Reactor Chaos 1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Toxic Spade, Oct 2, 2008.

  1. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    Reactor Chaos 1 : No Fusion Coils

    Reactor Chaos 1

    Fighting For The Flag!

    Why call it Reactor Chaos?

    The name Reactor Chaos describes it perfectly. I probably know what your thinking. Here we go again, another reactor map with fusion coils and a bunch of man cannons. This map is different; it doesn't even have a fusion coil placed on it. The layout has been shaped in the form of a square to symbolize containment protocols the UNSC enforced on a regular basis to maintain reactor stability. If you haven't guessed it already, this map is based solely around a working reactor, partially I was getting frustrated with sound repetition of fusion coils exploding and also I wanted to bring something new to the table. If your thinking that it will just be boring without the fusion coils. Think Again! Now I would really like to move onto the layout.

    The Layout

    As I've mentioned earlier this map variant is in the form of a square, and comprises of a center structure that I am referring to as a reactor. As crazy as I am for calling this centerpiece a reactor, I still would like to bring up how I have replaced the fun of fusion coils with some new toys. Don't quote me on this, but I call them the Marine Conveyors. There are two of these Marine Conveyors built into the base of the reactor facility each with their own standard soccer ball used in order to do the reacting. I have made sure to position them within the base so that competitive game play is not effected by these deadly toys. Don't get too scared to access one. The layout may seem a bit crowded at first, just go with it. Once game play starts you may find yourself asking where the hell am I? It's alright, I the forger, have gotten lost as well. This UNSC facility has enforced a great deal of safety protocols within the layout, you will find two watch towers, both with birds' eye views of the reactor, in case of complications. I could probably continue all day with this layout scheme, but I really would like to move onto what kind of games this map supports.

    The Base of Reactor - 1st & 2nd Floors

    The Reactor. Wow, I look pretty short. - 1st Floor

    Aerial View of the Reactor. - 1st & 2nd Floors

    Destroyable Pallets & Some Geo-merging. - 3rd Floor

    Without some Junk. - 3rd Floor.

    Aerial of The Reactor Heatsink / Bridge - 3rd Floor

    Nice Side Shot of Bridge / Reactor Heatsink - 3rd Floor

    Needle Towers. - 4th Floor

    Sword Area. - 4th Floor

    Gametype Information

    This map is great for slayer games that consist of 3v3, 2v2, or even some free for all action of up to 6/7/8 players. This map supports all game types except for vip. I recommend playing king of the hill on this map, it can just get crazy!

    Don't think I am done just yet with the game types! I'm just getting started! Remember those Marine Conveyors I was talking about earlier? Well it just so happens, that I've placed a couple of hammers hidden just outside the reactor beside some stairs. There should be one on both sides of the map so you don't have to run to a certain side to get one. As soon as you grab one go through the teleporter, which should take you into the conveyors. Now try playing a little game of staying alive within the conveyor. Take the hammer and wack away at the soccer ball so it will go down the hole near the teleporter. This is the fun part. See if you can dodge the ball when it shoots back up!! Don't even think for a second it can't kill you. Trust me here, I've had some pretty gruesome deaths myself. Check out the pics, below of a teammate in action!

    Weapons List
    Assault Riffle x 1
    Brute Shot x 2
    Frag Grenades x 8
    Hammers x 2
    Mauler x 1
    Needler x 2
    Pistol x 2
    Plasma Pistol x 2
    Plasma Rifles x 2
    Radar Jammer x 1
    Smgs x 8
    Spike Grenades x 4
    Spikers x 4
    Sticky Grenades x 4
    Sword x 1
    Aesthetics & Gameplay

    Incorporating aesthetics into a map designed for close combat game play isn't always easy. I made this map, with the thought of keeping game play as my top priority, however aesthetics wanted to work itself in there also. The reactor's heat sink is a good example of my prioritization for gameplay. Above all it provides a good connection between both sides of the map to make sure the gameplay stays coherent, while at the same time it serves an aesthetic purpose of being the reactor's heatsink. It was on the final night of its creation I had realized every object except weapons and standard movable objects had been interlocked at least once. As well there is a countless amount of geo-merging that appears throughout this map.

    Action Shots

    A Flag? Some Geomerging? What?

    Looking for the flag?

    Can I please have the flag back?

    It's my flag!

    Quit Hiding.

    Download LINK!

    I hope you enjoyed this map! All comments and suggestions are welcomed!
    #1 Toxic Spade, Oct 2, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2008
    Gollygeeanelite likes this.
  2. Gradex

    Gradex Ancient
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    ... Woah, this map is crazy o.0 I can easily tell that you spent a lot of time on this!

    Its layout is good, and the interlox is amazing!. And using all four floors, thats awsome! I wonder how you had enough supplies!

    Great map, 5/5 and a DL =D
    #2 Gradex, Oct 2, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2008
  3. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    Looks incredible. Great geomerging and interlocking techniques. don't think i have any dl spaace available, but i will queue this bad boy up. 4.9123597475484/5
  4. GoDLy RoGuE

    GoDLy RoGuE Ancient
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    I would love to DL this but I think you forgot a DL link >.< lol
  5. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    Sorry about that guys. I'm gonna post the link right now.
  6. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    Wow! It must have been a pain in the ass to make! I think itturned out wonderful. I am loving the nerrow hallways and multifloors. I can wait to get a game on it!

    Downloading now. 5/5
  7. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    Wow I was just going to make a map like this, but now i don't need to. This map looks very fun, but should be under competetive maps. I will dl straight away. Great Job! Looking forward for your future posts
  8. Eggsish

    Eggsish Ancient
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    Damn this looks insane. I hate my Xbox for freezing itself every ten minutes when I find a map like this. Gotta get it fixed so I can play all the awsome looking maps I find on here.
  9. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    Yes, I spent full days trying to make this map. At one point I got irritated with it and was going to give up.
  10. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Dang, this map is sick! I've never seen such nice floating geo-merging! The map design is great and the theme behind the map is very creative. I would have never come up with the reactor design you made. One of the most satisfying facts of this map is that you used tons of interlocking and some nice geo-merging to make the gameplay awesome and I have great respect for you because of that. What I have found most interesting is the fact that the map is still open and you really balanced out gameplay and beauty. You even included a needler tower! 5/5, great job
  11. Roflolcopter

    Roflolcopter Ancient
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    this is crazy good. I will download since you didn't go LOLOLOLOL FUZION CIOLS and made it a pleasant map. But one question: how do you geomerge walls?
  12. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    Bungie gives you doors in the map foundry, place the wall against, something you want to geomerge with, and then place the top of the door kinda into the wall. Then let go of the door and grab the wall. The wall should resist the door, and will then try to geomerge itself into the map. You have to use a lot of braces as well to ensure the wall doesn't fly around everywhere. I'll post a link to the tutorial I used. It was pretty good. - That was a good tutorial.
  13. joeyshofe

    joeyshofe Ancient
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    it looks like that atom smasher in Switzerland
  14. Toxic Spade

    Toxic Spade Ancient
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    A couple of buddies of mine, wanted me to take the needler tower out, but I wanted to stick with it. It gives the map a bit more depth, I think.
  15. The Chosen Two

    The Chosen Two Ancient
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    Well you certainly did put a lot of time into it. Everything is so precise. It really must have taken you a long time to put this together. I especially liked the soccer balls at the bottom of the map, that would kill you if you fell in the pit. Great Effort. 5/5.
  16. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    I can really tell you put a lot of work into this. And it has paid off. You've ended up making a fantastic map. Wonderful job! 4.5/5.
  17. ABigScaryBear00

    ABigScaryBear00 Ancient
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    I like this map plus you made this flow pretty well
    good idea for taking pictures by showing floor by floor
    make more maps plz

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