Ok, so if Spoiler Church is actually alpha and that is why he is a ghost and isn't affected by O'Malley and stuff , then why did Sarge become a ghost for a short time when he died early in the series? Or did I get some of my RVB history messed up? Or, does that not matter because it was just one short episode and rooster teeth does plenty of stuff that doesn't mean anything anyway.
I DON'T KNOW! This is really confusing stuff. It is also unexplained how Tex (The one from RvB, not the mod here) can also become a ghost. Is she some form of AI also? Mondays need to come more often.
Actually Sarge did DIE. He was brought back to life with CPR after being shot. Yah I know its weird, but it was a joke. You know Agent Washington could be wrong. Also Tex has taken over someone's body before.
This has got to be the biggest twist in the series, and there are alot of suprising twists in the series. I want to see churches and everyone elses reaction. Spoiler could be a AI too
He must be... Spoiler The Beta! And Tex could be an AI too, and that's why Church is attracted to her.
he wasnt ded yet. he was dying and donut gave him mouth to mouth. it could have been like sarges spirit or maybe it was a dream sarge had.
I know its such a big twist!!...but yea...it would make sense why tex and chucrch could do it...sarge couldnt jump in anyones body...he was a ghost and he was going to die and go to heaven/hell but then grif saved him...
This was quite a twist in the series RT definetly knows how to keep their series fresh. I can't wait until chapter 16 to see how this goes further. too bad we have to wait another 6 days.
A old quote from caboose: "I like me...." New one Church: It's like putting 2 and 2 together Caboose: 4!
All I can say is the boys from College Station have only gotten better as time goes by. Love the new story twists, they make it even more epic than it already was. I wondered about Tex as well, she could be another fragment of the alpha, one of the more complete ones. Command might have given her her own robot body and a partial AI as another experiment. And they never really explained the whole, blown into the future yet somehow still in the present, thing.