!!!
HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN GOING ON?? lol at you having better hair than her. and the picture above... wtf? o.0 EDIT: Here is mine, its kinda stupid but its all you're getting ;D Hey Kellie, He's a good guy. You hurt him, I hurt your cat. And if you don't have a cat... I'll buy you one so that I can hurt it. k?
I lol'd at mastars. Kellie: Blaze u need moar interlocking! Blaze: No u. Kellie: *kisses* Blaze: :happyface: Meh.
i love you guys! lol thank you to the people that have made and are making me spoof pics. lol im just waiting for the classic mustaches and copying and psting peoples faces on it. haha
I'm sorry, it tried my best, but your girlfriend is impossible to work with. Just remember, she's always there for you. But remember when you marry her, remember this; you lose two things. Your money, and your girl.