This is a foundry map that i made it has 3 levels in it the first mostly consists of walls,wall corners and 2 stair cases, the 2nd level of it mostly consists of fence walls, bridges, and a couple of single boxes, the 3rd level has wall doubles, walls, and a single box. this map supports 2-5 player with out spawn camping + any slayer game type PS: its impossible to get out with out useing forge.
Well i can almost see what this map is, but foundry designer dosent give much of an idea. from what i can see it seems different from most maps, but i wont get the idea until there are in game screenshots, take them, go to your profile, save them, use photoshack or photobucket to host them (search the fourms for the directions on how to host), the copy and paste them on this post, when you fix this i will edit this post and give my review.
Looks nice but two things, the picture needs to go into your post, hit edit. and two the more pictures the better.
dont double post please look at the rules also the map looks nice and also good use of foundry designer but dont double post
the map doesnt look bad but im not saying its a great map. also i would suggest taking pictures from a custom game so you dont get the teardrops in the picture. and this was a pretty good post for your first map. welcome to forgehub! And for future reference the edit button is near the bottom of your post bottom right.
The map looks VERY familiar to BlazeIsGod's Martyrdom. Sorry about the spelling. If you took the massive wall piece and deleted everything else from his map, That's what you call map stealing! You'll get into trouble for it dude so if you did, You'll get a warning or infraction from a mod, If you did'nt, It's all good with everyone. Original Thread link to Martyrdom or for the featured thread link here it is:
i dont think he stole the map because i see some major differences in both maps so please do not accuse someone without evidence.
i didn't steal the map i came up with this on my own + it looks nothing like that martyrdom map you said that has alot more irregular shapes and suff
I like the huge wall that closes the map. The interlocking could use a little help. Mayb you can make a v2 and clean it up. Looking forward for it.
okay, heres the deal, the map looks pretty nice, well planned, i see that you used the foundry designer, nice work, and the map is well interlocked. theres a couple problems with your post though. post all of your pictures in one post, don't do seperate ones, thats kind of stupid just to get one bonus post. and you could possibly recieve an infraction, which is bad.
I doesn't look like martydom at all, like not at all, no really not. to the OP, the map is good and nicely forged, but it's a little small, If you wanna make small maps then use half of foundry, alike martydom, but not only the corners it makes the maps to small!!.