I am extremely unhappy that there's no more Onslaught TS. That was my favorite. Amplified is too... i don't know, weird. It just doesn't feel like an MLG map. Onslaught is much better.
Yeah onslaught is cool, but I think that the MLG map that got featured here a few weeks ago would be so much more awesome. Just my opinion.
I really want to see hype replacing amp. Amp is mostly running around the edges or the map. Hype is more tactical.
^ I thought the question was if u liked amp ts over onslot. I like the change only because amp is so dif. onslot set the bar for what foundry mlg maps should be and amp switched it up yet kept it similar. I think that onslot had great ctf but i think amp ts is better than onslot ts
I like onslaught a whole lot better.There was just enough cover in onslaught while in amplified there was to little cover so i just kept dying from matty's br.
I don't mind Amp. I think there is better out there though. I have never played Onslaught TS so I can't really compare them.
Onslaught CTF works exceedingly well for the cramped space Foundry presents, providing a surprising number of routes to and from each flag. It fills its niche perfectly. Amplified TS was designed, and works out to being, a game of team positioning to spawn trap the opposing team, and straight up out-BRing the other team. Whether the style of gameplay Amplified presents is your preference or not, nobody in their right mind can deny that it accomplishes the feel Fritz was going for.
Amplified slayer would play better if they fixed the spawns, but Onslaught slayer was just too simple, it was boring to play and watch with all it's uber symmetricalism.
I have to agree- and at the same time point out the reason people get bad spawns on AMP. The reason people have bad spawns is they run around the map, like FFA. and have one player red, blue, gold, purple. One teammate in each spawn zone. If a team is set up on AMP. you greatly reduce the amount of bad spawns. Now some might think I'm nuts, and say you can't set up on AMP. But who am I to say, I uselly only go +10 on it
I like ONS so much better than AMP. I think it is better for both TS and CTF. That is just my two cents, though.
Onslaught was awesome. Amplified has broken spawns, seriously i've been under the base with no shields and people have spawned in front of me. You can also just watch the base for a few seconds and almost guaranteed someone will spawn there. It doesn't feel like an MLG map. It's too hard to go on consistent sprees because it's too enclosed and there's not much cover. Also, jumping onto the base isn't consistent, you have to be right next to it for it to work. Just an extra Geomerge would of helped.
Go play MLG Ons v5 and MLG Amp v5.1 MLG TS v5 side by side and come back to me with 2 full BNet films and then give your opinions again. Internet bandwagons will eventually catch on fire and head down hill as the next thing they thought "was better" becomes their problem as always. MLG Ons v5 and MLG Amp v5.1 MLG CTF side by side, has anyone ever thought of testing that also? Team Slayer is the hardest gametype for foundry maps to host.
You don't like either map, but you want a map that is essentially a combination of the two? How the **** does that make any sense. Amp is better of the two, but it could be replaced by an improved map. A 2 base map is likely not the best type of foundry map for slayer IMO. I personally would prefer Triumph but even that map is far from perfect.
Amp is really easy to go at least +5 on, just float around bottom mid and you can do a lot of work. On Amp it doesn't matter as much if you have bad teammates, but on Onslaught you can't do much if you're teammates don't push with you and continually get spawn killed all game.